blob: af61aee1f1d0b26e2f843827f03d7e68748e872f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The Fuchsia Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef _KVSTORE_H_
#define _KVSTORE_H_
#include <common.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct kvstore kvstore_t;
#define KVS_OK 0
#define KVS_ERR_BAD_PARAM -2
#define KVS_ERR_NOT_FOUND -4
#define KVS_ERR_PARSE_HDR -5
#define KVS_ERR_PARSE_REC -6
#define KVS_ERR_PARSE_CRC -7
// KVStore API
// -----------
// Setup a new, empty kvstore, backed by buffer.
void kvs_init(kvstore_t* kvs, void* buffer, size_t buflen);
// Initialize a kvstore (read from disk, etc), backed by buffer.
int kvs_load(kvstore_t* kvs, void* buffer, size_t buflen);
// Prepare kvstore for saving (compute checksum & update header).
// On success kvs->data and kvs->datalen represents the data
// to write to storage.
int kvs_save(kvstore_t* kvs);
// Adds a new key and value, provided there is space.
// Does not check for duplicates.
int kvs_addn(kvstore_t* kvs, const void* key, size_t klen,
const void* val, size_t vlen);
// Adds a new key and value, provided there is space.
// Does not check for duplicates.
int kvs_add(kvstore_t* kvs, const char* key, const char* value);
// Locates key and returns its value and OK, else NOT_FOUND
// returned pointer is not guaranteed stable if kvstore is mutated.
int kvs_getn(kvstore_t* kvs, const void* key, size_t klen,
const void** val, size_t* vlen);
// Locates key and returns its value if found, otherwise returns fallback
// returned pointer is not guaranteed stable if kvstore is mutated.
const char* kvs_get(kvstore_t* kvs, const char* key, const char* fallback);
// Calls func() for each key/value pair.
// Return KVS_OK at the end, or stops and returns whatever func()
// returned. if func returns non-zero.
int kvs_foreach(kvstore_t* kvs, void *cookie,
int (*func)(void *cookie, const char* key, const char* val));
// KVStore Wire Format and Internals
// ---------------------------------
// <header> <kventry>* [ <signature> ]
// <header> := <u64:version> <u32:flags> <u32:length> <u32:crc32> <u32:reserved>
// <kventry> := <u8:klen> <u8:vlen> <u8[klen]:key> <u8:0> <u8[vlen]:value> <u8:0>
// <signature> := TBD
// echo -n "kvstore-version-1" | sha256sum (LSB)
#define KVSTORE_VERSION 0x540f19caa7bf19dcUL
struct kvstore {
void* data;
size_t datalen;
size_t datamax;
size_t kvcount;
typedef struct kvshdr {
uint64_t version;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t length;
uint32_t reserved;
uint32_t crc;
} kvshdr_t;
#endif /* _KVSTORE_H_ */