blob: 78e42231bc7cc8c26fe37e83063015e69db76dac [file] [log] [blame]
// Test case for Issue #2686
package issue2686;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.StringVal;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.UnknownVal;
public class MyTree<Value> {
public static <V> MyTree<V> newTree(V value) {
throw new Error("body doesn't matter");
public MyTree<Value> put(Value newValue) {
throw new Error("body doesn't matter");
void uses() {
MyTree<@UnknownVal String> myTree1 = newTree("hello").put("bye");
// :: error: (assignment)
MyTree<@StringVal("hello") String> myTree1b = newTree("hello").put("bye");
// Note: This is a false positive: the type of newTree("hello").put("hello") should be
// inferred as MyTree<@StringVal("hello") String> and the assignment should therefore pass.
// :: error: (assignment)
MyTree<@StringVal("hello") String> myTree2 = newTree("hello").put("hello");
MyTree<@StringVal("hello") String> myTree2b =
MyTree.<@StringVal("hello") String>newTree("hello").put("hello");
// :: error: (assignment)
MyTree<@StringVal("error") String> myTree2c = newTree("hello").put("hello");
MyTree<@UnknownVal String> myTree3 = newTree("hello");
MyTree<@StringVal("hello") String> myTree4 = newTree("hello");
// :: error: (argument)