blob: 7aa791a5a717137a8118c40eba324d05e5f7cbe8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The Fuchsia Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// lsw of sha256("bootdata")
#define BOOTDATA_MAGIC (0x868cf7e6)
// lsw of sha256("bootitem")
#define BOOTITEM_MAGIC (0xb5781729)
// Round n up to the next 8 byte boundary
#define BOOTDATA_ALIGN(n) (((n) + 7) & (~7))
#define BOOTITEM_NO_CRC32 (0x4a87e8d6)
// This flag is required.
#define BOOTDATA_FLAG_V2 (0x00010000)
// Bootdata items with the CRC32 flag must have a valid crc32.
// Otherwise their crc32 field must contain BOOTITEM_NO_CRC32
#define BOOTDATA_FLAG_CRC32 (0x00020000)
// Containers are used to wrap a set of bootdata items
// written to a file or partition. The "length" is the
// length of the set of following bootdata items. The
// "extra" is the value BOOTDATA_MAGIC and "flags" is
// set to 0.
#define BOOTDATA_CONTAINER (0x544f4f42) // BOOT
// BOOTFS images. The "extra" field is the decompressed
// size of the image, if compressed, otherwise the same
// as the "length" field.
#define BOOTDATA_BOOTFS_BOOT (0x42534642) // BFSB
#define BOOTDATA_BOOTFS_SYSTEM (0x53534642) // BFSS
#define BOOTDATA_BOOTFS_DISCARD (0x58534642) // BFSX
#define BOOTDATA_BOOTFS_TYPE (0x00534642) // BFS\0
// Virtual disk images. The header fields and compression protocol
// are the same as for the BOOTFS types, but the payload before
// compression is a raw disk image rather than BOOTFS format.
#define BOOTDATA_RAMDISK (0x4b534452) // RDSK
// A Zircon Kernel Image
// Content: bootdata_kernel_t
#define BOOTDATA_KERNEL (0x4c4e524b) // KRNL
// A Zircon Partition Map
// Content: bootdata_partition_map_t
#define BOOTDATA_PARTITION_MAP (0x54524150) // PART
// Flag indicating that the bootfs is compressed.
// These items are for passing from bootloader to kernel
// Kernel Command Line String
// Content: uint8_t[]
#define BOOTDATA_CMDLINE (0x4c444d43) // CMDL
// ACPI Root Table Pointer
// Content: uint64_t phys addr
#define BOOTDATA_ACPI_RSDP (0x50445352) // RSDP
// SMBIOS entry point pointer
// Content: uint64_t phys addr
#define BOOTDATA_SMBIOS (0x49424d53) // SMBI
// Framebuffer Parameters
// Content: bootdata_swfb_t
#define BOOTDATA_FRAMEBUFFER (0x42465753) // SWFB
// Debug Serial Port
// Content: bootdata_uart_t
#define BOOTDATA_DEBUG_UART (0x54524155) // UART
// Platform ID Information
// Content: bootdata_platform_id_t
#define BOOTDATA_PLATFORM_ID (0x44494C50) // PLID
// Memory which will persist across warm boots
// Content bootdata_lastlog_nvram_t
#define BOOTDATA_LASTLOG_NVRAM (0x4c4c564e) // NVLL
// This reflects a typo we need to support for a while
#define BOOTDATA_LASTLOG_NVRAM2 (0x4c4c5643) // CVLL
// E820 Memory Table
// Content: e820entry[]
#define BOOTDATA_E820_TABLE (0x30323845) // E820
// EFI Memory Map
// Content: a uint64_t entrysz followed by a set of
// efi_memory_descriptor aligned on entrysz
#define BOOTDATA_EFI_MEMORY_MAP (0x4d494645) // EFIM
// EFI System Table
// Content: a uint64_t physical address of the table
#define BOOTDATA_EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE (0x53494645) // EFIS
// Last crashlog
// Content: ascii/utf8 log data from previous boot
#define BOOTDATA_LAST_CRASHLOG (0x4d4f4f42) // BOOM
// CPU configuration
// Content: bootdata_cpu_config_t
#define BOOTDATA_CPU_CONFIG (0x43555043) // CPUC
// Memory configuration
// Content: one or more of bootdata_mem_range_t (count determined by bootdata_t length)
#define BOOTDATA_MEM_CONFIG (0x434D454D) // MEMC
// Kernel driver configuration
// Content: driver specific struct, with type determined by bootdata "extra" field
#define BOOTDATA_KERNEL_DRIVER (0x5652444B) // KDRV
#define BOOTDATA_IGNORE (0x50494b53) // SKIP
// BootData header, describing the type and size of data
// used to initialize the system. All fields are little-endian.
// BootData headers in a stream must be 8-byte-aligned.
// The length field specifies the actual payload length
// and does not include the size of padding.
typedef struct {
// Boot data type
uint32_t type;
// Size of the payload following this header
uint32_t length;
// type-specific extra data
// For CONTAINER this is MAGIC.
// For BOOTFS this is the decompressed size.
uint32_t extra;
// Flags for the boot data. See flag descriptions for each type.
uint32_t flags;
// For future expansion. Set to 0.
uint32_t reserved0;
uint32_t reserved1;
uint32_t magic;
// Must be the CRC32 of payload if FLAG_CRC32 is set,
// otherwise must be BOOTITEM_NO_CRC32
uint32_t crc32;
} bootdata_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t base; // physical base addr
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t stride;
uint32_t format;
} bootdata_swfb_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t entry64;
uint64_t reserved;
} bootdata_kernel_t;
typedef struct {
bootdata_t hdr_file;
bootdata_t hdr_kernel;
bootdata_kernel_t data_kernel;
} zircon_kernel_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t type_guid[BOOTDATA_PART_GUID_LEN];
uint8_t uniq_guid[BOOTDATA_PART_GUID_LEN];
uint64_t first_block;
uint64_t last_block;
uint64_t flags;
} bootdata_partition_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t block_count;
uint64_t block_size;
// pdev_vid/pid/did are used to match partition map to
// appropriate block device on the platform bus
uint32_t pdev_vid;
uint32_t pdev_pid;
uint32_t pdev_did;
uint32_t partition_count;
bootdata_partition_t partitions[];
} bootdata_partition_map_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t base;
uint64_t length;
} bootdata_nvram_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t base;
uint32_t type;
uint32_t irq;
} bootdata_uart_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t vid;
uint32_t pid;
char board_name[32];
} bootdata_platform_id_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t cpu_count; // number of CPU cores in the cluster
uint32_t type; // for future use
uint32_t flags; // for future use
uint32_t reserved;
} bootdata_cpu_cluster_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t cluster_count;
uint32_t reserved[3];
bootdata_cpu_cluster_t clusters[];
} bootdata_cpu_config_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t paddr;
uint64_t length;
uint32_t type;
uint32_t reserved;
} bootdata_mem_range_t;
/* EFI Variable for Crash Log */
{0x82305eb2, 0xd39e, 0x4575, {0xa0, 0xc8, 0x6c, 0x20, 0x72, 0xd0, 0x84, 0x4c}}
{ 'c', 'r', 'a', 's', 'h', 'l', 'o', 'g', 0 };
// BOOTFS is a trivial "filesystem" format
// It consists of a bootfs_header_t
// Followed by a series of bootfs_entry_t's of:
// name length (32bit le)
// data size (32bit le)
// data offset (32bit le)
// namedata (namelength bytes, includes \0)
// - data offsets must be page aligned (multiple of 4096)
// - entries start on uint32 boundaries
//lsw of sha256("bootfs")
#define BOOTFS_MAGIC (0xa56d3ff9)
typedef struct bootfs_header {
// magic value BOOTFS_MAGIC
uint32_t magic;
// total size of all bootfs_entry_t's
// does not include the size of the bootfs_header_t
uint32_t dirsize;
// 0, 0
uint32_t reserved0;
uint32_t reserved1;
} bootfs_header_t;
typedef struct bootfs_entry {
uint32_t name_len;
uint32_t data_len;
uint32_t data_off;
char name[];
} bootfs_entry_t;
#define BOOTFS_ALIGN(nlen) (((nlen) + 3) & (~3))
#define BOOTFS_RECSIZE(entry) \
(sizeof(bootfs_entry_t) + BOOTFS_ALIGN(entry->name_len))