blob: d0ad214fe259441feb46b084e78bcdcd02d85af7 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.IntRange;
// Test for PR 1370:
// This test contains range annotations with both bounds equal to Long.MAX_VALUE The Value checker
// tried to extract a list of values from that range by looping from the lower bound to the upper
// bound. The loop was implemented in a way that if the upper bound is Long.MAX_VALUE, the loop
// condition was always true, the loop variable overflowed and OutOfMemoryError was caused by
// infinitely growing the list of values.
public class LongMax {
public void longMaxRange() {
@IntRange(from = 9223372036854775807l, to = 9223372036854775807l) long i = 9223372036854775807l;
@IntRange(from = 9223372036854775807l, to = 9223372036854775807l) long j = i;