blob: d7dc743f50475553cfd2b964685265519dbe73af [file] [log] [blame]
// Test case for issue 2432, constructor part:
import org.checkerframework.framework.testchecker.lubglb.quals.*;
class Issue2432C {
// reason for suppressing:
// super.invocation: Object is @A by default and it is unreasonable to change jdk stub
// just because of this
// inconsistent.constructor.type: the qualifier on returning type is expected not to be top
@SuppressWarnings({"super.invocation", "inconsistent.constructor.type"})
@Poly Issue2432C(@Poly Object dummy) {}
@SuppressWarnings({"super.invocation", "inconsistent.constructor.type"})
@Poly Issue2432C(@Poly Object dummy1, @Poly Object dummy2) {}
// class for test cases using type parameter
static class TypeParamClass<T> {
// @Poly on T shouldn't be in the poly resolving process
@SuppressWarnings({"super.invocation", "inconsistent.constructor.type"})
@Poly TypeParamClass(@Poly Object dummy, T t) {}
// 2 poly param for testing lub
@SuppressWarnings({"super.invocation", "inconsistent.constructor.type"})
@Poly TypeParamClass(@Poly Object dummy1, @Poly Object dummy2, T t) {}
// class for test cases using type parameter
class ReceiverClass {
// if the qualifier on receiver is @Poly, it should not be involved in poly resolve process
@SuppressWarnings({"super.invocation", "inconsistent.constructor.type"})
@Poly ReceiverClass(Issue2432C Issue2432C.this, @Poly Object dummy) {}
// 2 poly param for testing lub
@SuppressWarnings({"super.invocation", "inconsistent.constructor.type"})
@Poly ReceiverClass(Issue2432C Issue2432C.this, @Poly Object dummy1, @Poly Object dummy2) {}
void invokeConstructors(@A Object top, @F Object bottom, @Poly Object poly) {
// :: error: (assignment)
@F Issue2432C bottomOuter = new Issue2432C(top);
@A Issue2432C topOuter = new Issue2432C(top);
// lub test
@A Issue2432C bottomOuter2 = new Issue2432C(top, bottom);
// :: error: (assignment)
@B Issue2432C bottomOuter3 = new Issue2432C(top, bottom);
@F Issue2432C bottomOuter4 = new Issue2432C(bottom, bottom);
// invoke constructors with a receiver to test poly resolving
// note: seems CF already works well on these before changes
void invokeReceiverConstructors(
@A Issue2432C topOuter, @Poly Issue2432C polyOuter, @F Object bottom, @A Object top) {
Issue2432C.@F ReceiverClass ref1 = ReceiverClass(bottom);
// :: error: (assignment)
Issue2432C.@B ReceiverClass ref2 = ReceiverClass(top);
// lub tests
Issue2432C.@A ReceiverClass ref3 = ReceiverClass(top, bottom);
// :: error: (assignment)
Issue2432C.@B ReceiverClass ref4 = ReceiverClass(top, bottom);
Issue2432C.@F ReceiverClass ref5 = ReceiverClass(bottom, bottom);
// invoke constructors with a type parameter to test poly resolving
void invokeTypeVarConstructors(@A Object top, @F Object bottom, @Poly Object poly) {
@F TypeParamClass<@Poly Object> ref1 = new TypeParamClass<>(bottom, poly);
// :: error: (assignment)
@B TypeParamClass<@Poly Object> ref2 = new TypeParamClass<>(top, poly);
// lub tests
@A TypeParamClass<@Poly Object> ref3 = new TypeParamClass<>(bottom, top, poly);
// :: error: (assignment)
@B TypeParamClass<@Poly Object> ref4 = new TypeParamClass<>(bottom, top, poly);
@F TypeParamClass<@Poly Object> ref5 = new TypeParamClass<>(bottom, bottom, poly);