blob: b79225f58e832f3f2d3e2cbd4de63da069bc2f6f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.javacutil;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
/** A utility class that helps with {@link TypeKind}s. */
public final class TypeKindUtils {
/** This class cannot be instantiated. */
private TypeKindUtils() {
throw new AssertionError("Class TypeKindUtils cannot be instantiated.");
* Return true if the argument is one of INT, SHORT, BYTE, CHAR, LONG.
* @param typeKind the TypeKind to inspect
* @return true if typeKind is a primitive integral type kind
public static boolean isIntegral(TypeKind typeKind) {
switch (typeKind) {
case INT:
case SHORT:
case BYTE:
case CHAR:
case LONG:
return true;
return false;
* Return true if the argument is one of FLOAT, DOUBLE.
* @param typeKind the TypeKind to inspect
* @return true if typeKind is a primitive floating point type kind
public static boolean isFloatingPoint(TypeKind typeKind) {
switch (typeKind) {
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return true;
return false;
* Returns true iff the argument is a primitive numeric type kind.
* @param typeKind a type kind
* @return true if the argument is a primitive numeric type kind
public static boolean isNumeric(TypeKind typeKind) {
switch (typeKind) {
case BYTE:
case CHAR:
case DOUBLE:
case FLOAT:
case INT:
case LONG:
case SHORT:
return true;
return false;
// Cannot create an overload that takes an AnnotatedTypeMirror because the javacutil
// package must not depend on the framework package.
* Given a primitive type, return its kind. Given a boxed primitive type, return the corresponding
* primitive type kind. Otherwise, return null.
* @param type a primitive or boxed primitive type
* @return a primitive type kind, or null
public static @Nullable TypeKind primitiveOrBoxedToTypeKind(TypeMirror type) {
final TypeKind typeKind = type.getKind();
if (typeKind.isPrimitive()) {
return typeKind;
if (!(type instanceof DeclaredType)) {
return null;
final String typeString = TypesUtils.getQualifiedName((DeclaredType) type).toString();
switch (typeString) {
case "java.lang.Byte":
return TypeKind.BYTE;
case "java.lang.Boolean":
return TypeKind.BOOLEAN;
case "java.lang.Character":
return TypeKind.CHAR;
case "java.lang.Double":
return TypeKind.DOUBLE;
case "java.lang.Float":
return TypeKind.FLOAT;
case "java.lang.Integer":
return TypeKind.INT;
case "java.lang.Long":
return TypeKind.LONG;
case "java.lang.Short":
return TypeKind.SHORT;
return null;
// No overload that takes AnnotatedTypeMirror becasue javacutil cannot depend on framework.
* Returns the widened numeric type for an arithmetic operation performed on a value of the left
* type and the right type. Defined in JLS 5.6.2. We return a {@link TypeKind} because creating a
* {@link TypeMirror} requires a {@link javax.lang.model.util.Types} object from the {@link
* javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment}.
* @param left a type mirror
* @param right a type mirror
* @return the result of widening numeric conversion, or NONE when the conversion cannot be
* performed
public static TypeKind widenedNumericType(TypeMirror left, TypeMirror right) {
return widenedNumericType(left.getKind(), right.getKind());
* Given two type kinds, return the type kind they are widened to, when an arithmetic operation is
* performed on them. Defined in JLS 5.6.2.
* @param a a type kind
* @param b a type kind
* @return the type kind to which they are widened, when an operation is performed on them
public static TypeKind widenedNumericType(TypeKind a, TypeKind b) {
if (!isNumeric(a) || !isNumeric(b)) {
return TypeKind.NONE;
if (a == TypeKind.DOUBLE || b == TypeKind.DOUBLE) {
return TypeKind.DOUBLE;
if (a == TypeKind.FLOAT || b == TypeKind.FLOAT) {
return TypeKind.FLOAT;
if (a == TypeKind.LONG || b == TypeKind.LONG) {
return TypeKind.LONG;
return TypeKind.INT;
/** The type of primitive conversion: narrowing, widening, or same. */
public enum PrimitiveConversionKind {
/** The two primitive kinds are the same. */
* The conversion is a widening primitive conversion.
* <p>This includes byte to char, even though that is strictly a "widening and narrowing
* primitive conversion", according to JLS 5.1.4.
/** The conversion is a narrowing primitive conversion. */
* Return the type of primitive conversion between {@code from} and {@code to}.
* <p>The narrowing conversions include both short to char and char to short.
* @param from a primitive type
* @param to a primitive type
* @return the type of primitive conversion between {@code from} and {@code to}
public static PrimitiveConversionKind getPrimitiveConversionKind(TypeKind from, TypeKind to) {
if (from == TypeKind.BOOLEAN && to == TypeKind.BOOLEAN) {
return PrimitiveConversionKind.SAME;
assert (isIntegral(from) || isFloatingPoint(from)) && (isIntegral(to) || isFloatingPoint(to))
: "getPrimitiveConversionKind " + from + " " + to;
if (from == to) {
return PrimitiveConversionKind.SAME;
boolean fromIntegral = isIntegral(from);
boolean toFloatingPoint = isFloatingPoint(to);
if (fromIntegral && toFloatingPoint) {
return PrimitiveConversionKind.WIDENING;
boolean toIntegral = isIntegral(to);
boolean fromFloatingPoint = isFloatingPoint(from);
if (fromFloatingPoint && toIntegral) {
return PrimitiveConversionKind.NARROWING;
if (numBits(from) < numBits(to)) {
return PrimitiveConversionKind.WIDENING;
} else {
// If same number of bits (char to short or short to char), it is a narrowing.
return PrimitiveConversionKind.NARROWING;
* Returns the number of bits in the representation of a primitive type. Returns -1 if the type is
* not a primitive type.
* @param tk a primitive type kind
* @return the number of bits in its representation, or -1 if not integral
private static int numBits(TypeKind tk) {
switch (tk) {
case BYTE:
return 8;
case SHORT:
return 16;
case CHAR:
return 16;
case INT:
return 32;
case LONG:
return 64;
case FLOAT:
return 32;
case DOUBLE:
return 64;
return -1;
* Returns the minimum value representable by the given ingetgral primitive type.
* @param tk a primitive type kind
* @return the minimum value representable by the given integral primitive type.
public static long minValue(TypeKind tk) {
switch (tk) {
case BYTE:
return Byte.MIN_VALUE;
case SHORT:
return Short.MIN_VALUE;
case CHAR:
return Character.MIN_VALUE;
case INT:
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
case LONG:
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
throw new BugInCF(tk + " does not have a minimum value");
* Returns the maximum value representable by the given integral primitive type.
* @param tk a primitive type kind
* @return the maximum value representable by the given integral primitive type.
public static long maxValue(TypeKind tk) {
switch (tk) {
case BYTE:
return Byte.MAX_VALUE;
case SHORT:
return Short.MAX_VALUE;
case CHAR:
return Character.MAX_VALUE;
case INT:
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
case LONG:
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
throw new BugInCF(tk + " does not have a maximum value");