blob: 763d30dbc731e6ec955ac6cbad4d05567e80d58f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
* *
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* *
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* *
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* *
* plat/gxb/sha2.c
* Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <common.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <u-boot/sha256.h>
#include <asm/arch/secure_apb.h>
#ifndef __AP_DMA_H__
#define __AP_DMA_H__
typedef struct dma_dsc {
union {
uint32_t d32;
struct {
unsigned length:17;
unsigned irq:1;
unsigned eoc:1;
unsigned loop:1;
unsigned mode:4;
unsigned begin:1;
unsigned end:1;
unsigned op_mode:2;
unsigned enc_sha_only:1;
unsigned block:1;
unsigned error:1;
unsigned owner:1;
} b;
} dsc_cfg;
uint32_t src_addr;
uint32_t tgt_addr;
} dma_dsc_t;
#endif /* __AP_DMA_H__ */
static sha2_ctx *cur_ctx;
static void hw_init(uint32_t is224)
cur_ctx->digest_len = is224 ? 224 : 256;
cur_ctx->tot_len = 0;
static void hw_update(const uint8_t *input, uint32_t ilen,
uint8_t *hash, uint8_t last_update)
dma_dsc_t dsc;
unsigned char szTempSHA2[32];
if (!last_update && (ilen % 64)) {
// sha2 usage problem
struct {
unsigned long lSource;
unsigned long lTarget;
unsigned int nLength;
unsigned int nBlkFlag;
unsigned int index = 0;
memset((void *)arrSteps, 0, sizeof(arrSteps));
arrSteps[0].lSource = (unsigned long)input;
arrSteps[0].lTarget = (unsigned long)hash;
arrSteps[1].lTarget = (unsigned long)szTempSHA2;
int nStep_len = (128<<10)- 64; //17bit length
/*If input length bigger than (128KB - 64bytes),default use block mode is 1. */
if (ilen > nStep_len)
arrSteps[0].nLength = ilen >> 9;
arrSteps[0].nBlkFlag = 1;
arrSteps[1].lSource = arrSteps[0].lSource + (arrSteps[0].nLength << 9);
arrSteps[1].nLength = ilen % 512;
arrSteps[1].nBlkFlag = 0;
arrSteps[0].nLength = ilen;
arrSteps[0].nBlkFlag = 0;
for (index = 0; index < sizeof(arrSteps) / sizeof(arrSteps[0]); index++)
dsc.src_addr = arrSteps[index].lSource;
dsc.tgt_addr = arrSteps[index].lTarget;
dsc.dsc_cfg.d32 = 0;
dsc.dsc_cfg.b.length = arrSteps[index].nLength;
dsc.dsc_cfg.b.enc_sha_only = 1;
dsc.dsc_cfg.b.mode = cur_ctx->digest_len == 224 ? 7 : 6;
dsc.dsc_cfg.b.begin = cur_ctx->tot_len == 0; // first
dsc.dsc_cfg.b.end = last_update;
dsc.dsc_cfg.b.eoc = 1;
dsc.dsc_cfg.b.owner = 1;
dsc.dsc_cfg.b.block = arrSteps[index].nBlkFlag;
flush_dcache_range((unsigned long)&dsc,(unsigned long)&dsc+sizeof(dsc));
invalidate_dcache_range((unsigned long)dsc.tgt_addr,(unsigned long)dsc.tgt_addr + 32);
*P_DMA_STS0 = 0xf;
*P_DMA_T0 = (uint64_t)&dsc | 2;
if (arrSteps[index].nBlkFlag)
cur_ctx->tot_len += arrSteps[index].nLength << 9;
cur_ctx->tot_len += arrSteps[index].nLength;
while (*P_DMA_STS0 == 0);
if (!dsc.dsc_cfg.b.block)
static void SHA2_HW_init(sha2_ctx *ctx, uint32_t digest_len)
if (cur_ctx != NULL) {
// sha2 usage problem
cur_ctx = ctx;
hw_init(digest_len == 224);
ctx->len = 0;
static void SHA2_HW_update(sha2_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t len)
unsigned int fill_len, data_len, rem_len,offset;
if (cur_ctx != ctx) {
// sha2 usage problem
/* This method updates the hash for the input data in blocks, except the last
* partial|full block, which is saved in ctx->block. The last partial|full
* block will be added to the hash in SHA2_final.
data_len = len;
offset = 0;
/* fill saved block from beginning of input data */
if (ctx->len) {
fill_len = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE - ctx->len;
memcpy(&ctx->block[ctx->len], data, fill_len);
/* after mempcy,must flush data to ddr */
flush_dcache_range((unsigned long)ctx->block,(unsigned long)ctx->block+128);
data_len -= fill_len;
offset = fill_len;
ctx->len += fill_len;
if (ctx->len == SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE && data_len > 0) {
/* saved block is full and is not last block, hash it */
hw_update(ctx->block, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE,ctx->buf, 0);
ctx->len = 0;
if (data_len > SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE) {
/* still have more than 1 block. hash up until last [partial|full] block */
rem_len = data_len % SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE;
if (rem_len == 0) {
rem_len = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE;
data_len -= rem_len;
hw_update(&data[offset], data_len,ctx->buf, 0);
offset += data_len;
} else {
rem_len = data_len;
if (rem_len) {
/* save the remaining data */
memcpy(ctx->block, &data[offset], rem_len);
/* after mempcy,must flush data to ddr */
flush_dcache_range((unsigned long)ctx->block,(unsigned long)ctx->block+128);
ctx->len = rem_len;
static uint8_t *SHA2_HW_final(sha2_ctx *ctx)
if (cur_ctx != ctx) {
// sha2 usage problem
return ctx->buf;
if (ctx->len == 0 || ctx->len > SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE) {
// internal sha2 problem
return ctx->buf;
hw_update(ctx->block, ctx->len,ctx->buf, 1);
cur_ctx = NULL;
return ctx->buf;
void sha256_starts(sha256_context * ctx)
/*if ctx is not null,set zero*/
if (ctx)
SHA2_HW_init(ctx, 256);
void sha256_update(sha256_context *ctx, const uint8_t *input, uint32_t length)
int nOffset = 0;
int nStep = (128<<19) ; //64MB
if (length > nStep)
for (;nOffset< length;)
SHA2_HW_update(ctx, input+nOffset, nStep);
if ((length - nOffset ) < nStep)
nStep = length - nOffset;
SHA2_HW_update(ctx, input, length);
void sha256_finish(sha256_context * ctx, uint8_t digest[SHA256_SUM_LEN])
/*before memcpy,must invalidate memcpy data from ddr*/
invalidate_dcache_range((unsigned long)digest,(unsigned long)(digest+32));
invalidate_dcache_range((unsigned long)ctx->buf,(unsigned long)(ctx->buf+32));
void sha256_csum_wd(const unsigned char *input, unsigned int ilen,
unsigned char *output, unsigned int chunk_sz)
flush_dcache_range((unsigned long)input,(unsigned long)input+ilen);
sha2_ctx sha_ctx;
sha256_update(&sha_ctx, input, ilen);
sha256_finish(&sha_ctx, output);