blob: 3a558ce39ea79cafce8f1e1824bd9cd9fbdc77ee [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.javacutil;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.Name;
import javax.lang.model.element.NestingKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable;
import javax.lang.model.type.UnionType;
import javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.BinaryName;
import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.CanonicalNameOrEmpty;
import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.DotSeparatedIdentifiers;
import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.FullyQualifiedName;
import org.plumelib.util.CollectionsPlume;
import org.plumelib.util.ImmutableTypes;
* A utility class that helps with {@link TypeMirror}s. It complements {@link Types}, providing
* methods that {@link Types} does not.
public final class TypesUtils {
/** Class cannot be instantiated. */
private TypesUtils() {
throw new AssertionError("Class TypesUtils cannot be instantiated.");
/// Creating types
* Returns the {@link TypeMirror} for a given {@link Class}.
* @param clazz a class
* @param types the type utilities
* @param elements the element utiliites
* @return the TypeMirror for {@code clazz}
public static TypeMirror typeFromClass(Class<?> clazz, Types types, Elements elements) {
if (clazz == void.class) {
return types.getNoType(TypeKind.VOID);
} else if (clazz.isPrimitive()) {
String primitiveName = clazz.getName().toUpperCase();
TypeKind primitiveKind = TypeKind.valueOf(primitiveName);
return types.getPrimitiveType(primitiveKind);
} else if (clazz.isArray()) {
TypeMirror componentType = typeFromClass(clazz.getComponentType(), types, elements);
return types.getArrayType(componentType);
} else {
String name = clazz.getCanonicalName();
assert name != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): assumption";
TypeElement element = elements.getTypeElement(name);
if (element == null) {
throw new BugInCF("Unrecognized class: " + clazz);
return element.asType();
* Returns an {@link ArrayType} with elements of type {@code componentType}.
* @param componentType the component type of the created array type
* @param types the type utilities
* @return an {@link ArrayType} whose elements have type {@code componentType}
public static ArrayType createArrayType(TypeMirror componentType, Types types) {
JavacTypes t = (JavacTypes) types;
return t.getArrayType(componentType);
/// Creating a Class<?>
* Returns the {@link Class} for a given {@link TypeMirror}. Returns {@code Object.class} if it
* cannot determine anything more specific.
* @param typeMirror a TypeMirror
* @return the class for {@code typeMirror}
public static Class<?> getClassFromType(TypeMirror typeMirror) {
switch (typeMirror.getKind()) {
case INT:
return int.class;
case LONG:
return long.class;
case SHORT:
return short.class;
case BYTE:
return byte.class;
case CHAR:
return char.class;
case DOUBLE:
return double.class;
case FLOAT:
return float.class;
return boolean.class;
case ARRAY:
Class<?> componentClass = getClassFromType(((ArrayType) typeMirror).getComponentType());
// In Java 12, use this instead:
// return fooClass.arrayType();
return java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(componentClass, 0).getClass();
// BUG: need to compute a @ClassGetName, but this code computes a
// @CanonicalNameOrEmpty. They are different for inner classes.
@SuppressWarnings("signature") // for Names.toString
@DotSeparatedIdentifiers String typeString = TypesUtils.getQualifiedName((DeclaredType) typeMirror).toString();
if (typeString.equals("<nulltype>")) {
return void.class;
try {
return Class.forName(typeString);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | UnsupportedClassVersionError e) {
return Object.class;
return Object.class;
/// Getters
* Gets the fully qualified name for a provided type. It returns an empty name if type is an
* anonymous type.
* @param type the declared type
* @return the name corresponding to that type
@SuppressWarnings("signature:return") // todo: add fake override of Name.toString.
public static @CanonicalNameOrEmpty String getQualifiedName(DeclaredType type) {
TypeElement element = (TypeElement) type.asElement();
@CanonicalNameOrEmpty Name name = element.getQualifiedName();
return name.toString();
* Returns the simple type name, without annotations.
* @param type a type
* @return the simple type name, without annotations
public static String simpleTypeName(TypeMirror type) {
switch (type.getKind()) {
case ARRAY:
return simpleTypeName(((ArrayType) type).getComponentType()) + "[]";
return ((TypeVariable) type).asElement().getSimpleName().toString();
return ((DeclaredType) type).asElement().getSimpleName().toString();
case NULL:
return "<nulltype>";
case VOID:
return "void";
WildcardType wildcard = (WildcardType) type;
TypeMirror extendsBound = wildcard.getExtendsBound();
TypeMirror superBound = wildcard.getSuperBound();
return "?"
+ (extendsBound != null ? " extends " + simpleTypeName(extendsBound) : "")
+ (superBound != null ? " super " + simpleTypeName(superBound) : "");
case UNION:
StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(" | ");
for (TypeMirror alternative : ((UnionType) type).getAlternatives()) {
return sj.toString();
if (type.getKind().isPrimitive()) {
return TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(type).toString();
} else {
throw new BugInCF(
"simpleTypeName: unhandled type kind: %s, type: %s", type.getKind(), type);
* Returns the binary name.
* @param type a type
* @return the binary name
public static @BinaryName String binaryName(TypeMirror type) {
if (type.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED) {
throw new BugInCF("Only declared types have a binary name");
return ElementUtils.getBinaryName((TypeElement) ((DeclaredType) type).asElement());
* Returns the type element for {@code type} if {@code type} is a class, interface, annotation
* type, or enum. Otherwise, returns null.
* @param type whose element is returned
* @return the type element for {@code type} if {@code type} is a class, interface, annotation
* type, or enum; otherwise, returns {@code null}
public static @Nullable TypeElement getTypeElement(TypeMirror type) {
Element element = ((Type) type).asElement();
if (element == null) {
return null;
if (ElementUtils.isTypeElement(element)) {
return (TypeElement) element;
return null;
* Given an array type, returns the type with all array levels stripped off.
* @param at an array type
* @return the type with all array levels stripped off
public static TypeMirror getInnermostComponentType(ArrayType at) {
TypeMirror result = at;
while (result.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) {
result = ((ArrayType) result).getComponentType();
return result;
/// Equality
* Returns true iff the arguments are both the same declared types.
* <p>This is needed because class {@code Type.ClassType} does not override equals.
* @param t1 the first type to test
* @param t2 the second type to test
* @return whether the arguments are the same declared types
public static boolean areSameDeclaredTypes(Type.ClassType t1, Type.ClassType t2) {
// Do a cheaper test first
if ( != {
return false;
return t1.toString().equals(t1.toString());
* Returns true iff the arguments are both the same primitive type.
* @param left a type
* @param right a type
* @return whether the arguments are the same primitive type
public static boolean areSamePrimitiveTypes(TypeMirror left, TypeMirror right) {
if (!isPrimitive(left) || !isPrimitive(right)) {
return false;
return (left.getKind() == right.getKind());
/// Predicates
* Checks if the type represents a java.lang.Object declared type.
* @param type the type
* @return true iff type represents java.lang.Object
public static boolean isObject(TypeMirror type) {
return isDeclaredOfName(type, "java.lang.Object");
* Checks if the type represents the java.lang.Class declared type.
* @param type the type
* @return true iff type represents java.lang.Class
public static boolean isClass(TypeMirror type) {
return isDeclaredOfName(type, "java.lang.Class");
* Checks if the type represents a java.lang.String declared type.
* @param type the type
* @return true iff type represents java.lang.String
public static boolean isString(TypeMirror type) {
return isDeclaredOfName(type, "java.lang.String");
* Checks if the type represents a boolean type, that is either boolean (primitive type) or
* java.lang.Boolean.
* @param type the type to test
* @return true iff type represents a boolean type
public static boolean isBooleanType(TypeMirror type) {
return isDeclaredOfName(type, "java.lang.Boolean") || type.getKind() == TypeKind.BOOLEAN;
* Check if the type represents a declared type of the given qualified name.
* @param type the type
* @return type iff type represents a declared type of the qualified name
public static boolean isDeclaredOfName(TypeMirror type, CharSequence qualifiedName) {
return type.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED
&& getQualifiedName((DeclaredType) type).contentEquals(qualifiedName);
public static boolean isBoxedPrimitive(TypeMirror type) {
if (type.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED) {
return false;
String qualifiedName = getQualifiedName((DeclaredType) type).toString();
return (qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Boolean")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Byte")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Character")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Short")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Integer")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Long")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Double")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Float"));
* Return true if this is an immutable type in the JDK.
* <p>This does not use immutability annotations and always returns false for user-defined
* classes.
public static boolean isImmutableTypeInJdk(TypeMirror type) {
return isPrimitive(type)
|| (type.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED
&& ImmutableTypes.isImmutable(getQualifiedName((DeclaredType) type).toString()));
* Returns true if type represents a Throwable type (e.g. Exception, Error).
* @return true if type represents a Throwable type (e.g. Exception, Error)
public static boolean isThrowable(TypeMirror type) {
while (type != null && type.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) {
DeclaredType dt = (DeclaredType) type;
TypeElement elem = (TypeElement) dt.asElement();
Name name = elem.getQualifiedName();
if ("java.lang.Throwable".contentEquals(name)) {
return true;
type = elem.getSuperclass();
return false;
* Returns true iff the argument is an anonymous type.
* @return whether the argument is an anonymous type
public static boolean isAnonymous(TypeMirror type) {
return (type instanceof DeclaredType)
&& ((TypeElement) ((DeclaredType) type).asElement()).getNestingKind()
== NestingKind.ANONYMOUS;
* Returns true iff the argument is a primitive type.
* @return whether the argument is a primitive type
public static boolean isPrimitive(TypeMirror type) {
switch (type.getKind()) {
case BYTE:
case CHAR:
case DOUBLE:
case FLOAT:
case INT:
case LONG:
case SHORT:
return true;
return false;
* Returns true iff the argument is a primitive type or a boxed primitive type.
* @param type a type
* @return true if the argument is a primitive type or a boxed primitive type
public static boolean isPrimitiveOrBoxed(TypeMirror type) {
switch (type.getKind()) {
case BYTE:
case CHAR:
case DOUBLE:
case FLOAT:
case INT:
case LONG:
case SHORT:
return true;
String qualifiedName = getQualifiedName((DeclaredType) type).toString();
return (qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Boolean")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Byte")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Character")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Short")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Integer")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Long")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Double")
|| qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Float"));
return false;
* Returns true iff the argument is a primitive numeric type.
* @param type a type
* @return true if the argument is a primitive numeric type
public static boolean isNumeric(TypeMirror type) {
return TypeKindUtils.isNumeric(type.getKind());
/** The fully-qualified names of the numeric boxed types. */
static final Set<@FullyQualifiedName String> numericBoxedTypes =
new HashSet<>(
* Returns true iff the argument is a boxed numeric type.
* @param type a type
* @return true if the argument is a boxed numeric type
public static boolean isNumericBoxed(TypeMirror type) {
return type.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED
&& numericBoxedTypes.contains(getQualifiedName((DeclaredType) type).toString());
* Returns true iff the argument is an integral primitive type.
* @param type a type
* @return whether the argument is an integral primitive type
public static boolean isIntegralPrimitive(TypeMirror type) {
switch (type.getKind()) {
case BYTE:
case CHAR:
case INT:
case LONG:
case SHORT:
return true;
return false;
* Return true if the argument TypeMirror is a (possibly boxed) integral type.
* @param type the type to inspect
* @return true if type is an integral type
public static boolean isIntegralPrimitiveOrBoxed(TypeMirror type) {
TypeKind kind = TypeKindUtils.primitiveOrBoxedToTypeKind(type);
return kind != null && TypeKindUtils.isIntegral(kind);
* Returns true if declaredType is a Class that is used to box primitive type (e.g.
* declaredType=java.lang.Double and primitiveType=22.5d )
* @param declaredType a type that might be a boxed type
* @param primitiveType a type that might be a primitive type
* @return true if {@code declaredType} is a box of {@code primitiveType}
public static boolean isBoxOf(TypeMirror declaredType, TypeMirror primitiveType) {
if (declaredType.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED) {
return false;
final String qualifiedName = getQualifiedName((DeclaredType) declaredType).toString();
switch (primitiveType.getKind()) {
return qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Boolean");
case BYTE:
return qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Byte");
case CHAR:
return qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Character");
case DOUBLE:
return qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Double");
case FLOAT:
return qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Float");
case INT:
return qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Integer");
case LONG:
return qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Long");
case SHORT:
return qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Short");
return false;
* Returns true iff the argument is a boxed floating point type.
* @param type type to test
* @return whether the argument is a boxed floating point type
public static boolean isBoxedFloating(TypeMirror type) {
if (type.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED) {
return false;
String qualifiedName = getQualifiedName((DeclaredType) type).toString();
return qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Double") || qualifiedName.equals("java.lang.Float");
* Returns true iff the argument is a primitive floating point type.
* @param type type mirror
* @return whether the argument is a primitive floating point type
public static boolean isFloatingPrimitive(TypeMirror type) {
switch (type.getKind()) {
case DOUBLE:
case FLOAT:
return true;
return false;
* Return true if the argument TypeMirror is a (possibly boxed) floating point type.
* @param type the type to inspect
* @return true if type is a floating point type
public static boolean isFloatingPoint(TypeMirror type) {
TypeKind kind = TypeKindUtils.primitiveOrBoxedToTypeKind(type);
return kind != null && TypeKindUtils.isFloatingPoint(kind);
* Returns whether a TypeMirror represents a class type.
* @param type a type that might be a class type
* @return true if {@code} is a class type
public static boolean isClassType(TypeMirror type) {
return (type instanceof Type.ClassType);
* Returns true if {@code type} has an enclosing type.
* @param type type to checker
* @return true if {@code type} has an enclosing type
public static boolean hasEnclosingType(TypeMirror type) {
Type e = ((Type) type).getEnclosingType();
return e.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE;
* Returns whether or not {@code type} is a functional interface type (as defined in JLS 9.8).
* @param type possible functional interface type
* @param env ProcessingEnvironment
* @return whether or not {@code type} is a functional interface type (as defined in JLS 9.8)
public static boolean isFunctionalInterface(TypeMirror type, ProcessingEnvironment env) {
Context ctx = ((JavacProcessingEnvironment) env).getContext(); javacTypes =;
return javacTypes.isFunctionalInterface((Type) type);
/// Type variables and wildcards
* If the argument is a bounded TypeVariable or WildcardType, return its non-variable,
* non-wildcard upper bound. Otherwise, return the type itself.
* @param type a type
* @return the non-variable, non-wildcard upper bound of a type, if it has one, or itself if it
* has no bounds
public static TypeMirror upperBound(TypeMirror type) {
do {
if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
TypeVariable tvar = (TypeVariable) type;
if (tvar.getUpperBound() != null) {
type = tvar.getUpperBound();
} else {
} else if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
WildcardType wc = (WildcardType) type;
if (wc.getExtendsBound() != null) {
type = wc.getExtendsBound();
} else {
} else {
} while (true);
return type;
* Get the type parameter for this wildcard from the underlying type's bound field This field is
* sometimes null, in that case this method will return null.
* @return the TypeParameterElement the wildcard is an argument to, {@code null} otherwise
public static @Nullable TypeParameterElement wildcardToTypeParam(
final Type.WildcardType wildcard) {
final Element typeParamElement;
if (wildcard.bound != null) {
typeParamElement = wildcard.bound.asElement();
} else {
typeParamElement = null;
return (TypeParameterElement) typeParamElement;
* Version of that works with both jdk8
* (called upperBound there) and jdk8u.
// TODO: contrast to upperBound.
public static Type wildUpperBound(TypeMirror tm, ProcessingEnvironment env) {
Type t = (Type) tm;
if (t.hasTag(TypeTag.WILDCARD)) {
Context context = ((JavacProcessingEnvironment) env).getContext();
Type.WildcardType w = (Type.WildcardType) TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(t);
if (w.isSuperBound()) { // returns true if w is unbound
Symtab syms = Symtab.instance(context);
// w.bound is null if the wildcard is from bytecode.
return w.bound == null ? syms.objectType : w.bound.getUpperBound();
} else {
return wildUpperBound(w.type, env);
} else {
return TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(t);
* Version of that works with both jdk8
* (called upperBound there) and jdk8u.
public static Type wildLowerBound(TypeMirror tm, ProcessingEnvironment env) {
Type t = (Type) tm;
if (t.hasTag(TypeTag.WILDCARD)) {
Context context = ((JavacProcessingEnvironment) env).getContext();
Symtab syms = Symtab.instance(context);
Type.WildcardType w = (Type.WildcardType) TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(t);
return w.isExtendsBound() ? syms.botType : wildLowerBound(w.type, env);
} else {
return TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(t);
* Given a bounded type (wildcard or typevar) get the concrete type of its upper bound. If the
* bounded type extends other bounded types, this method will iterate through their bounds until a
* class, interface, or intersection is found.
* @return a type that is not a wildcard or typevar, or {@code null} if this type is an unbounded
* wildcard
public static @Nullable TypeMirror findConcreteUpperBound(final TypeMirror boundedType) {
TypeMirror effectiveUpper = boundedType;
while (true) {
switch (effectiveUpper.getKind()) {
effectiveUpper = ((javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType) effectiveUpper).getExtendsBound();
if (effectiveUpper == null) {
return null;
effectiveUpper = ((TypeVariable) effectiveUpper).getUpperBound();
break outerLoop;
return effectiveUpper;
* Returns true if the erased type of subtype is a subtype of the erased type of supertype.
* @param subtype possible subtype
* @param supertype possible supertype
* @param types a Types object
* @return true if the erased type of subtype is a subtype of the erased type of supertype
public static boolean isErasedSubtype(TypeMirror subtype, TypeMirror supertype, Types types) {
return types.isSubtype(types.erasure(subtype), types.erasure(supertype));
/** Returns whether a TypeVariable represents a captured type. */
public static boolean isCaptured(TypeMirror typeVar) {
if (typeVar.getKind() != TypeKind.TYPEVAR) {
return false;
return ((Type.TypeVar) TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(typeVar)).isCaptured();
/** If typeVar is a captured wildcard, returns that wildcard; otherwise returns {@code null}. */
public static @Nullable WildcardType getCapturedWildcard(TypeVariable typeVar) {
if (isCaptured(typeVar)) {
return ((CapturedType) TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(typeVar)).wildcard;
return null;
/// Least upper bound and greatest lower bound
* Returns the least upper bound of two {@link TypeMirror}s, ignoring any annotations on the
* types.
* <p>Wrapper around Types.lub to add special handling for null types, primitives, and wildcards.
* @param tm1 a {@link TypeMirror}
* @param tm2 a {@link TypeMirror}
* @param processingEnv the {@link ProcessingEnvironment} to use
* @return the least upper bound of {@code tm1} and {@code tm2}
public static TypeMirror leastUpperBound(
TypeMirror tm1, TypeMirror tm2, ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) {
Type t1 = TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(tm1);
Type t2 = TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(tm2);
// Handle the 'null' type manually (not done by types.lub).
if (t1.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) {
return t2;
if (t2.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) {
return t1;
if (t1.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) {
WildcardType wc1 = (WildcardType) t1;
t1 = (Type) wc1.getExtendsBound();
if (t1 == null) {
// Implicit upper bound of java.lang.Object
Elements elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
return elements.getTypeElement("java.lang.Object").asType();
if (t2.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) {
WildcardType wc2 = (WildcardType) t2;
t2 = (Type) wc2.getExtendsBound();
if (t2 == null) {
// Implicit upper bound of java.lang.Object
Elements elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
return elements.getTypeElement("java.lang.Object").asType();
JavacProcessingEnvironment javacEnv = (JavacProcessingEnvironment) processingEnv; types =;
if (types.isSameType(t1, t2)) {
// Special case if the two types are equal.
return t1;
// Special case for primitives.
if (isPrimitive(t1) || isPrimitive(t2)) {
if (types.isAssignable(t1, t2)) {
return t2;
} else if (types.isAssignable(t2, t1)) {
return t1;
} else {
Elements elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
return elements.getTypeElement("java.lang.Object").asType();
return types.lub(t1, t2);
* Returns the greatest lower bound of two {@link TypeMirror}s, ignoring any annotations on the
* types.
* <p>Wrapper around Types.glb to add special handling for null types, primitives, and wildcards.
* @param tm1 a {@link TypeMirror}
* @param tm2 a {@link TypeMirror}
* @param processingEnv the {@link ProcessingEnvironment} to use
* @return the greatest lower bound of {@code tm1} and {@code tm2}
public static TypeMirror greatestLowerBound(
TypeMirror tm1, TypeMirror tm2, ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) {
Type t1 = TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(tm1);
Type t2 = TypeAnnotationUtils.unannotatedType(tm2);
JavacProcessingEnvironment javacEnv = (JavacProcessingEnvironment) processingEnv; types =;
if (types.isSameType(t1, t2)) {
// Special case if the two types are equal.
return t1;
// Handle the 'null' type manually.
if (t1.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) {
return t1;
if (t2.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) {
return t2;
// Special case for primitives.
if (isPrimitive(t1) || isPrimitive(t2)) {
if (types.isAssignable(t1, t2)) {
return t1;
} else if (types.isAssignable(t2, t1)) {
return t2;
} else {
// Javac types.glb returns TypeKind.Error when the GLB does
// not exist, but we can't create one. Use TypeKind.NONE
// instead.
return processingEnv.getTypeUtils().getNoType(TypeKind.NONE);
if (t1.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) {
return t2;
if (t2.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) {
return t1;
// If neither type is a primitive type, null type, or wildcard
// and if the types are not the same, use javac types.glb
return types.glb(t1, t2);
* Returns the most specific type from the list, or null if none exists.
* @param typeMirrors a list of types
* @param processingEnv the {@link ProcessingEnvironment} to use
* @return the most specific of the types, or null if none exists
public static @Nullable TypeMirror mostSpecific(
List<TypeMirror> typeMirrors, ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) {
if (typeMirrors.size() == 1) {
return typeMirrors.get(0);
} else {
JavacProcessingEnvironment javacEnv = (JavacProcessingEnvironment) processingEnv; types =;<Type> typeList = typeMirrorListToTypeList(typeMirrors);
Type glb = types.glb(typeList);
for (Type candidate : typeList) {
if (types.isSameType(glb, candidate)) {
return candidate;
return null;
* Given a list of TypeMirror, return a list of Type.
* @param typeMirrors a list of TypeMirrors
* @return the argument, converted to a javac list
private static<Type> typeMirrorListToTypeList(
List<TypeMirror> typeMirrors) {
List<Type> typeList = CollectionsPlume.mapList(Type.class::cast, typeMirrors);
/// Substitutions
* Returns the return type of a method, given the receiver of the method call.
* @param methodElement a method
* @param substitutedReceiverType the receiver type, after substitution
* @param env the environment
* @return the return type of the method
public static TypeMirror substituteMethodReturnType(
Element methodElement, TypeMirror substitutedReceiverType, ProcessingEnvironment env) { types =;
Type substitutedMethodType =
types.memberType((Type) substitutedReceiverType, (Symbol) methodElement);
return substitutedMethodType.getReturnType();
* Returns {@code type} as {@code superType} if {@code superType} is a super type of {@code type};
* otherwise, null.
* @return {@code type} as {@code superType} if {@code superType} is a super type of {@code type};
* otherwise, null
public static TypeMirror asSuper(
TypeMirror type, TypeMirror superType, ProcessingEnvironment env) {
Context ctx = ((JavacProcessingEnvironment) env).getContext(); javacTypes =;
return javacTypes.asSuper((Type) type, ((Type) superType).tsym);
* Returns the superclass of the given class. Returns null if there is not one.
* @param type a type
* @param types type utilities
* @return the superclass of the given class, or null
public static @Nullable TypeMirror getSuperclass(TypeMirror type, Types types) {
List<? extends TypeMirror> superTypes = types.directSupertypes(type);
for (TypeMirror t : superTypes) {
// ignore interface types
if (!(t instanceof ClassType)) {
ClassType tt = (ClassType) t;
if (!tt.isInterface()) {
return t;
return null;
* Returns the type of primitive conversion from {@code from} to {@code to}.
* @param from a primitive type
* @param to a primitive type
* @return the type of primitive conversion from {@code from} to {@code to}
public static TypeKindUtils.PrimitiveConversionKind getPrimitiveConversionKind(
PrimitiveType from, PrimitiveType to) {
return TypeKindUtils.getPrimitiveConversionKind(from.getKind(), to.getKind());
* Returns a new type mirror with the same type as {@code type} where all the type variables in
* {@code typeVariables} have been substituted with the type arguments in {@code typeArgs}.
* <p>This is a wrapper around {@link,
* @param type type to do substitution in
* @param typeVariables type variables that should be replaced with the type mirror at the same
* index of {@code typeArgs}
* @param typeArgs type mirrors that should replace the type variable at the same index of {@code
* typeVariables}
* @param env processing environment
* @return a new type mirror with the same type as {@code type} where all the type variables in
* {@code typeVariables} have been substituted with the type arguments in {@code typeArgs}
public static TypeMirror substitute(
TypeMirror type,
List<? extends TypeMirror> typeVariables,
List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArgs,
ProcessingEnvironment env) {
List<Type> newP = CollectionsPlume.mapList(Type.class::cast, typeVariables);
List<Type> newT = CollectionsPlume.mapList(Type.class::cast, typeArgs);
JavacProcessingEnvironment javacEnv = (JavacProcessingEnvironment) env; types =;
return types.subst(
(Type) type,,;
* Returns the depth of an array type.
* @param arrayType an array type
* @return the depth of {@code arrayType}
public static int getArrayDepth(TypeMirror arrayType) {
int counter = 0;
TypeMirror type = arrayType;
while (type.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) {
type = ((ArrayType) type).getComponentType();
return counter;