blob: e7aa55a6d9f08f9c34a8068ce244014bb9fa9752 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <threads.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// Get the zx_handle_t corresponding to the thrd_t. This handle is still owned by the C11 thread,
// and will not persist after the thread exits. Callers must duplicate the handle, therefore, if
// they wish the thread handle to outlive the execution of the C11 thread.
zx_handle_t thrd_get_zx_handle(thrd_t t);
// Sets the process handle that is used, by this thread, when creating new threads.
// This does not take ownership of the passed in handle, and does not transfer ownership of the old
// handle. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the handle remains valid for the life of the
// thread, or until a different handle is installed.
// The default value is copied from zx_process_self() in the initial thread, and then copied from
// the thread calling thrd_create into each new thread.
// Returns the previously set process handle.
zx_handle_t thrd_set_zx_process(zx_handle_t proc_handle);
// Returns the same handle as thrd_set_zx_process without modifying the calling thread's process
// handle.
// This does not transfer ownership of the current handle. The caller is responsible for only using
// the returned handle while it remains valid.
zx_handle_t thrd_get_zx_process(void);
// Converts a threads.h-style status value to an |zx_status_t|.
static inline zx_status_t __PURE thrd_status_to_zx_status(int thrd_status) {
switch (thrd_status) {
case thrd_success:
return ZX_OK;
case thrd_nomem:
case thrd_timedout:
case thrd_busy:
case thrd_error:
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __has_include(<thread>)
#include <thread>
// Get the zx_handle_t corresponding to the std::thread::native_handle() value.
// See `thrd_get_zx_handle` (above) for constraints on the returned handle.
// Using this API avoids any assumptions about std::thread::native_handle_type
// corresponding exactly to thrd_t or any other particular type.
extern "C" zx_handle_t native_thread_get_zx_handle(std::thread::native_handle_type);
#endif // __has_include(<thread>)
#endif // __cplusplus