blob: 802e730c984a8cb3ec9c2acb39eafba631a77561 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -e
# Copyright (c) 2018 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is subject to the terms and conditions defined in the
# file 'LICENSE' which is part of this source code package.
# For g12a and later
#set -x
TOOL_PATH=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
# Temporary files directory
if [ -z "$TMP" ]; then
trace() {
echo ">>> $@" > /dev/null
usage() {
cat << EOF
$(basename $0) --help
exit 1
check_file() {
if [ ! -f "$2" ]; then echo Error: Unable to open $1: \""$2"\"; exit 1 ; fi
# Check file argument exists and is given size
# $1 arg name
# $2 size
# $3 file
check_file_and_size() {
check_file "$1" "$3"
local filesize=$(wc -c < "$3")
if [ $filesize -ne $2 ]; then
echo "Incorrect size $filesize != $2 for $1 $3"
exit 1
# Pad file to len by adding 0's to end of file
# $1: file
# $2: len
pad_file() {
local file=$1
local len=$2
if [ ! -f "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "Argument error, \"$1\", \"$2\" "
exit 1
local filesize=$(wc -c < ${file})
local padlen=$(( $len - $filesize ))
if [ $len -lt $filesize ]; then
echo "File larger than expected. $filesize, $len"
exit 1
dd if=/dev/zero of=$file oflag=append conv=notrunc bs=1 \
count=$padlen >& /dev/null
# Write file to offset in output file
# 1: output file
# 2: file
# 3: offset
# 4: size
write_file() {
if [[ $# -ne 4 ]]; then
echo Error: bad args to write_file
exit 1
trace "write_file \"Xoutput\" $2 $3 $4"
dd if="$2" of="$1" bs=1 seek=$3 count=$4 \
conv=notrunc >& /dev/null
# Write hex to offset in output file
# 1: output file
# 2: value
# 3: offset
write_hex() {
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
echo Error: bad args to write_hex
exit 1
echo "$2" | xxd -r -p |
dd of="$1" bs=1 seek=$3 \
conv=notrunc >& /dev/null
# Write value to offset in output file
# 1: output file
# 2: value
# 3: offset
write_uint32_le() {
local output=$1
local input=$2
local offset=$3
local v=
local vrev=
v=$(printf %08x $input)
# 00010001
trace "write_uint32_le \"Xoutput\" $input $offset"
echo $vrev | xxd -r -p |
dd of="$1" bs=1 seek=$3 \
conv=notrunc >& /dev/null
# Write value to offset in output file
# 1: output file
# 2: value
# 3: offset
write_uint8() {
local output=$1
local input=$2
local offset=$3
local v=
trace "write_uint8 \"Xoutput\" $input $offset"
v=$(printf %02x $input)
echo $v | xxd -r -p |
dd of="$output" bs=1 seek=$offset \
conv=notrunc >& /dev/null
append_uint32_le() {
local input=$1
local output=$2
local v=
local vrev=
v=$(printf %08x $input)
# 00010001
echo $vrev | xxd -r -p >> $output
## Create bl2 header
#${TOOL_PATH}/sign-boot-g12a --create-bl2-header \
# -r $keylen \
# --root-key "$TMP/rootkey.bin" \
# --root-key-idx $rootkeyidx \
# --root-key-sha-0 "$TMP/rootkey0.sha" \
# --root-key-sha-1 "$TMP/rootkey1.sha" \
# --root-key-sha-2 "$TMP/rootkey2.sha" \
# --root-key-sha-3 "$TMP/rootkey3.sha" \
# --bl2-key-sha-0 "$TMP/bl2key0.sha" \
# --bl2-key-sha-1 "$TMP/bl2key1.sha" \
# --bl2-key-sha-2 "$TMP/bl2key2.sha" \
# --bl2-key-sha-3 "$TMP/bl2key3.sha" \
# --bl2-key-idx 0 \
# --bl2-key "$TMP/bl2key.bin" \
# --marketid $marketid \
# --bl2-size $bl2size \
# -o "$TMP/bl2.hdr"
create_bl2_header() {
local sigver="1"
local keylen=""
local rootkey=""
local rootkeyidx="0"
local rootkeysha0=""
local rootkeysha1=""
local rootkeysha2=""
local rootkeysha3=""
local bl2keysha0=""
local bl2keysha1=""
local bl2keysha2=""
local bl2keysha3=""
local bl2keyidx="0"
local bl2key=""
local bl2size=""
local marketid=""
local output=""
local argv=("$@")
local i=0
# Parse args
while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
i=$((i + 1))
case "$arg" in
-r) keylen="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--root-key) rootkey="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--root-key-idx) rootkeyidx="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--root-key-sha-0) rootkeysha0="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--root-key-sha-1) rootkeysha1="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--root-key-sha-2) rootkeysha2="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--root-key-sha-3) rootkeysha3="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--bl2-key-sha-0) bl2keysha0="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--bl2-key-sha-1) bl2keysha1="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--bl2-key-sha-2) bl2keysha2="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--bl2-key-sha-3) bl2keysha3="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--bl2-key-idx) bl2keyidx="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--bl2-key) bl2key="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--marketid) marketid="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--bl2-size) bl2size="${argv[$i]}" ;;
-o) output="${argv[$i]}" ;;
--sig-ver) sigver="${argv[$i]}" ;;
echo "Unknown option $arg"; exit 1
i=$((i + 1))
# Verify args
if [[ $keylen -ne 1024 ]] && [[ $keylen -ne 2048 ]] && [[ $keylen -ne 4096 ]]; then
echo Error: bad key len $keylen
exit 1
if [[ $keylen -ne 2048 ]]; then
echo Error: currently only 2048 bit keylen supported
# TODO fix this script to support other keylen
exit 1
check_file root-key "$rootkey"
check_file_and_size root-key-sha-0 32 "$rootkeysha0"
check_file_and_size root-key-sha-1 32 "$rootkeysha1"
check_file_and_size root-key-sha-2 32 "$rootkeysha2"
check_file_and_size root-key-sha-3 32 "$rootkeysha3"
check_file_and_size bl2-key-sha-0 32 "$bl2keysha0"
check_file_and_size bl2-key-sha-1 32 "$bl2keysha1"
check_file_and_size bl2-key-sha-2 32 "$bl2keysha2"
check_file_and_size bl2-key-sha-3 32 "$bl2keysha3"
check_file bl2-key "$bl2key"
if [[ -z "${rootkeyidx##*[!0-9]*}" ]] ||
[[ $rootkeyidx -gt 3 ]]; then
echo Error: bad rootkeyidx
exit 1
if [[ -z "${bl2keyidx##*[!0-9]*}" ]] ||
[[ $bl2keyidx -gt 3 ]]; then
echo Error: bad bl2keyidx
exit 1
if [ ! -z "$marketid" ] && [[ "$marketid" != "0" ]]; then
echo Error: Market ID not yet supported;
exit 1;
if [[ -z $output ]] || [[ -f $output ]]; then
echo Error: Invalid output file or output already exists
exit 1
# Get key version and check sizes
local filesize=$(wc -c < "$rootkey")
readonly rsa_public_key_size_v2=1036
readonly rsa_public_key_size_v3=1052
local key_ver
if [[ $filesize -eq $rsa_public_key_size_v2 ]]; then
check_file_and_size bl2-key $rsa_public_key_size_v2 "$bl2key"
elif [[ $filesize -eq $rsa_public_key_size_v3 ]]; then
check_file_and_size bl2-key $rsa_public_key_size_v3 "$bl2key"
echo Error: not supported yet - v3
exit 1
echo Error: bad key size for "$rootkey"
exit 1
# Create header
cp "${TOOL_PATH}/bl2.hdr.template" "$output"
write_file "$output" "$rootkey" 680 $rsa_public_key_size_v2
write_uint32_le "$output" 1124 596 # v2 key nTotalSize
write_file "$output" "$rootkeysha0" 1880 32
write_file "$output" "$rootkeysha1" 1928 32
write_file "$output" "$rootkeysha2" 1976 32
write_file "$output" "$rootkeysha3" 2024 32
write_file "$output" "$bl2keysha0" 2088 32
write_file "$output" "$bl2keysha1" 2136 32
write_file "$output" "$bl2keysha2" 2184 32
write_file "$output" "$bl2keysha3" 2232 32
write_file "$output" "$bl2key" 2928 $rsa_public_key_size_v2
write_uint32_le "$output" 1124 2844 # v2 key nTotalSize
write_uint8 "$output" $rootkeyidx 25
write_uint32_le "$output" 320 44 # chkstart
write_uint32_le "$output" 1928 60 # chksize
write_uint32_le "$output" 0 76 # marketid
write_uint8 "$output" 2 601 # keytype
write_uint8 "$output" 6 1873 # root keytype
write_uint8 "$output" 6 1921 # root keytype
write_uint8 "$output" 6 1969 # root keytype
write_uint8 "$output" 6 2017 # root keytype
write_uint8 "$output" 6 2081 # bl2 keytype
write_uint8 "$output" 6 2129 # bl2 keytype
write_uint8 "$output" 6 2177 # bl2 keytype
write_uint8 "$output" 6 2225 # bl2 keytype
# hdr.bl2_aml_blk_hdr.nTotalSize = bl2size - 4 * 1024 + 1832;
write_uint32_le "$output" $(( $bl2size - 4 * 1024 + 1832 )) 2268
write_uint32_le "$output" 320 2292 # chkstart
# hdr.bl2_aml_blk_hdr.nCHKSize = bl2_chksize;
write_uint32_le "$output" $(( $bl2size - 4 * 1024 + 1832 - 64 - 256 )) 2308
# hdr.bl2_aml_blk_hdr.nDataLen = bl2size - 4 * 1024;
write_uint32_le "$output" $(( $bl2size - 4 * 1024 )) 2320
write_uint8 "$output" 2 2849 # keytype
parse_main() {
local i=0
local argv=()
for arg in "$@" ; do
i=$((i + 1))
while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
case "$arg" in
break ;;
create_bl2_header "${argv[@]:$((i + 1))}"
break ;;
echo "Unknown first option $1"; exit 1
i=$((i + 1))
cleanup() {
trap cleanup EXIT
if [ ! -d "$TMP" ]; then mkdir "$TMP" ; fi
parse_main "$@"