blob: 426f02b0d4dae694d226cc752c2a7837723d2a15 [file] [log] [blame]
* drivers/usb/gadget/aml_tiny_usbtool/usb_boot.h
* Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __USB_BOOT_H__
#define __USB_BOOT_H__
#include <asm/arch/romboot.h>
#define USB_DEBUG 1
/* ISO C Standard Definitions */
typedef unsigned char u8_t;
typedef signed char s8_t;
typedef unsigned short u16_t;
typedef signed short s16_t;
typedef unsigned int u32_t;
typedef signed int s32_t;
#if 0
typedef unsigned long long u64_t;
typedef signed long long s64_t;
typedef unsigned long u64_t;
typedef signed long s64_t;
/* Linux definitions */
typedef u8_t __u8;
typedef s8_t __s8;
typedef u16_t __u16;
typedef s16_t __s16;
typedef u32_t __u32;
typedef s32_t __s32;
//typedef u64_t __u64;
//typedef s64_t __s64;
typedef u8_t u_int8_t;
typedef u16_t u_int16_t;
typedef u32_t u_int32_t;
//typedef u64_t u_int64_t;
typedef s8_t s8;
typedef u8_t u8;
typedef s16_t s16;
typedef u16_t u16;
typedef s32_t s32;
typedef u32_t u32;
//typedef u64_t u64;
typedef __u16 __le16;
typedef __u16 __be16;
typedef __u32 __le32;
typedef __u32 __be32;
typedef __u64 __le64;
typedef __u64 __be64;
/* A3,CS2,M3,M6 chip, PORT_A is OTG, work as ROM Boot port */
#ifdef __USE_PORT_B
#define PORT_REG_OFFSET 0x80000
#define DWC_REG_BASE (0xC9000000 + PORT_REG_OFFSET)
//#define PERI_BASE_ADDR 0xC1100000
#define ISABASE 0x01000000
#define PREI_USB_PHY_A_REG_BASE 0xC0000000
#define PREI_USB_PHY_B_REG_BASE 0xC0000020
#ifdef __USE_PORT_B
typedef struct usb_aml_regs {
volatile uint32_t config;
volatile uint32_t ctrl;
volatile uint32_t endp_intr;
volatile uint32_t adp_bc;
volatile uint32_t dbg_uart;
volatile uint32_t test;
volatile uint32_t tune;
} usb_aml_regs_t;
typedef union usb_config_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
unsigned clk_en:1;
unsigned clk_sel:3;
unsigned clk_div:7;
unsigned reserved0:4;
unsigned clk_32k_alt_sel:1;
unsigned reserved1:15;
unsigned test_trig:1;
} b;
} usb_config_data_t;
typedef union usb_ctrl_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
unsigned soft_prst:1;
unsigned soft_hreset:1;
unsigned ss_scaledown_mode:2;
unsigned clk_det_rst:1;
unsigned intr_sel:1;
unsigned dbnce_fltr_bypass:1;
unsigned reserved:1;
unsigned clk_detected:1;
unsigned sof_sent_rcvd_tgl:1;
unsigned sof_toggle_out:1;
unsigned not_used:4;
unsigned por:1;
unsigned sleepm:1;
unsigned txbitstuffennh:1;
unsigned txbitstuffenn:1;
unsigned commononn:1;
unsigned refclksel:2;
unsigned fsel:3;
unsigned portreset:1;
unsigned thread_id:6;
} b;
} usb_ctrl_data_t;
typedef union usb_endp_intr_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
unsigned int0:1;
unsigned int1:1;
unsigned int2:1;
unsigned int3:1;
unsigned int4:1;
unsigned int5:1;
unsigned int6:1;
unsigned int7:1;
unsigned int8:1;
unsigned int9:1;
unsigned int10:1;
unsigned int11:1;
unsigned int12:1;
unsigned int13:1;
unsigned int14:1;
unsigned int15:1;
unsigned int16:1;
unsigned int17:1;
unsigned int18:1;
unsigned int19:1;
unsigned int20:1;
unsigned int21:1;
unsigned int22:1;
unsigned int23:1;
unsigned int24:1;
unsigned int25:1;
unsigned int26:1;
unsigned int27:1;
unsigned int28:1;
unsigned int29:1;
unsigned int30:1;
unsigned int31:1;
} b;
} usb_endp_intr_data_t;
typedef union usb_adp_bc_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
unsigned vbusvldextsel:1;
unsigned vbusvldext:1;
unsigned otgdisable:1;
unsigned idpullup:1;
unsigned drvvbus:1;
unsigned adp_prb_en:1;
unsigned adp_dischrg:1;
unsigned adp_chrg:1;
unsigned sessend:1;
unsigned device_sess_vld:1;
unsigned bvalid:1;
unsigned avalid:1;
unsigned iddig:1;
unsigned vbusvalid:1;
unsigned adp_probe:1;
unsigned adp_sense:1;
unsigned aca_enable:1;
unsigned dcd_enable:1;
unsigned vdatdetenb:1;
unsigned vdatsrcenb:1;
unsigned chrgsel:1;
unsigned chg_det:1;
unsigned aca_pin_range_c:1;
unsigned aca_pin_range_b:1;
unsigned aca_pin_range_a:1;
unsigned aca_pin_gnd:1;
unsigned aca_pin_float:1;
unsigned not_used:5;
} b;
} usb_adp_bc_data_t;
typedef union usb_dbg_uart_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
unsigned bypass_sel:1;
unsigned bypass_dm_en:1;
unsigned bypass_dp_en:1;
unsigned bypass_dm_data:1;
unsigned bypass_dp_data:1;
unsigned fsv_minus:1;
unsigned fsv_plus:1;
unsigned burn_in_test:1;
unsigned loopbackenb:1;
unsigned set_iddq:1;
unsigned ate_reset:1;
unsigned reserved:4;
unsigned not_used:17;
} b;
} usb_dbg_uart_data_t;
typedef union phy_test_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
unsigned data_in:4;
unsigned data_in_en:4;
unsigned addr:4;
unsigned data_out_sel:1;
unsigned clk:1;
unsigned vatestenb:2;
unsigned data_out:4;
unsigned not_used:12;
} b;
} phy_test_data_t;
typedef union phy_tune_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
unsigned tx_res_tune:2;
unsigned tx_hsxv_tune:2;
unsigned tx_vref_tune:4;
unsigned tx_rise_tune:2;
unsigned tx_preemp_pulse_tune:1;
unsigned tx_preemp_amp_tune:2;
unsigned tx_fsls_tune:4;
unsigned sqrx_tune:3;
unsigned otg_tune:3;
unsigned comp_dis_tune:3;
unsigned not_used:6;
} b;
} phy_tune_data_t;
#define WRITE_PERI_REG(reg, val) *(volatile unsigned *)(PERI_BASE_ADDR + ((reg)<<2)) = (val)
#define READ_PERI_REG(reg) (*(volatile unsigned *)(PERI_BASE_ADDR + ((reg)<<2)))
#define CLEAR_PERIPHS_REG_BITS(reg, mask) WRITE_PERI_REG(reg, (READ_PERI_REG(reg)&(~(mask))))
#define SET_PERIPHS_REG_BITS(reg, mask) WRITE_PERI_REG(reg, (READ_PERI_REG(reg)|(mask)))
#define WRITE_ISA_REG(reg, val) *(volatile unsigned *)(ISABASE + (reg)) = (val)
#define READ_ISA_REG(reg) (*(volatile unsigned *)(ISABASE + (reg)))
#define CLEAR_ISA_REG_MASK(reg, mask) WRITE_ISA_REG(reg, (READ_ISA_REG(reg)&(~mask)))
#define SET_ISA_REG_MASK(reg, mask) WRITE_ISA_REG(reg, (READ_ISA_REG(reg)|(mask)))
#define flush_cpu_cache()
//#define dwc_write_reg32(x, v) (*(volatile uint32_t *)((u64)x + DWC_REG_BASE))=v
//#define dwc_read_reg32(x) (*(volatile uint32_t*)((u64)x + DWC_REG_BASE))
// void dwc_modify_reg32( volatile uint32_t *_reg, const uint32_t _clear_mask, const uint32_t _set_mask)
//#define dwc_modify_reg32(x, c, s) (*(volatile uint32_t *)((u64)x + DWC_REG_BASE))=( ((dwc_read_reg32(x)) & (~c)) | (s))
//#define __constant_cpu_to_le16(x) (x)
//#define __constant_cpu_to_le32(x) (x)
//#define cpu_to_le16(x) (x)
//#define cpu_to_le32(x) (x)
//#define le16_to_cpu(x) (x)
//#define le32_to_cpu(x) (x)
#define get_unaligned_16(ptr) (((__u8 *)ptr)[0] | (((__u8 *)ptr)[1]<<8))
#define get_unaligned_32(ptr) (((__u8 *)ptr)[0] | (((__u8 *)ptr)[1]<<8) | (((__u8 *)ptr)[2]<<16) | (((__u8 *)ptr)[3]<<24))
#define get_unaligned(ptr) (((__u8 *)ptr)[0] | (((__u8 *)ptr)[1]<<8) | (((__u8 *)ptr)[2]<<16) | (((__u8 *)ptr)[3]<<24))
#ifndef max
#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b))? (a): (b))
#ifndef min
#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b))? (a): (b))
//#define EXT_CLOCK 1
//#define INT_CLOCK 0
#define TIMEOUT_LONG 0
// 32 bit TimerE, 1us
#define USB_ROM_LONE_TIMEOUT 5*1000*1000 //us (5s timeout,)
#define USB_ROM_SHORT_TIMEOUT 30*1000 //30ms
/* Meet with spec */
//#define USB_ROM_VER_MAJOR 2
//#define USB_ROM_VER_MINOR 0 // SPEC Version
//#define USB_ROM_STAGE_MINOR 0 // IPL = 0, SPL = 8, TPL = 16
extern int printk(const char *fmt, ...);
#define NOOP do{}while(0)
#if defined(USB_DEBUG) && defined(HAS_PRINTF)
#define PRINTF(x...) printk(x)
//#define PRINTF(x...) NOOP
#define ERR(x...) PRINTF(x)
#define DWC_PRINT(x...) PRINTF(x)
//#define DBG(x...) NOOP//PRINTF(x)
#define INFO(x...) NOOP
#define USB_ERR(x...) PRINTF(x)
#define USB_DBG(x...) PRINTF(x)
void usb_parameter_init(int delay_type);
void clean_short_timeout(void);
//#define wait_ms(a) _udelay(a*1000);
//int chip_watchdog(void);
//#define usb_memcpy(dst,src,len) memcpy((void*)dst,(void*)src,(int)len)
//#define usb_memcpy_32bits(dst,src,len) memcpy((void*)dst,(void*)src,(int)len)
//unsigned int get_time(void);