| |
| #ifdef AARCH32 |
| OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm", "elf32-littlearm") |
| OUTPUT_ARCH(arm) |
| #else |
| OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf64-littleaarch64") |
| OUTPUT_ARCH(aarch64) |
| #endif |
| ENTRY(bl21_entrypoint) |
| |
| { |
| . = 0xd900b400; |
| ASSERT(. == ALIGN(1024), |
| "BL21 base address is not aligned.") |
| |
| ro . : { |
| __RO_START__ = .; |
| *bl21_entrypoint.o(.text*) |
| *(.text*) |
| *(.rodata*) |
| *(.vectors) |
| __RO_END_UNALIGNED__ = .; |
| /* |
| * Memory page(s) mapped to this section will be marked as |
| * read-only, executable. No RW data from the next section must |
| * creep in. Ensure the rest of the current memory page is unused. |
| */ |
| __RO_END__ = .; |
| } |
| |
| .data . : { |
| __DATA_START__ = .; |
| *(.data*) |
| __DATA_END__ = .; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * The .bss section gets initialised to 0 at runtime. |
| * Its base address must be 16-byte aligned. |
| */ |
| .bss : ALIGN(16) { |
| __BSS_START__ = .; |
| *(SORT_BY_ALIGNMENT(.bss*)) |
| *(COMMON) |
| __BSS_END__ = .; |
| } |
| |
| __BSS_SIZE__ = SIZEOF(.bss); |
| |
| ASSERT(. <= 0xd900c000, "bl21 image has exceeded its limit.") |
| } |