blob: 51312628e7ddc86b5efe63202fcf0533fbba33d7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/** \file
* \brief defines _PMU_SMB_DDR4U_2D data structure
/** \brief DDR4U_2D training firmware message block structure
* Please refer to the Training Firmware App Note for futher information about
* the usage for Message Block.
typedef struct _PMU_SMB_DDR4U_2D_t {
uint8_t Reserved00; // Byte offset 0x00, CSR Addr 0x54000, Direction=In
// Reserved00[0:4] RFU, must be zero
// Reserved00[5] = Train vrefDAC0 During Read Deskew
// 0x1 = Read Deskew will begin by enabling and roughly training the phy’s per-lane reference voltages. Training the vrefDACs CSRs will increase the maximum 1D training time by around half a millisecond, but will improve 1D training accuracy on systems with significant voltage-offsets between lane read eyes.
// 0X0 = Read Deskew will assume the messageblock’s phyVref setting will work for all lanes.
// Reserved00[6] = Enable High Effort WrDQ1D
// 0x1 = WrDQ1D will conditionally retry training at several extra RxClkDly Timings. This will increase the maximum 1D training time by up to 4 extra iterations of WrDQ1D. This is only required in systems that suffer from very large, asymmetric eye-collapse when receiving PRBS patterns.
// 0x0 = WrDQ1D assume rxClkDly values found by SI Friendly RdDqs1D will work for receiving PRBS patterns
// Reserved00[7] = Optimize for the special hard macros in TSMC28.
// 0x1 = set if the phy being trained was manufactured in any TSMC28 process node.
// 0x0 = otherwise, when not training a TSMC28 phy, leave this field as 0.
uint8_t MsgMisc; // Byte offset 0x01, CSR Addr 0x54000, Direction=In
// Contains various global options for training.
// Bit fields:
// MsgMisc[0] = MTESTEnable
// 0x1 = Pulse primary digital test output bump at the end of each major training stage. This enables observation of training stage completion by observing the digital test output.
// 0x0 = Do not pulse primary digital test output bump
// MsgMisc[1] = SimulationOnlyReset
// 0x1 = Verilog only simulation option to shorten duration of DRAM reset pulse length to 1ns.
// Must never be set to 1 in silicon.
// 0x0 = Use reset pulse length specifed by JEDEC standard
// MsgMisc[2] = SimulationOnlyTraining
// 0x1 = Verilog only simulation option to shorten the duration of the training steps by performing fewer iterations.
// Must never be set to 1 in silicon.
// 0x0 = Use standard training duration.
// MsgMisc[3] = UseDdr4PerDeviceVrefDq (DDR4 UDIMM and RDIMM only, otherwise RFU, must be zero)
// 0x1 = Program user characterized Vref DQ values per DDR4 DRAM device. The message block VrefDqR*Nib* fields must be populated with the desired per device Vref DQs when using this option. Note: this option is not applicable in 2D training because these values are explicitly trained in 2D.
// 0x0 = Program Vref DQ for all DDR4 devices with the single value provided in MR6 message block field
// MsgMisc[4] = Suppress streaming messages, including assertions, regardless of HdtCtrl setting.
// Stage Completion messages, as well as training completion and error messages are
// Still sent depending on HdtCtrl setting.
// MsgMisc[5] = PerByteMaxRdLat
// 0x1 = Each DBYTE will return dfi_rddata_valid at the lowest possible latency. This may result in unaligned data between bytes to be returned to the DFI.
// 0x0 = Every DBYTE will return dfi_rddata_valid simultaneously. This will ensure that data bytes will return aligned accesses to the DFI.
// MsgMisc[6] = PartialRank (DDR3 UDIMM and DDR4 UDIMM only, otherwise RFU, must be zero)
// 0x1 = Support rank populated with a subset of byte, but where even-odd pair of rank support all the byte
// 0x0 = All rank populated with all the byte (tyical configuration)
// MsgMisc[7] RFU, must be zero
// Notes:
// - SimulationOnlyReset and SimulationOnlyTraining can be used to speed up simulation run times, and must never be used in real silicon. Some VIPs may have checks on DRAM reset parameters that may need to be disabled when using SimulationOnlyReset.
uint16_t PmuRevision; // Byte offset 0x02, CSR Addr 0x54001, Direction=Out
// PMU firmware revision ID
// After training is run, this address will contain the revision ID of the firmware.
// Please reference this revision ID when filing support cases with Synopsys.
uint8_t Pstate; // Byte offset 0x04, CSR Addr 0x54002, Direction=In
// Must be set to the target Pstate to be trained
// 0x0 = Pstate 0
// 0x1 = Pstate 1
// 0x2 = Pstate 2
// 0x3 = Pstate 3
// All other encodings are reserved
uint8_t PllBypassEn; // Byte offset 0x05, CSR Addr 0x54002, Direction=In
// Set according to whether target Pstate uses PHY PLL bypass
// 0x0 = PHY PLL is enabled for target Pstate
// 0x1 = PHY PLL is bypassed for target Pstate
uint16_t DRAMFreq; // Byte offset 0x06, CSR Addr 0x54003, Direction=In
// DDR data rate for the target Pstate in units of MT/s.
// For example enter 0x0640 for DDR1600.
uint8_t DfiFreqRatio; // Byte offset 0x08, CSR Addr 0x54004, Direction=In
// Frequency ratio betwen DfiCtlClk and SDRAM memclk.
// 0x1 = 1:1
// 0x2 = 1:2
// 0x4 = 1:4
uint8_t BPZNResVal ; // Byte offset 0x09, CSR Addr 0x54004, Direction=In
// Must be programmed to match the precision resistor connected to Phy BP_ZN
// 0x00 = Do not program. Use current CSR value.
// 0xf0 = 240 Ohm (recommended value)
// 0x78 = 120 Ohm
// 0x28 = 40 Ohm
// All other values are reserved.
uint8_t PhyOdtImpedance; // Byte offset 0x0a, CSR Addr 0x54005, Direction=In
// Must be programmed to the termination impedance in ohms used by PHY during reads.
// 0x0 = Firmware skips programming (must be manually programmed by user prior to training start)
// See PHY databook for legal termination impedance values.
// For digital simulation, any legal value can be used. For silicon, the users must determine the correct value through SI simulation or other methods.
uint8_t PhyDrvImpedance; // Byte offset 0x0b, CSR Addr 0x54005, Direction=In
// Must be programmed to the driver impedance in ohms used by PHY during writes for all DBYTE drivers (DQ/DM/DBI/DQS).
// 0x0 = Firmware skips programming (must be manually programmed by user prior to training start)
// See PHY databook for legal R_on driver impedance values.
// For digital simulation, any value can be used that is not Hi-Z. For silicon, the users must determine the correct value through SI simulation or other methods.
uint8_t PhyVref; // Byte offset 0x0c, CSR Addr 0x54006, Direction=In
// Must be programmed with the Vref level to be used by the PHY during reads
// The units of this field are a percentage of VDDQ according to the following equation:
// Receiver Vref = VDDQ*PhyVref[6:0]/128
// For example to set Vref at 0.75*VDDQ, set this field to 0x60.
// For digital simulation, any legal value can be used. For silicon, the users must calculate the analytical Vref by using the impedances, terminations, and series resistance present in the system.
uint8_t DramType; // Byte offset 0x0d, CSR Addr 0x54006, Direction=In
// Module Type:
// 0x01 = Reserved
// 0x02 = DDR4 unbuffered
// 0x03 = Reserved
// 0x04 = Reserved
// 0x05 = Reserved
uint8_t DisabledDbyte; // Byte offset 0x0e, CSR Addr 0x54007, Direction=In
// Bitmap to indicate which Dbyte are not connected (for DByte 0 to 7):
// Set DisabledDbyte[i] to 1 only to specify that DByte i not need to be trained (DByte 8 can be disabled via EnabledDQs setting)
uint8_t EnabledDQs; // Byte offset 0x0f, CSR Addr 0x54007, Direction=In
// Total number of DQ bits enabled in PHY
uint8_t CsPresent; // Byte offset 0x10, CSR Addr 0x54008, Direction=In
// Indicates presence of DRAM at each chip select for PHY. Each bit corresponds to a logical CS.
// If the bit is set to 1, the CS is connected to DRAM.
// If the bit is set to 0, the CS is not connected to DRAM.
// CsPresent[0] = CS0 is populated with DRAM
// CsPresent[1] = CS1 is populated with DRAM
// CsPresent[2] = CS2 is populated with DRAM
// CsPresent[3] = CS3 is populated with DRAM
// CsPresent[7:4] = Reserved (must be programmed to 0)
uint8_t CsPresentD0; // Byte offset 0x11, CSR Addr 0x54008, Direction=In
// The CS signals from field CsPresent that are routed to DIMM connector 0
uint8_t CsPresentD1; // Byte offset 0x12, CSR Addr 0x54009, Direction=In
// The CS signals from field CsPresent that are routed to DIMM connector 1
uint8_t AddrMirror; // Byte offset 0x13, CSR Addr 0x54009, Direction=In
// Corresponds to CS[3:0]
// 1 = Address Mirror.
// 0 = No Address Mirror.
uint8_t CsTestFail; // Byte offset 0x14, CSR Addr 0x5400a, Direction=Out
// This field will be set if training fails on any rank.
// 0x0 = No failures
// non-zero = one or more ranks failed training
uint8_t PhyCfg; // Byte offset 0x15, CSR Addr 0x5400a, Direction=In
// Additional mode bits.
// Bit fields:
// [0] SlowAccessMode :
// 1 = 2T Address Timing.
// 0 = 1T Address Timing.
// [7-1] RFU, must be zero
uint16_t SequenceCtrl; // Byte offset 0x16, CSR Addr 0x5400b, Direction=In
// Controls the training steps to be run. Each bit corresponds to a training step.
// If the bit is set to 1, the training step will run.
// If the bit is set to 0, the training step will be skipped.
// Training step to bit mapping:
// SequenceCtrl[0] = Run DevInit - Device/phy initialization. Should always be set.
// SequenceCtrl[1] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[2] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[3] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[4] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[5] = Run rd2D - 2d read dqs training
// SequenceCtrl[6] = Run wr2D - 2d write dq training
// SequenceCtrl[7] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[8] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[9] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[10] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[11] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[12] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[13] = RFU, must be zero
// SequenceCtrl[15-14] = RFU, must be zero
uint8_t HdtCtrl; // Byte offset 0x18, CSR Addr 0x5400c, Direction=In
// To control the total number of debug messages, a verbosity subfield (HdtCtrl, Hardware Debug Trace Control) exists in the message block. Every message has a verbosity level associated with it, and as the HdtCtrl value is increased, less important s messages stop being sent through the mailboxes. The meanings of several major HdtCtrl thresholds are explained below:
// 0x05 = Detailed debug messages (e.g. Eye delays)
// 0x0A = Coarse debug messages (e.g. rank information)
// 0xC8 = Stage completion
// 0xC9 = Assertion messages
// 0xFF = Firmware completion messages only
// See Training App Note for more detailed information on what messages are included for each threshold.
uint8_t RX2D_TrainOpt; // Byte offset 0x19, CSR Addr 0x5400c, Direction=In
// Bit fields, if 2D read training enabled, then use these additional options:
// [0] DFE
// 1 = Run rx2D with DFE
// 0 = Run rx2D with DFE off
// [1-2] Voltage Step Size (2^n)
// 3 = 8 DAC settings between checked values
// 2 = 4 DAC settings between checked values
// 1 = 2 DAC settings between checked values
// 0 = 1 DAC settings between checked values
// [3-4] Delay Step Size (2^n)
// 3 = 8 LCDL delays between checked values
// 2 = 4 LCDL delays between checked values
// 1 = 2 LCDL delays between checked values
// 0 = 1 LCDL delays between checked values
// [5-7] RFU, must be zero
uint8_t TX2D_TrainOpt; // Byte offset 0x1a, CSR Addr 0x5400d, Direction=In
// Bit fields, if 2D write training is enabled, then use these additional options:
// [0] FFE
// 1 = Train tx2D with FFE
// 0 = Train tx2D with FFE off
// [1-2] Voltage Step Size (2^n)
// 3 = 8 DAC settings between checked values
// 2 = 4 DAC settings between checked values
// 1 = 2 DAC settings between checked values
// 0 = 1 DAC settings between checked values
// [3-4] Delay Step Size (2^n)
// 3 = 8 LCDL delays between checked values
// 2 = 4 LCDL delays between checked values
// 1 = 2 LCDL delays between checked values
// 0 = 1 LCDL delays between checked values
// [5] FFE Decision Algorithm Control
// 1 = FFE chooses the drive strength that maximizes the average eye-area across the entire phy.
// 0 = FFE chooses the drive strength that maximizes the smallest eye across the entire phy.
// [6-7] RFU, must be zero
uint8_t Share2DVrefResult; // Byte offset 0x1b, CSR Addr 0x5400d, Direction=In
// Bitmap that designates the phy's vref source for every pstate
// If Share2DVrefResult[x] = 0, then after 2D training, pstate x will continue using the phyVref provided in pstate x’s 1D messageblock.
// If Share2DVrefResult[x] = 1, then after 2D training, pstate x will use the per-lane VrefDAC0/1 CSRs trained by 2d training.
uint8_t Delay_Weight2D; // Byte offset 0x1c, CSR Addr 0x5400e, Direction=In
// During 2D training, the ideal eye center changes depending on how valuable delay margin is compared to voltage margin. delay_weight2D sets the value, or weight, of one step of delay margin. The ratio of voltage_weight2D to delay_weight2D will be used by 2D training to choose your preferred center point. There are 32 delay steps in a perfect eye.
uint8_t Voltage_Weight2D; // Byte offset 0x1d, CSR Addr 0x5400e, Direction=In
// During 2D training, the ideal eye center changes depending on how valuable voltage margin is compared to delay margin. voltage_weight2D sets the value, or weight, of one step of voltage margin. The ratio of voltage_weight2D to delay_weight2D will be used by 2D training to choose your preferred center point. There are 128 voltage steps in a perfect eye.
uint8_t Reserved1E; // Byte offset 0x1e, CSR Addr 0x5400f, Direction=In
// Input for constraining the range of vref(DQ) values training will collect data for, usually reducing training time. However, too large of a voltage range may cause longer 2D training times while too small of a voltage range may truncate passing regions. When in doubt, leave this field set to 0.
// Used by 2D training in: Rd2D, Wr2D
// Reserved1E[0-3]: Rd2D Voltage Range
// 0 = Training will search all phy vref(DQ) settings
// 1 = limit to +/-2 %VDDQ from phyVref
// 2 = limit to +/-4 %VDDQ from phyVref
// …
// 15 = limit to +/-30% VDDQ from phyVref
// Reserved1E[4-7]: Wr2D Voltage Range
// 0 = Training will search all dram vref(DQ) settings
// 1 = limit to +/-2 %VDDQ from MR6
// 2 = limit to +/-4 %VDDQ from MR6
// …
// 15 = limit to +/-30% VDDQ from MR6
uint8_t Reserved1F; // Byte offset 0x1f, CSR Addr 0x5400f, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved20; // Byte offset 0x20, CSR Addr 0x54010, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved21; // Byte offset 0x21, CSR Addr 0x54010, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint16_t PhyConfigOverride; // Byte offset 0x22, CSR Addr 0x54011, Direction=In
// Override PhyConfig csr.
// 0x0: Use hardware csr value for PhyConfing (recommended)
// Other values: Use value for PhyConfig instead of Hardware value.
uint8_t DFIMRLMargin; // Byte offset 0x24, CSR Addr 0x54012, Direction=In
// Margin added to smallest passing trained DFI Max Read Latency value, in units of DFI clocks. Recommended to be >= 1. See the Training App Note for more details on the training process and the use of this value.
uint8_t R0_RxClkDly_Margin; // Byte offset 0x25, CSR Addr 0x54012, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in DLL steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R0_VrefDac_Margin; // Byte offset 0x26, CSR Addr 0x54013, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in phy DAC steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R0_TxDqDly_Margin; // Byte offset 0x27, CSR Addr 0x54013, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in DLL steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R0_DeviceVref_Margin; // Byte offset 0x28, CSR Addr 0x54014, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in device DAC steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t Reserved29; // Byte offset 0x29, CSR Addr 0x54014, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved2A; // Byte offset 0x2a, CSR Addr 0x54015, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved2B; // Byte offset 0x2b, CSR Addr 0x54015, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved2C; // Byte offset 0x2c, CSR Addr 0x54016, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved2D; // Byte offset 0x2d, CSR Addr 0x54016, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved2E; // Byte offset 0x2e, CSR Addr 0x54017, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved2F; // Byte offset 0x2f, CSR Addr 0x54017, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved30; // Byte offset 0x30, CSR Addr 0x54018, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved31; // Byte offset 0x31, CSR Addr 0x54018, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved32; // Byte offset 0x32, CSR Addr 0x54019, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t R1_RxClkDly_Margin; // Byte offset 0x33, CSR Addr 0x54019, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in DLL steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R1_VrefDac_Margin; // Byte offset 0x34, CSR Addr 0x5401a, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in phy DAC steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R1_TxDqDly_Margin; // Byte offset 0x35, CSR Addr 0x5401a, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in DLL steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R1_DeviceVref_Margin; // Byte offset 0x36, CSR Addr 0x5401b, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in device DAC steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t Reserved37; // Byte offset 0x37, CSR Addr 0x5401b, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved38; // Byte offset 0x38, CSR Addr 0x5401c, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved39; // Byte offset 0x39, CSR Addr 0x5401c, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved3A; // Byte offset 0x3a, CSR Addr 0x5401d, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved3B; // Byte offset 0x3b, CSR Addr 0x5401d, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved3C; // Byte offset 0x3c, CSR Addr 0x5401e, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved3D; // Byte offset 0x3d, CSR Addr 0x5401e, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved3E; // Byte offset 0x3e, CSR Addr 0x5401f, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved3F; // Byte offset 0x3f, CSR Addr 0x5401f, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved40; // Byte offset 0x40, CSR Addr 0x54020, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t R2_RxClkDly_Margin; // Byte offset 0x41, CSR Addr 0x54020, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in DLL steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R2_VrefDac_Margin; // Byte offset 0x42, CSR Addr 0x54021, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in phy DAC steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R2_TxDqDly_Margin; // Byte offset 0x43, CSR Addr 0x54021, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in DLL steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R2_DeviceVref_Margin; // Byte offset 0x44, CSR Addr 0x54022, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in device DAC steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t Reserved45; // Byte offset 0x45, CSR Addr 0x54022, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved46; // Byte offset 0x46, CSR Addr 0x54023, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved47; // Byte offset 0x47, CSR Addr 0x54023, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved48; // Byte offset 0x48, CSR Addr 0x54024, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved49; // Byte offset 0x49, CSR Addr 0x54024, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved4A; // Byte offset 0x4a, CSR Addr 0x54025, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved4B; // Byte offset 0x4b, CSR Addr 0x54025, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved4C; // Byte offset 0x4c, CSR Addr 0x54026, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved4D; // Byte offset 0x4d, CSR Addr 0x54026, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved4E; // Byte offset 0x4e, CSR Addr 0x54027, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t R3_RxClkDly_Margin; // Byte offset 0x4f, CSR Addr 0x54027, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in DLL steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R3_VrefDac_Margin; // Byte offset 0x50, CSR Addr 0x54028, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in phy DAC steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R3_TxDqDly_Margin; // Byte offset 0x51, CSR Addr 0x54028, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in DLL steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t R3_DeviceVref_Margin; // Byte offset 0x52, CSR Addr 0x54029, Direction=Out
// Distance from the trained center to the closest failing region in device DAC steps. This value is the minimum of all eyes in this timing group.
uint8_t Reserved53; // Byte offset 0x53, CSR Addr 0x54029, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved54; // Byte offset 0x54, CSR Addr 0x5402a, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved55; // Byte offset 0x55, CSR Addr 0x5402a, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved56; // Byte offset 0x56, CSR Addr 0x5402b, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved57; // Byte offset 0x57, CSR Addr 0x5402b, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved58; // Byte offset 0x58, CSR Addr 0x5402c, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved59; // Byte offset 0x59, CSR Addr 0x5402c, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved5A; // Byte offset 0x5a, CSR Addr 0x5402d, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved5B; // Byte offset 0x5b, CSR Addr 0x5402d, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved5C; // Byte offset 0x5c, CSR Addr 0x5402e, Direction=N/A
// This field is reserved and must be programmed to 0x00.
uint8_t Reserved5D; // Byte offset 0x5d, CSR Addr 0x5402e, Direction=In
// Bit Field for enabling optional 2D training features that impact both Rx2D and Tx2D.
// Reserved5D[0-3]: bitTimeControl
// Input for increasing the number of data-comparisons 2D runs per (delay,voltage) point. Every time this input increases by 1, the number of 2D data comparisons is doubled. The 2D run time will increase proportionally to the number of bit times requested per point.
// 0 = 1 kilobit per point (legacy behavior)
// 1 = 2 kilobits per point
// 2 = 4 kilobits per point
// …
// 15 = 32 megabits per point
// Reserved5D[4]: Exhaustive2D
// 0 = 2D’s optimization assumes the optimal trained point is near the 1D trained point (legacy behavior)
// 1 = 2D’s optimization searches the entire passing region at the cost of run time. Recommended for optimal results any time the optimal trained point is expected to be near the edges of the eyes instead of near the 1D trained point.
// Reserved5D[5:7]: RFU, must be 0
uint16_t MR0; // Byte offset 0x5e, CSR Addr 0x5402f, Direction=In
// Value of DDR mode register MR0 for all ranks for current pstate
uint16_t MR1; // Byte offset 0x60, CSR Addr 0x54030, Direction=In
// Value of DDR mode register MR1 for all ranks for current pstate
uint16_t MR2; // Byte offset 0x62, CSR Addr 0x54031, Direction=In
// Value of DDR mode register MR2 for all ranks for current pstate
uint16_t MR3; // Byte offset 0x64, CSR Addr 0x54032, Direction=In
// Value of DDR mode register MR3 for all ranks for current pstate
uint16_t MR4; // Byte offset 0x66, CSR Addr 0x54033, Direction=In
// Value of DDR mode register MR4 for all ranks for current pstate
uint16_t MR5; // Byte offset 0x68, CSR Addr 0x54034, Direction=In
// Value of DDR mode register MR5 for all ranks for current pstate
uint16_t MR6; // Byte offset 0x6a, CSR Addr 0x54035, Direction=In
// Value of DDR mode register MR6 for all ranks for current pstate. Note: The initial VrefDq value and range must be set in A6:A0.
uint8_t X16Present; // Byte offset 0x6c, CSR Addr 0x54036, Direction=In
// X16 device map. Corresponds to CS[3:0].
// X16Present[0] = CS0 is populated with X16 devices
// X16Present[1] = CS1 is populated with X16 devices
// X16Present[2] = CS2 is populated with X16 devices
// X16Present[3] = CS3 is populated with X16 devices
// X16Present[7:4] = Reserved (must be programmed to 0)
// Ranks may not contain mixed device types.
uint8_t CsSetupGDDec; // Byte offset 0x6d, CSR Addr 0x54036, Direction=In
// controls timing of chip select signals when DDR4 gear-down mode is active
// 0 - Leave delay of chip select timing group signal the same both before and after gear-down sync occurs
// 1 - Add 1UI of delay to chip select timing group signals when geardown-mode is active. This allows CS signals to have equal setup and hold time in gear-down mode
uint16_t RTT_NOM_WR_PARK0; // Byte offset 0x6e, CSR Addr 0x54037, Direction=In
// Optional RTT_NOM, RTT_WR and RTT_PARK values for rank 0 DRAM:
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK0[0] = 1: Option is enable (otherwise, remaining bit fields are don't care)
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK0[5:3]: Optional RTT_NOM value to be used in MR1[10:8] for rank 0
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK0[11:9]: Optional RTT_WR value to be used in MR2[11:9] for rank 0
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK0[8:6]: Optional RTT_PARK value to be used in MR5[8:6] for rank 0
uint16_t RTT_NOM_WR_PARK1; // Byte offset 0x70, CSR Addr 0x54038, Direction=In
// Optional RTT_NOM, RTT_WR and RTT_PARK values for rank 1 DRAM:
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK1[0] = 1: Option is enable (otherwise, remaining bit fields are don't care)
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK1[5:3]: Optional RTT_NOM value to be used in MR1[10:8] for rank 1
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK1[11:9]: Optional RTT_WR value to be used in MR2[11:9] for rank 1
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK1[8:6]: Optional RTT_PARK value to be used in MR5[8:6] for rank 1
uint16_t RTT_NOM_WR_PARK2; // Byte offset 0x72, CSR Addr 0x54039, Direction=In
// Optional RTT_NOM, RTT_WR and RTT_PARK values for rank 2 DRAM:
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK2[0] = 1: Option is enable (otherwise, remaining bit fields are don't care)
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK2[5:3]: Optional RTT_NOM value to be used in MR1[10:8] for rank 2
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK2[11:9]: Optional RTT_WR value to be used in MR2[11:9] for rank 2
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK2[8:6]: Optional RTT_PARK value to be used in MR5[8:6] for rank 2
uint16_t RTT_NOM_WR_PARK3; // Byte offset 0x74, CSR Addr 0x5403a, Direction=In
// Optional RTT_NOM, RTT_WR and RTT_PARK values for rank 3 DRAM:
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK3[0] = 1: Option is enable (otherwise, remaining bit fields are don't care)
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK3[5:3]: Optional RTT_NOM value to be used in MR1[10:8] for rank 3
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK3[11:9]: Optional RTT_WR value to be used in MR2[11:9] for rank 3
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK3[8:6]: Optional RTT_PARK value to be used in MR5[8:6] for rank 3
uint16_t RTT_NOM_WR_PARK4; // Byte offset 0x76, CSR Addr 0x5403b, Direction=In
// Optional RTT_NOM, RTT_WR and RTT_PARK values for rank 4 DRAM:
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK4[0] = 1: Option is enable (otherwise, remaining bit fields are don't care)
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK4[5:3]: Optional RTT_NOM value to be used in MR1[10:8] for rank 4
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK4[11:9]: Optional RTT_WR value to be used in MR2[11:9] for rank 4
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK4[8:6]: Optional RTT_PARK value to be used in MR5[8:6] for rank 4
uint16_t RTT_NOM_WR_PARK5; // Byte offset 0x78, CSR Addr 0x5403c, Direction=In
// Optional RTT_NOM, RTT_WR and RTT_PARK values for rank 5 DRAM:
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK5[0] = 1: Option is enable (otherwise, remaining bit fields are don't care)
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK5[5:3]: Optional RTT_NOM value to be used in MR1[10:8] for rank 5
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK5[11:9]: Optional RTT_WR value to be used in MR2[11:9] for rank 5
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK5[8:6]: Optional RTT_PARK value to be used in MR5[8:6] for rank 5
uint16_t RTT_NOM_WR_PARK6; // Byte offset 0x7a, CSR Addr 0x5403d, Direction=In
// Optional RTT_NOM, RTT_WR and RTT_PARK values for rank 6 DRAM:
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK6[0] = 1: Option is enable (otherwise, remaining bit fields are don't care)
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK6[5:3]: Optional RTT_NOM value to be used in MR1[10:8] for rank 6
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK6[11:9]: Optional RTT_WR value to be used in MR2[11:9] for rank 6
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK6[8:6]: Optional RTT_PARK value to be used in MR5[8:6] for rank 6
uint16_t RTT_NOM_WR_PARK7; // Byte offset 0x7c, CSR Addr 0x5403e, Direction=In
// Optional RTT_NOM, RTT_WR and RTT_PARK values for rank 7 DRAM:
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK7[0] = 1: Option is enable (otherwise, remaining bit fields are don't care)
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK7[5:3]: Optional RTT_NOM value to be used in MR1[10:8] for rank 7
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK7[11:9]: Optional RTT_WR value to be used in MR2[11:9] for rank 7
// RTT_NOM_WR_PARK7[8:6]: Optional RTT_PARK value to be used in MR5[8:6] for rank 7
uint8_t AcsmOdtCtrl0; // Byte offset 0x7e, CSR Addr 0x5403f, Direction=In
// Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 0. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
uint8_t AcsmOdtCtrl1; // Byte offset 0x7f, CSR Addr 0x5403f, Direction=In
// Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 1. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
uint8_t AcsmOdtCtrl2; // Byte offset 0x80, CSR Addr 0x54040, Direction=In
// Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 2. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
uint8_t AcsmOdtCtrl3; // Byte offset 0x81, CSR Addr 0x54040, Direction=In
// Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 3. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
uint8_t AcsmOdtCtrl4; // Byte offset 0x82, CSR Addr 0x54041, Direction=In
// Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 4. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
uint8_t AcsmOdtCtrl5; // Byte offset 0x83, CSR Addr 0x54041, Direction=In
// Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 5. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
uint8_t AcsmOdtCtrl6; // Byte offset 0x84, CSR Addr 0x54042, Direction=In
// Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 6. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
uint8_t AcsmOdtCtrl7; // Byte offset 0x85, CSR Addr 0x54042, Direction=In
// Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 7. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib0; // Byte offset 0x86, CSR Addr 0x54043, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 0. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib1; // Byte offset 0x87, CSR Addr 0x54043, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 1. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib0 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib2; // Byte offset 0x88, CSR Addr 0x54044, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 2. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib0 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib3; // Byte offset 0x89, CSR Addr 0x54044, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 3. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib0 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR0Nib2 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib4; // Byte offset 0x8a, CSR Addr 0x54045, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 4. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib5; // Byte offset 0x8b, CSR Addr 0x54045, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 5. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib4 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib6; // Byte offset 0x8c, CSR Addr 0x54046, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 6. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib4 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib7; // Byte offset 0x8d, CSR Addr 0x54046, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 7. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib4 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR0Nib6 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib8; // Byte offset 0x8e, CSR Addr 0x54047, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 8. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib9; // Byte offset 0x8f, CSR Addr 0x54047, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 9. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib8 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib10; // Byte offset 0x90, CSR Addr 0x54048, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 10. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib8 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib11; // Byte offset 0x91, CSR Addr 0x54048, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 11. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib8 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR0Nib10 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib12; // Byte offset 0x92, CSR Addr 0x54049, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 12. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib13; // Byte offset 0x93, CSR Addr 0x54049, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 13. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib12 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib14; // Byte offset 0x94, CSR Addr 0x5404a, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 14. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib12 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib15; // Byte offset 0x95, CSR Addr 0x5404a, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 15. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib12 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR0Nib14 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib16; // Byte offset 0x96, CSR Addr 0x5404b, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 16. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib17; // Byte offset 0x97, CSR Addr 0x5404b, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 17. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib16 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib18; // Byte offset 0x98, CSR Addr 0x5404c, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 18. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib16 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR0Nib19; // Byte offset 0x99, CSR Addr 0x5404c, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 0 nibble 19. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR0Nib16 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR0Nib18 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib0; // Byte offset 0x9a, CSR Addr 0x5404d, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 0. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib1; // Byte offset 0x9b, CSR Addr 0x5404d, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 1. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib0 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib2; // Byte offset 0x9c, CSR Addr 0x5404e, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 2. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib0 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib3; // Byte offset 0x9d, CSR Addr 0x5404e, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 3. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib0 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR1Nib2 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib4; // Byte offset 0x9e, CSR Addr 0x5404f, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 4. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib5; // Byte offset 0x9f, CSR Addr 0x5404f, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 5. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib4 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib6; // Byte offset 0xa0, CSR Addr 0x54050, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 6. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib4 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib7; // Byte offset 0xa1, CSR Addr 0x54050, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 7. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib4 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR1Nib6 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib8; // Byte offset 0xa2, CSR Addr 0x54051, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 8. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib9; // Byte offset 0xa3, CSR Addr 0x54051, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 9. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib8 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib10; // Byte offset 0xa4, CSR Addr 0x54052, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 10. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib8 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib11; // Byte offset 0xa5, CSR Addr 0x54052, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 11. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib8 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR1Nib10 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib12; // Byte offset 0xa6, CSR Addr 0x54053, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 12. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib13; // Byte offset 0xa7, CSR Addr 0x54053, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 13. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib12 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib14; // Byte offset 0xa8, CSR Addr 0x54054, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 14. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib12 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib15; // Byte offset 0xa9, CSR Addr 0x54054, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 15. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib12 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR1Nib14 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib16; // Byte offset 0xaa, CSR Addr 0x54055, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 16. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib17; // Byte offset 0xab, CSR Addr 0x54055, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 17. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib16 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib18; // Byte offset 0xac, CSR Addr 0x54056, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 18. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib16 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR1Nib19; // Byte offset 0xad, CSR Addr 0x54056, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 1 nibble 19. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR1Nib16 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR1Nib18 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib0; // Byte offset 0xae, CSR Addr 0x54057, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 0. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib1; // Byte offset 0xaf, CSR Addr 0x54057, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 1. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib0 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib2; // Byte offset 0xb0, CSR Addr 0x54058, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 2. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib0 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib3; // Byte offset 0xb1, CSR Addr 0x54058, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 3. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib0 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR2Nib2 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib4; // Byte offset 0xb2, CSR Addr 0x54059, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 4. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib5; // Byte offset 0xb3, CSR Addr 0x54059, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 5. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib4 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib6; // Byte offset 0xb4, CSR Addr 0x5405a, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 6. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib4 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib7; // Byte offset 0xb5, CSR Addr 0x5405a, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 7. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib4 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR2Nib6 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib8; // Byte offset 0xb6, CSR Addr 0x5405b, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 8. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib9; // Byte offset 0xb7, CSR Addr 0x5405b, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 9. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib8 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib10; // Byte offset 0xb8, CSR Addr 0x5405c, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 10. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib8 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib11; // Byte offset 0xb9, CSR Addr 0x5405c, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 11. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib8 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR2Nib10 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib12; // Byte offset 0xba, CSR Addr 0x5405d, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 12. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib13; // Byte offset 0xbb, CSR Addr 0x5405d, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 13. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib12 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib14; // Byte offset 0xbc, CSR Addr 0x5405e, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 14. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib12 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib15; // Byte offset 0xbd, CSR Addr 0x5405e, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 15. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib12 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR2Nib14 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib16; // Byte offset 0xbe, CSR Addr 0x5405f, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 16. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib17; // Byte offset 0xbf, CSR Addr 0x5405f, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 17. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib16 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib18; // Byte offset 0xc0, CSR Addr 0x54060, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 18. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib16 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR2Nib19; // Byte offset 0xc1, CSR Addr 0x54060, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 2 nibble 19. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR2Nib16 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR2Nib18 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib0; // Byte offset 0xc2, CSR Addr 0x54061, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 0. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib1; // Byte offset 0xc3, CSR Addr 0x54061, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 1. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib0 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib2; // Byte offset 0xc4, CSR Addr 0x54062, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 2. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib0 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib3; // Byte offset 0xc5, CSR Addr 0x54062, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 3. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib0 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR3Nib2 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib4; // Byte offset 0xc6, CSR Addr 0x54063, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 4. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib5; // Byte offset 0xc7, CSR Addr 0x54063, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 5. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib4 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib6; // Byte offset 0xc8, CSR Addr 0x54064, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 6. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib4 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib7; // Byte offset 0xc9, CSR Addr 0x54064, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 7. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib4 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR3Nib6 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib8; // Byte offset 0xca, CSR Addr 0x54065, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 8. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib9; // Byte offset 0xcb, CSR Addr 0x54065, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 9. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib8 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib10; // Byte offset 0xcc, CSR Addr 0x54066, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 10. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib8 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib11; // Byte offset 0xcd, CSR Addr 0x54066, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 11. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib8 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR3Nib10 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib12; // Byte offset 0xce, CSR Addr 0x54067, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 12. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib13; // Byte offset 0xcf, CSR Addr 0x54067, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 13. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib12 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib14; // Byte offset 0xd0, CSR Addr 0x54068, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 14. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib12 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib15; // Byte offset 0xd1, CSR Addr 0x54068, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 15. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib12 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR3Nib14 for x8 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib16; // Byte offset 0xd2, CSR Addr 0x54069, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 16. Specifies MR6[6:0]
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib17; // Byte offset 0xd3, CSR Addr 0x54069, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 17. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib16 for x8 or x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib18; // Byte offset 0xd4, CSR Addr 0x5406a, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 18. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib16 for x16 devices.
uint8_t VrefDqR3Nib19; // Byte offset 0xd5, CSR Addr 0x5406a, Direction=InOut
// VrefDq for rank 3 nibble 19. Specifies MR6[6:0]. Identical to VrefDqR3Nib16 for x16 devices, or VrefDqR3Nib18 for x8 devices.
uint8_t ReservedD6; // Byte offset 0xd6, CSR Addr 0x5406b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedD7; // Byte offset 0xd7, CSR Addr 0x5406b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedD8; // Byte offset 0xd8, CSR Addr 0x5406c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedD9; // Byte offset 0xd9, CSR Addr 0x5406c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedDA; // Byte offset 0xda, CSR Addr 0x5406d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedDB; // Byte offset 0xdb, CSR Addr 0x5406d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedDC; // Byte offset 0xdc, CSR Addr 0x5406e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedDD; // Byte offset 0xdd, CSR Addr 0x5406e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedDE; // Byte offset 0xde, CSR Addr 0x5406f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedDF; // Byte offset 0xdf, CSR Addr 0x5406f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE0; // Byte offset 0xe0, CSR Addr 0x54070, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE1; // Byte offset 0xe1, CSR Addr 0x54070, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE2; // Byte offset 0xe2, CSR Addr 0x54071, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE3; // Byte offset 0xe3, CSR Addr 0x54071, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE4; // Byte offset 0xe4, CSR Addr 0x54072, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE5; // Byte offset 0xe5, CSR Addr 0x54072, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE6; // Byte offset 0xe6, CSR Addr 0x54073, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE7; // Byte offset 0xe7, CSR Addr 0x54073, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE8; // Byte offset 0xe8, CSR Addr 0x54074, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedE9; // Byte offset 0xe9, CSR Addr 0x54074, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedEA; // Byte offset 0xea, CSR Addr 0x54075, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedEB; // Byte offset 0xeb, CSR Addr 0x54075, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedEC; // Byte offset 0xec, CSR Addr 0x54076, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedED; // Byte offset 0xed, CSR Addr 0x54076, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedEE; // Byte offset 0xee, CSR Addr 0x54077, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedEF; // Byte offset 0xef, CSR Addr 0x54077, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF0; // Byte offset 0xf0, CSR Addr 0x54078, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF1; // Byte offset 0xf1, CSR Addr 0x54078, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF2; // Byte offset 0xf2, CSR Addr 0x54079, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF3; // Byte offset 0xf3, CSR Addr 0x54079, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF4; // Byte offset 0xf4, CSR Addr 0x5407a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF5; // Byte offset 0xf5, CSR Addr 0x5407a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF6; // Byte offset 0xf6, CSR Addr 0x5407b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF7; // Byte offset 0xf7, CSR Addr 0x5407b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF8; // Byte offset 0xf8, CSR Addr 0x5407c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedF9; // Byte offset 0xf9, CSR Addr 0x5407c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedFA; // Byte offset 0xfa, CSR Addr 0x5407d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedFB; // Byte offset 0xfb, CSR Addr 0x5407d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedFC; // Byte offset 0xfc, CSR Addr 0x5407e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedFD; // Byte offset 0xfd, CSR Addr 0x5407e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedFE; // Byte offset 0xfe, CSR Addr 0x5407f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t ReservedFF; // Byte offset 0xff, CSR Addr 0x5407f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved100; // Byte offset 0x100, CSR Addr 0x54080, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved101; // Byte offset 0x101, CSR Addr 0x54080, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved102; // Byte offset 0x102, CSR Addr 0x54081, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved103; // Byte offset 0x103, CSR Addr 0x54081, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved104; // Byte offset 0x104, CSR Addr 0x54082, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved105; // Byte offset 0x105, CSR Addr 0x54082, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved106; // Byte offset 0x106, CSR Addr 0x54083, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved107; // Byte offset 0x107, CSR Addr 0x54083, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved108; // Byte offset 0x108, CSR Addr 0x54084, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved109; // Byte offset 0x109, CSR Addr 0x54084, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved10A; // Byte offset 0x10a, CSR Addr 0x54085, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved10B; // Byte offset 0x10b, CSR Addr 0x54085, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved10C; // Byte offset 0x10c, CSR Addr 0x54086, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved10D; // Byte offset 0x10d, CSR Addr 0x54086, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved10E; // Byte offset 0x10e, CSR Addr 0x54087, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved10F; // Byte offset 0x10f, CSR Addr 0x54087, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved110; // Byte offset 0x110, CSR Addr 0x54088, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved111; // Byte offset 0x111, CSR Addr 0x54088, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved112; // Byte offset 0x112, CSR Addr 0x54089, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved113; // Byte offset 0x113, CSR Addr 0x54089, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved114; // Byte offset 0x114, CSR Addr 0x5408a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved115; // Byte offset 0x115, CSR Addr 0x5408a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved116; // Byte offset 0x116, CSR Addr 0x5408b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved117; // Byte offset 0x117, CSR Addr 0x5408b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved118; // Byte offset 0x118, CSR Addr 0x5408c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved119; // Byte offset 0x119, CSR Addr 0x5408c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved11A; // Byte offset 0x11a, CSR Addr 0x5408d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved11B; // Byte offset 0x11b, CSR Addr 0x5408d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved11C; // Byte offset 0x11c, CSR Addr 0x5408e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved11D; // Byte offset 0x11d, CSR Addr 0x5408e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved11E; // Byte offset 0x11e, CSR Addr 0x5408f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved11F; // Byte offset 0x11f, CSR Addr 0x5408f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved120; // Byte offset 0x120, CSR Addr 0x54090, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved121; // Byte offset 0x121, CSR Addr 0x54090, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved122; // Byte offset 0x122, CSR Addr 0x54091, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved123; // Byte offset 0x123, CSR Addr 0x54091, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved124; // Byte offset 0x124, CSR Addr 0x54092, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved125; // Byte offset 0x125, CSR Addr 0x54092, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved126; // Byte offset 0x126, CSR Addr 0x54093, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved127; // Byte offset 0x127, CSR Addr 0x54093, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved128; // Byte offset 0x128, CSR Addr 0x54094, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved129; // Byte offset 0x129, CSR Addr 0x54094, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved12A; // Byte offset 0x12a, CSR Addr 0x54095, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved12B; // Byte offset 0x12b, CSR Addr 0x54095, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved12C; // Byte offset 0x12c, CSR Addr 0x54096, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved12D; // Byte offset 0x12d, CSR Addr 0x54096, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved12E; // Byte offset 0x12e, CSR Addr 0x54097, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved12F; // Byte offset 0x12f, CSR Addr 0x54097, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved130; // Byte offset 0x130, CSR Addr 0x54098, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved131; // Byte offset 0x131, CSR Addr 0x54098, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved132; // Byte offset 0x132, CSR Addr 0x54099, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved133; // Byte offset 0x133, CSR Addr 0x54099, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved134; // Byte offset 0x134, CSR Addr 0x5409a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved135; // Byte offset 0x135, CSR Addr 0x5409a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved136; // Byte offset 0x136, CSR Addr 0x5409b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved137; // Byte offset 0x137, CSR Addr 0x5409b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved138; // Byte offset 0x138, CSR Addr 0x5409c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved139; // Byte offset 0x139, CSR Addr 0x5409c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved13A; // Byte offset 0x13a, CSR Addr 0x5409d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved13B; // Byte offset 0x13b, CSR Addr 0x5409d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved13C; // Byte offset 0x13c, CSR Addr 0x5409e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved13D; // Byte offset 0x13d, CSR Addr 0x5409e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved13E; // Byte offset 0x13e, CSR Addr 0x5409f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved13F; // Byte offset 0x13f, CSR Addr 0x5409f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved140; // Byte offset 0x140, CSR Addr 0x540a0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved141; // Byte offset 0x141, CSR Addr 0x540a0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved142; // Byte offset 0x142, CSR Addr 0x540a1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved143; // Byte offset 0x143, CSR Addr 0x540a1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved144; // Byte offset 0x144, CSR Addr 0x540a2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved145; // Byte offset 0x145, CSR Addr 0x540a2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved146; // Byte offset 0x146, CSR Addr 0x540a3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved147; // Byte offset 0x147, CSR Addr 0x540a3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved148; // Byte offset 0x148, CSR Addr 0x540a4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved149; // Byte offset 0x149, CSR Addr 0x540a4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved14A; // Byte offset 0x14a, CSR Addr 0x540a5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved14B; // Byte offset 0x14b, CSR Addr 0x540a5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved14C; // Byte offset 0x14c, CSR Addr 0x540a6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved14D; // Byte offset 0x14d, CSR Addr 0x540a6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved14E; // Byte offset 0x14e, CSR Addr 0x540a7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved14F; // Byte offset 0x14f, CSR Addr 0x540a7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved150; // Byte offset 0x150, CSR Addr 0x540a8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved151; // Byte offset 0x151, CSR Addr 0x540a8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved152; // Byte offset 0x152, CSR Addr 0x540a9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved153; // Byte offset 0x153, CSR Addr 0x540a9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved154; // Byte offset 0x154, CSR Addr 0x540aa, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved155; // Byte offset 0x155, CSR Addr 0x540aa, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved156; // Byte offset 0x156, CSR Addr 0x540ab, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved157; // Byte offset 0x157, CSR Addr 0x540ab, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved158; // Byte offset 0x158, CSR Addr 0x540ac, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved159; // Byte offset 0x159, CSR Addr 0x540ac, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved15A; // Byte offset 0x15a, CSR Addr 0x540ad, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved15B; // Byte offset 0x15b, CSR Addr 0x540ad, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved15C; // Byte offset 0x15c, CSR Addr 0x540ae, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved15D; // Byte offset 0x15d, CSR Addr 0x540ae, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved15E; // Byte offset 0x15e, CSR Addr 0x540af, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved15F; // Byte offset 0x15f, CSR Addr 0x540af, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved160; // Byte offset 0x160, CSR Addr 0x540b0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved161; // Byte offset 0x161, CSR Addr 0x540b0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved162; // Byte offset 0x162, CSR Addr 0x540b1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved163; // Byte offset 0x163, CSR Addr 0x540b1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved164; // Byte offset 0x164, CSR Addr 0x540b2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved165; // Byte offset 0x165, CSR Addr 0x540b2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved166; // Byte offset 0x166, CSR Addr 0x540b3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved167; // Byte offset 0x167, CSR Addr 0x540b3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved168; // Byte offset 0x168, CSR Addr 0x540b4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved169; // Byte offset 0x169, CSR Addr 0x540b4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved16A; // Byte offset 0x16a, CSR Addr 0x540b5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved16B; // Byte offset 0x16b, CSR Addr 0x540b5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved16C; // Byte offset 0x16c, CSR Addr 0x540b6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved16D; // Byte offset 0x16d, CSR Addr 0x540b6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved16E; // Byte offset 0x16e, CSR Addr 0x540b7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved16F; // Byte offset 0x16f, CSR Addr 0x540b7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved170; // Byte offset 0x170, CSR Addr 0x540b8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved171; // Byte offset 0x171, CSR Addr 0x540b8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved172; // Byte offset 0x172, CSR Addr 0x540b9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved173; // Byte offset 0x173, CSR Addr 0x540b9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved174; // Byte offset 0x174, CSR Addr 0x540ba, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved175; // Byte offset 0x175, CSR Addr 0x540ba, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved176; // Byte offset 0x176, CSR Addr 0x540bb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved177; // Byte offset 0x177, CSR Addr 0x540bb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved178; // Byte offset 0x178, CSR Addr 0x540bc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved179; // Byte offset 0x179, CSR Addr 0x540bc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved17A; // Byte offset 0x17a, CSR Addr 0x540bd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved17B; // Byte offset 0x17b, CSR Addr 0x540bd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved17C; // Byte offset 0x17c, CSR Addr 0x540be, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved17D; // Byte offset 0x17d, CSR Addr 0x540be, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved17E; // Byte offset 0x17e, CSR Addr 0x540bf, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved17F; // Byte offset 0x17f, CSR Addr 0x540bf, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved180; // Byte offset 0x180, CSR Addr 0x540c0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved181; // Byte offset 0x181, CSR Addr 0x540c0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved182; // Byte offset 0x182, CSR Addr 0x540c1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved183; // Byte offset 0x183, CSR Addr 0x540c1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved184; // Byte offset 0x184, CSR Addr 0x540c2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved185; // Byte offset 0x185, CSR Addr 0x540c2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved186; // Byte offset 0x186, CSR Addr 0x540c3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved187; // Byte offset 0x187, CSR Addr 0x540c3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved188; // Byte offset 0x188, CSR Addr 0x540c4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved189; // Byte offset 0x189, CSR Addr 0x540c4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved18A; // Byte offset 0x18a, CSR Addr 0x540c5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved18B; // Byte offset 0x18b, CSR Addr 0x540c5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved18C; // Byte offset 0x18c, CSR Addr 0x540c6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved18D; // Byte offset 0x18d, CSR Addr 0x540c6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved18E; // Byte offset 0x18e, CSR Addr 0x540c7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved18F; // Byte offset 0x18f, CSR Addr 0x540c7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved190; // Byte offset 0x190, CSR Addr 0x540c8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved191; // Byte offset 0x191, CSR Addr 0x540c8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved192; // Byte offset 0x192, CSR Addr 0x540c9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved193; // Byte offset 0x193, CSR Addr 0x540c9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved194; // Byte offset 0x194, CSR Addr 0x540ca, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved195; // Byte offset 0x195, CSR Addr 0x540ca, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved196; // Byte offset 0x196, CSR Addr 0x540cb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved197; // Byte offset 0x197, CSR Addr 0x540cb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved198; // Byte offset 0x198, CSR Addr 0x540cc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved199; // Byte offset 0x199, CSR Addr 0x540cc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved19A; // Byte offset 0x19a, CSR Addr 0x540cd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved19B; // Byte offset 0x19b, CSR Addr 0x540cd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved19C; // Byte offset 0x19c, CSR Addr 0x540ce, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved19D; // Byte offset 0x19d, CSR Addr 0x540ce, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved19E; // Byte offset 0x19e, CSR Addr 0x540cf, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved19F; // Byte offset 0x19f, CSR Addr 0x540cf, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A0; // Byte offset 0x1a0, CSR Addr 0x540d0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A1; // Byte offset 0x1a1, CSR Addr 0x540d0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A2; // Byte offset 0x1a2, CSR Addr 0x540d1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A3; // Byte offset 0x1a3, CSR Addr 0x540d1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A4; // Byte offset 0x1a4, CSR Addr 0x540d2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A5; // Byte offset 0x1a5, CSR Addr 0x540d2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A6; // Byte offset 0x1a6, CSR Addr 0x540d3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A7; // Byte offset 0x1a7, CSR Addr 0x540d3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A8; // Byte offset 0x1a8, CSR Addr 0x540d4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1A9; // Byte offset 0x1a9, CSR Addr 0x540d4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1AA; // Byte offset 0x1aa, CSR Addr 0x540d5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1AB; // Byte offset 0x1ab, CSR Addr 0x540d5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1AC; // Byte offset 0x1ac, CSR Addr 0x540d6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1AD; // Byte offset 0x1ad, CSR Addr 0x540d6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1AE; // Byte offset 0x1ae, CSR Addr 0x540d7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1AF; // Byte offset 0x1af, CSR Addr 0x540d7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B0; // Byte offset 0x1b0, CSR Addr 0x540d8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B1; // Byte offset 0x1b1, CSR Addr 0x540d8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B2; // Byte offset 0x1b2, CSR Addr 0x540d9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B3; // Byte offset 0x1b3, CSR Addr 0x540d9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B4; // Byte offset 0x1b4, CSR Addr 0x540da, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B5; // Byte offset 0x1b5, CSR Addr 0x540da, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B6; // Byte offset 0x1b6, CSR Addr 0x540db, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B7; // Byte offset 0x1b7, CSR Addr 0x540db, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B8; // Byte offset 0x1b8, CSR Addr 0x540dc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1B9; // Byte offset 0x1b9, CSR Addr 0x540dc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1BA; // Byte offset 0x1ba, CSR Addr 0x540dd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1BB; // Byte offset 0x1bb, CSR Addr 0x540dd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1BC; // Byte offset 0x1bc, CSR Addr 0x540de, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1BD; // Byte offset 0x1bd, CSR Addr 0x540de, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1BE; // Byte offset 0x1be, CSR Addr 0x540df, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1BF; // Byte offset 0x1bf, CSR Addr 0x540df, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C0; // Byte offset 0x1c0, CSR Addr 0x540e0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C1; // Byte offset 0x1c1, CSR Addr 0x540e0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C2; // Byte offset 0x1c2, CSR Addr 0x540e1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C3; // Byte offset 0x1c3, CSR Addr 0x540e1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C4; // Byte offset 0x1c4, CSR Addr 0x540e2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C5; // Byte offset 0x1c5, CSR Addr 0x540e2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C6; // Byte offset 0x1c6, CSR Addr 0x540e3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C7; // Byte offset 0x1c7, CSR Addr 0x540e3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C8; // Byte offset 0x1c8, CSR Addr 0x540e4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1C9; // Byte offset 0x1c9, CSR Addr 0x540e4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1CA; // Byte offset 0x1ca, CSR Addr 0x540e5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1CB; // Byte offset 0x1cb, CSR Addr 0x540e5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1CC; // Byte offset 0x1cc, CSR Addr 0x540e6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1CD; // Byte offset 0x1cd, CSR Addr 0x540e6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1CE; // Byte offset 0x1ce, CSR Addr 0x540e7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1CF; // Byte offset 0x1cf, CSR Addr 0x540e7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D0; // Byte offset 0x1d0, CSR Addr 0x540e8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D1; // Byte offset 0x1d1, CSR Addr 0x540e8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D2; // Byte offset 0x1d2, CSR Addr 0x540e9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D3; // Byte offset 0x1d3, CSR Addr 0x540e9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D4; // Byte offset 0x1d4, CSR Addr 0x540ea, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D5; // Byte offset 0x1d5, CSR Addr 0x540ea, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D6; // Byte offset 0x1d6, CSR Addr 0x540eb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D7; // Byte offset 0x1d7, CSR Addr 0x540eb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D8; // Byte offset 0x1d8, CSR Addr 0x540ec, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1D9; // Byte offset 0x1d9, CSR Addr 0x540ec, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1DA; // Byte offset 0x1da, CSR Addr 0x540ed, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1DB; // Byte offset 0x1db, CSR Addr 0x540ed, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1DC; // Byte offset 0x1dc, CSR Addr 0x540ee, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1DD; // Byte offset 0x1dd, CSR Addr 0x540ee, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1DE; // Byte offset 0x1de, CSR Addr 0x540ef, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1DF; // Byte offset 0x1df, CSR Addr 0x540ef, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E0; // Byte offset 0x1e0, CSR Addr 0x540f0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E1; // Byte offset 0x1e1, CSR Addr 0x540f0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E2; // Byte offset 0x1e2, CSR Addr 0x540f1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E3; // Byte offset 0x1e3, CSR Addr 0x540f1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E4; // Byte offset 0x1e4, CSR Addr 0x540f2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E5; // Byte offset 0x1e5, CSR Addr 0x540f2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E6; // Byte offset 0x1e6, CSR Addr 0x540f3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E7; // Byte offset 0x1e7, CSR Addr 0x540f3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E8; // Byte offset 0x1e8, CSR Addr 0x540f4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1E9; // Byte offset 0x1e9, CSR Addr 0x540f4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1EA; // Byte offset 0x1ea, CSR Addr 0x540f5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1EB; // Byte offset 0x1eb, CSR Addr 0x540f5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1EC; // Byte offset 0x1ec, CSR Addr 0x540f6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1ED; // Byte offset 0x1ed, CSR Addr 0x540f6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1EE; // Byte offset 0x1ee, CSR Addr 0x540f7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1EF; // Byte offset 0x1ef, CSR Addr 0x540f7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F0; // Byte offset 0x1f0, CSR Addr 0x540f8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F1; // Byte offset 0x1f1, CSR Addr 0x540f8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F2; // Byte offset 0x1f2, CSR Addr 0x540f9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F3; // Byte offset 0x1f3, CSR Addr 0x540f9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F4; // Byte offset 0x1f4, CSR Addr 0x540fa, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F5; // Byte offset 0x1f5, CSR Addr 0x540fa, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F6; // Byte offset 0x1f6, CSR Addr 0x540fb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F7; // Byte offset 0x1f7, CSR Addr 0x540fb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F8; // Byte offset 0x1f8, CSR Addr 0x540fc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1F9; // Byte offset 0x1f9, CSR Addr 0x540fc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1FA; // Byte offset 0x1fa, CSR Addr 0x540fd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1FB; // Byte offset 0x1fb, CSR Addr 0x540fd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1FC; // Byte offset 0x1fc, CSR Addr 0x540fe, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1FD; // Byte offset 0x1fd, CSR Addr 0x540fe, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1FE; // Byte offset 0x1fe, CSR Addr 0x540ff, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved1FF; // Byte offset 0x1ff, CSR Addr 0x540ff, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved200; // Byte offset 0x200, CSR Addr 0x54100, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved201; // Byte offset 0x201, CSR Addr 0x54100, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved202; // Byte offset 0x202, CSR Addr 0x54101, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved203; // Byte offset 0x203, CSR Addr 0x54101, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved204; // Byte offset 0x204, CSR Addr 0x54102, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved205; // Byte offset 0x205, CSR Addr 0x54102, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved206; // Byte offset 0x206, CSR Addr 0x54103, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved207; // Byte offset 0x207, CSR Addr 0x54103, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved208; // Byte offset 0x208, CSR Addr 0x54104, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved209; // Byte offset 0x209, CSR Addr 0x54104, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved20A; // Byte offset 0x20a, CSR Addr 0x54105, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved20B; // Byte offset 0x20b, CSR Addr 0x54105, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved20C; // Byte offset 0x20c, CSR Addr 0x54106, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved20D; // Byte offset 0x20d, CSR Addr 0x54106, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved20E; // Byte offset 0x20e, CSR Addr 0x54107, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved20F; // Byte offset 0x20f, CSR Addr 0x54107, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved210; // Byte offset 0x210, CSR Addr 0x54108, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved211; // Byte offset 0x211, CSR Addr 0x54108, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved212; // Byte offset 0x212, CSR Addr 0x54109, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved213; // Byte offset 0x213, CSR Addr 0x54109, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved214; // Byte offset 0x214, CSR Addr 0x5410a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved215; // Byte offset 0x215, CSR Addr 0x5410a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved216; // Byte offset 0x216, CSR Addr 0x5410b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved217; // Byte offset 0x217, CSR Addr 0x5410b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved218; // Byte offset 0x218, CSR Addr 0x5410c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved219; // Byte offset 0x219, CSR Addr 0x5410c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved21A; // Byte offset 0x21a, CSR Addr 0x5410d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved21B; // Byte offset 0x21b, CSR Addr 0x5410d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved21C; // Byte offset 0x21c, CSR Addr 0x5410e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved21D; // Byte offset 0x21d, CSR Addr 0x5410e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved21E; // Byte offset 0x21e, CSR Addr 0x5410f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved21F; // Byte offset 0x21f, CSR Addr 0x5410f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved220; // Byte offset 0x220, CSR Addr 0x54110, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved221; // Byte offset 0x221, CSR Addr 0x54110, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved222; // Byte offset 0x222, CSR Addr 0x54111, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved223; // Byte offset 0x223, CSR Addr 0x54111, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved224; // Byte offset 0x224, CSR Addr 0x54112, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved225; // Byte offset 0x225, CSR Addr 0x54112, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved226; // Byte offset 0x226, CSR Addr 0x54113, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved227; // Byte offset 0x227, CSR Addr 0x54113, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved228; // Byte offset 0x228, CSR Addr 0x54114, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved229; // Byte offset 0x229, CSR Addr 0x54114, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved22A; // Byte offset 0x22a, CSR Addr 0x54115, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved22B; // Byte offset 0x22b, CSR Addr 0x54115, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved22C; // Byte offset 0x22c, CSR Addr 0x54116, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved22D; // Byte offset 0x22d, CSR Addr 0x54116, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved22E; // Byte offset 0x22e, CSR Addr 0x54117, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved22F; // Byte offset 0x22f, CSR Addr 0x54117, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved230; // Byte offset 0x230, CSR Addr 0x54118, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved231; // Byte offset 0x231, CSR Addr 0x54118, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved232; // Byte offset 0x232, CSR Addr 0x54119, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved233; // Byte offset 0x233, CSR Addr 0x54119, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved234; // Byte offset 0x234, CSR Addr 0x5411a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved235; // Byte offset 0x235, CSR Addr 0x5411a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved236; // Byte offset 0x236, CSR Addr 0x5411b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved237; // Byte offset 0x237, CSR Addr 0x5411b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved238; // Byte offset 0x238, CSR Addr 0x5411c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved239; // Byte offset 0x239, CSR Addr 0x5411c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved23A; // Byte offset 0x23a, CSR Addr 0x5411d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved23B; // Byte offset 0x23b, CSR Addr 0x5411d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved23C; // Byte offset 0x23c, CSR Addr 0x5411e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved23D; // Byte offset 0x23d, CSR Addr 0x5411e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved23E; // Byte offset 0x23e, CSR Addr 0x5411f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved23F; // Byte offset 0x23f, CSR Addr 0x5411f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved240; // Byte offset 0x240, CSR Addr 0x54120, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved241; // Byte offset 0x241, CSR Addr 0x54120, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved242; // Byte offset 0x242, CSR Addr 0x54121, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved243; // Byte offset 0x243, CSR Addr 0x54121, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved244; // Byte offset 0x244, CSR Addr 0x54122, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved245; // Byte offset 0x245, CSR Addr 0x54122, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved246; // Byte offset 0x246, CSR Addr 0x54123, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved247; // Byte offset 0x247, CSR Addr 0x54123, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved248; // Byte offset 0x248, CSR Addr 0x54124, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved249; // Byte offset 0x249, CSR Addr 0x54124, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved24A; // Byte offset 0x24a, CSR Addr 0x54125, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved24B; // Byte offset 0x24b, CSR Addr 0x54125, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved24C; // Byte offset 0x24c, CSR Addr 0x54126, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved24D; // Byte offset 0x24d, CSR Addr 0x54126, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved24E; // Byte offset 0x24e, CSR Addr 0x54127, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved24F; // Byte offset 0x24f, CSR Addr 0x54127, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved250; // Byte offset 0x250, CSR Addr 0x54128, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved251; // Byte offset 0x251, CSR Addr 0x54128, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved252; // Byte offset 0x252, CSR Addr 0x54129, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved253; // Byte offset 0x253, CSR Addr 0x54129, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved254; // Byte offset 0x254, CSR Addr 0x5412a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved255; // Byte offset 0x255, CSR Addr 0x5412a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved256; // Byte offset 0x256, CSR Addr 0x5412b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved257; // Byte offset 0x257, CSR Addr 0x5412b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved258; // Byte offset 0x258, CSR Addr 0x5412c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved259; // Byte offset 0x259, CSR Addr 0x5412c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved25A; // Byte offset 0x25a, CSR Addr 0x5412d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved25B; // Byte offset 0x25b, CSR Addr 0x5412d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved25C; // Byte offset 0x25c, CSR Addr 0x5412e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved25D; // Byte offset 0x25d, CSR Addr 0x5412e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved25E; // Byte offset 0x25e, CSR Addr 0x5412f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved25F; // Byte offset 0x25f, CSR Addr 0x5412f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved260; // Byte offset 0x260, CSR Addr 0x54130, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved261; // Byte offset 0x261, CSR Addr 0x54130, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved262; // Byte offset 0x262, CSR Addr 0x54131, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved263; // Byte offset 0x263, CSR Addr 0x54131, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved264; // Byte offset 0x264, CSR Addr 0x54132, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved265; // Byte offset 0x265, CSR Addr 0x54132, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved266; // Byte offset 0x266, CSR Addr 0x54133, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved267; // Byte offset 0x267, CSR Addr 0x54133, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved268; // Byte offset 0x268, CSR Addr 0x54134, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved269; // Byte offset 0x269, CSR Addr 0x54134, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved26A; // Byte offset 0x26a, CSR Addr 0x54135, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved26B; // Byte offset 0x26b, CSR Addr 0x54135, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved26C; // Byte offset 0x26c, CSR Addr 0x54136, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved26D; // Byte offset 0x26d, CSR Addr 0x54136, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved26E; // Byte offset 0x26e, CSR Addr 0x54137, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved26F; // Byte offset 0x26f, CSR Addr 0x54137, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved270; // Byte offset 0x270, CSR Addr 0x54138, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved271; // Byte offset 0x271, CSR Addr 0x54138, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved272; // Byte offset 0x272, CSR Addr 0x54139, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved273; // Byte offset 0x273, CSR Addr 0x54139, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved274; // Byte offset 0x274, CSR Addr 0x5413a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved275; // Byte offset 0x275, CSR Addr 0x5413a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved276; // Byte offset 0x276, CSR Addr 0x5413b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved277; // Byte offset 0x277, CSR Addr 0x5413b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved278; // Byte offset 0x278, CSR Addr 0x5413c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved279; // Byte offset 0x279, CSR Addr 0x5413c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved27A; // Byte offset 0x27a, CSR Addr 0x5413d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved27B; // Byte offset 0x27b, CSR Addr 0x5413d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved27C; // Byte offset 0x27c, CSR Addr 0x5413e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved27D; // Byte offset 0x27d, CSR Addr 0x5413e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved27E; // Byte offset 0x27e, CSR Addr 0x5413f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved27F; // Byte offset 0x27f, CSR Addr 0x5413f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved280; // Byte offset 0x280, CSR Addr 0x54140, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved281; // Byte offset 0x281, CSR Addr 0x54140, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved282; // Byte offset 0x282, CSR Addr 0x54141, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved283; // Byte offset 0x283, CSR Addr 0x54141, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved284; // Byte offset 0x284, CSR Addr 0x54142, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved285; // Byte offset 0x285, CSR Addr 0x54142, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved286; // Byte offset 0x286, CSR Addr 0x54143, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved287; // Byte offset 0x287, CSR Addr 0x54143, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved288; // Byte offset 0x288, CSR Addr 0x54144, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved289; // Byte offset 0x289, CSR Addr 0x54144, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved28A; // Byte offset 0x28a, CSR Addr 0x54145, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved28B; // Byte offset 0x28b, CSR Addr 0x54145, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved28C; // Byte offset 0x28c, CSR Addr 0x54146, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved28D; // Byte offset 0x28d, CSR Addr 0x54146, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved28E; // Byte offset 0x28e, CSR Addr 0x54147, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved28F; // Byte offset 0x28f, CSR Addr 0x54147, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved290; // Byte offset 0x290, CSR Addr 0x54148, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved291; // Byte offset 0x291, CSR Addr 0x54148, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved292; // Byte offset 0x292, CSR Addr 0x54149, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved293; // Byte offset 0x293, CSR Addr 0x54149, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved294; // Byte offset 0x294, CSR Addr 0x5414a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved295; // Byte offset 0x295, CSR Addr 0x5414a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved296; // Byte offset 0x296, CSR Addr 0x5414b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved297; // Byte offset 0x297, CSR Addr 0x5414b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved298; // Byte offset 0x298, CSR Addr 0x5414c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved299; // Byte offset 0x299, CSR Addr 0x5414c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved29A; // Byte offset 0x29a, CSR Addr 0x5414d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved29B; // Byte offset 0x29b, CSR Addr 0x5414d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved29C; // Byte offset 0x29c, CSR Addr 0x5414e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved29D; // Byte offset 0x29d, CSR Addr 0x5414e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved29E; // Byte offset 0x29e, CSR Addr 0x5414f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved29F; // Byte offset 0x29f, CSR Addr 0x5414f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A0; // Byte offset 0x2a0, CSR Addr 0x54150, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A1; // Byte offset 0x2a1, CSR Addr 0x54150, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A2; // Byte offset 0x2a2, CSR Addr 0x54151, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A3; // Byte offset 0x2a3, CSR Addr 0x54151, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A4; // Byte offset 0x2a4, CSR Addr 0x54152, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A5; // Byte offset 0x2a5, CSR Addr 0x54152, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A6; // Byte offset 0x2a6, CSR Addr 0x54153, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A7; // Byte offset 0x2a7, CSR Addr 0x54153, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A8; // Byte offset 0x2a8, CSR Addr 0x54154, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2A9; // Byte offset 0x2a9, CSR Addr 0x54154, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2AA; // Byte offset 0x2aa, CSR Addr 0x54155, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2AB; // Byte offset 0x2ab, CSR Addr 0x54155, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2AC; // Byte offset 0x2ac, CSR Addr 0x54156, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2AD; // Byte offset 0x2ad, CSR Addr 0x54156, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2AE; // Byte offset 0x2ae, CSR Addr 0x54157, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2AF; // Byte offset 0x2af, CSR Addr 0x54157, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B0; // Byte offset 0x2b0, CSR Addr 0x54158, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B1; // Byte offset 0x2b1, CSR Addr 0x54158, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B2; // Byte offset 0x2b2, CSR Addr 0x54159, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B3; // Byte offset 0x2b3, CSR Addr 0x54159, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B4; // Byte offset 0x2b4, CSR Addr 0x5415a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B5; // Byte offset 0x2b5, CSR Addr 0x5415a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B6; // Byte offset 0x2b6, CSR Addr 0x5415b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B7; // Byte offset 0x2b7, CSR Addr 0x5415b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B8; // Byte offset 0x2b8, CSR Addr 0x5415c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2B9; // Byte offset 0x2b9, CSR Addr 0x5415c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2BA; // Byte offset 0x2ba, CSR Addr 0x5415d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2BB; // Byte offset 0x2bb, CSR Addr 0x5415d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2BC; // Byte offset 0x2bc, CSR Addr 0x5415e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2BD; // Byte offset 0x2bd, CSR Addr 0x5415e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2BE; // Byte offset 0x2be, CSR Addr 0x5415f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2BF; // Byte offset 0x2bf, CSR Addr 0x5415f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C0; // Byte offset 0x2c0, CSR Addr 0x54160, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C1; // Byte offset 0x2c1, CSR Addr 0x54160, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C2; // Byte offset 0x2c2, CSR Addr 0x54161, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C3; // Byte offset 0x2c3, CSR Addr 0x54161, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C4; // Byte offset 0x2c4, CSR Addr 0x54162, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C5; // Byte offset 0x2c5, CSR Addr 0x54162, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C6; // Byte offset 0x2c6, CSR Addr 0x54163, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C7; // Byte offset 0x2c7, CSR Addr 0x54163, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C8; // Byte offset 0x2c8, CSR Addr 0x54164, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2C9; // Byte offset 0x2c9, CSR Addr 0x54164, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2CA; // Byte offset 0x2ca, CSR Addr 0x54165, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2CB; // Byte offset 0x2cb, CSR Addr 0x54165, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2CC; // Byte offset 0x2cc, CSR Addr 0x54166, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2CD; // Byte offset 0x2cd, CSR Addr 0x54166, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2CE; // Byte offset 0x2ce, CSR Addr 0x54167, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2CF; // Byte offset 0x2cf, CSR Addr 0x54167, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D0; // Byte offset 0x2d0, CSR Addr 0x54168, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D1; // Byte offset 0x2d1, CSR Addr 0x54168, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D2; // Byte offset 0x2d2, CSR Addr 0x54169, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D3; // Byte offset 0x2d3, CSR Addr 0x54169, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D4; // Byte offset 0x2d4, CSR Addr 0x5416a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D5; // Byte offset 0x2d5, CSR Addr 0x5416a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D6; // Byte offset 0x2d6, CSR Addr 0x5416b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D7; // Byte offset 0x2d7, CSR Addr 0x5416b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D8; // Byte offset 0x2d8, CSR Addr 0x5416c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2D9; // Byte offset 0x2d9, CSR Addr 0x5416c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2DA; // Byte offset 0x2da, CSR Addr 0x5416d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2DB; // Byte offset 0x2db, CSR Addr 0x5416d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2DC; // Byte offset 0x2dc, CSR Addr 0x5416e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2DD; // Byte offset 0x2dd, CSR Addr 0x5416e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2DE; // Byte offset 0x2de, CSR Addr 0x5416f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2DF; // Byte offset 0x2df, CSR Addr 0x5416f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E0; // Byte offset 0x2e0, CSR Addr 0x54170, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E1; // Byte offset 0x2e1, CSR Addr 0x54170, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E2; // Byte offset 0x2e2, CSR Addr 0x54171, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E3; // Byte offset 0x2e3, CSR Addr 0x54171, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E4; // Byte offset 0x2e4, CSR Addr 0x54172, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E5; // Byte offset 0x2e5, CSR Addr 0x54172, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E6; // Byte offset 0x2e6, CSR Addr 0x54173, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E7; // Byte offset 0x2e7, CSR Addr 0x54173, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E8; // Byte offset 0x2e8, CSR Addr 0x54174, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2E9; // Byte offset 0x2e9, CSR Addr 0x54174, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2EA; // Byte offset 0x2ea, CSR Addr 0x54175, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2EB; // Byte offset 0x2eb, CSR Addr 0x54175, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2EC; // Byte offset 0x2ec, CSR Addr 0x54176, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2ED; // Byte offset 0x2ed, CSR Addr 0x54176, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2EE; // Byte offset 0x2ee, CSR Addr 0x54177, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2EF; // Byte offset 0x2ef, CSR Addr 0x54177, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F0; // Byte offset 0x2f0, CSR Addr 0x54178, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F1; // Byte offset 0x2f1, CSR Addr 0x54178, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F2; // Byte offset 0x2f2, CSR Addr 0x54179, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F3; // Byte offset 0x2f3, CSR Addr 0x54179, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F4; // Byte offset 0x2f4, CSR Addr 0x5417a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F5; // Byte offset 0x2f5, CSR Addr 0x5417a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F6; // Byte offset 0x2f6, CSR Addr 0x5417b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F7; // Byte offset 0x2f7, CSR Addr 0x5417b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F8; // Byte offset 0x2f8, CSR Addr 0x5417c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2F9; // Byte offset 0x2f9, CSR Addr 0x5417c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2FA; // Byte offset 0x2fa, CSR Addr 0x5417d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2FB; // Byte offset 0x2fb, CSR Addr 0x5417d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2FC; // Byte offset 0x2fc, CSR Addr 0x5417e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2FD; // Byte offset 0x2fd, CSR Addr 0x5417e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2FE; // Byte offset 0x2fe, CSR Addr 0x5417f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved2FF; // Byte offset 0x2ff, CSR Addr 0x5417f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved300; // Byte offset 0x300, CSR Addr 0x54180, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved301; // Byte offset 0x301, CSR Addr 0x54180, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved302; // Byte offset 0x302, CSR Addr 0x54181, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved303; // Byte offset 0x303, CSR Addr 0x54181, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved304; // Byte offset 0x304, CSR Addr 0x54182, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved305; // Byte offset 0x305, CSR Addr 0x54182, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved306; // Byte offset 0x306, CSR Addr 0x54183, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved307; // Byte offset 0x307, CSR Addr 0x54183, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved308; // Byte offset 0x308, CSR Addr 0x54184, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved309; // Byte offset 0x309, CSR Addr 0x54184, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved30A; // Byte offset 0x30a, CSR Addr 0x54185, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved30B; // Byte offset 0x30b, CSR Addr 0x54185, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved30C; // Byte offset 0x30c, CSR Addr 0x54186, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved30D; // Byte offset 0x30d, CSR Addr 0x54186, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved30E; // Byte offset 0x30e, CSR Addr 0x54187, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved30F; // Byte offset 0x30f, CSR Addr 0x54187, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved310; // Byte offset 0x310, CSR Addr 0x54188, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved311; // Byte offset 0x311, CSR Addr 0x54188, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved312; // Byte offset 0x312, CSR Addr 0x54189, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved313; // Byte offset 0x313, CSR Addr 0x54189, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved314; // Byte offset 0x314, CSR Addr 0x5418a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved315; // Byte offset 0x315, CSR Addr 0x5418a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved316; // Byte offset 0x316, CSR Addr 0x5418b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved317; // Byte offset 0x317, CSR Addr 0x5418b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved318; // Byte offset 0x318, CSR Addr 0x5418c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved319; // Byte offset 0x319, CSR Addr 0x5418c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved31A; // Byte offset 0x31a, CSR Addr 0x5418d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved31B; // Byte offset 0x31b, CSR Addr 0x5418d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved31C; // Byte offset 0x31c, CSR Addr 0x5418e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved31D; // Byte offset 0x31d, CSR Addr 0x5418e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved31E; // Byte offset 0x31e, CSR Addr 0x5418f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved31F; // Byte offset 0x31f, CSR Addr 0x5418f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved320; // Byte offset 0x320, CSR Addr 0x54190, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved321; // Byte offset 0x321, CSR Addr 0x54190, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved322; // Byte offset 0x322, CSR Addr 0x54191, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved323; // Byte offset 0x323, CSR Addr 0x54191, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved324; // Byte offset 0x324, CSR Addr 0x54192, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved325; // Byte offset 0x325, CSR Addr 0x54192, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved326; // Byte offset 0x326, CSR Addr 0x54193, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved327; // Byte offset 0x327, CSR Addr 0x54193, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved328; // Byte offset 0x328, CSR Addr 0x54194, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved329; // Byte offset 0x329, CSR Addr 0x54194, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved32A; // Byte offset 0x32a, CSR Addr 0x54195, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved32B; // Byte offset 0x32b, CSR Addr 0x54195, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved32C; // Byte offset 0x32c, CSR Addr 0x54196, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved32D; // Byte offset 0x32d, CSR Addr 0x54196, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved32E; // Byte offset 0x32e, CSR Addr 0x54197, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved32F; // Byte offset 0x32f, CSR Addr 0x54197, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved330; // Byte offset 0x330, CSR Addr 0x54198, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved331; // Byte offset 0x331, CSR Addr 0x54198, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved332; // Byte offset 0x332, CSR Addr 0x54199, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved333; // Byte offset 0x333, CSR Addr 0x54199, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved334; // Byte offset 0x334, CSR Addr 0x5419a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved335; // Byte offset 0x335, CSR Addr 0x5419a, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved336; // Byte offset 0x336, CSR Addr 0x5419b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved337; // Byte offset 0x337, CSR Addr 0x5419b, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved338; // Byte offset 0x338, CSR Addr 0x5419c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved339; // Byte offset 0x339, CSR Addr 0x5419c, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved33A; // Byte offset 0x33a, CSR Addr 0x5419d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved33B; // Byte offset 0x33b, CSR Addr 0x5419d, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved33C; // Byte offset 0x33c, CSR Addr 0x5419e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved33D; // Byte offset 0x33d, CSR Addr 0x5419e, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved33E; // Byte offset 0x33e, CSR Addr 0x5419f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved33F; // Byte offset 0x33f, CSR Addr 0x5419f, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved340; // Byte offset 0x340, CSR Addr 0x541a0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved341; // Byte offset 0x341, CSR Addr 0x541a0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved342; // Byte offset 0x342, CSR Addr 0x541a1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved343; // Byte offset 0x343, CSR Addr 0x541a1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved344; // Byte offset 0x344, CSR Addr 0x541a2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved345; // Byte offset 0x345, CSR Addr 0x541a2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved346; // Byte offset 0x346, CSR Addr 0x541a3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved347; // Byte offset 0x347, CSR Addr 0x541a3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved348; // Byte offset 0x348, CSR Addr 0x541a4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved349; // Byte offset 0x349, CSR Addr 0x541a4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved34A; // Byte offset 0x34a, CSR Addr 0x541a5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved34B; // Byte offset 0x34b, CSR Addr 0x541a5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved34C; // Byte offset 0x34c, CSR Addr 0x541a6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved34D; // Byte offset 0x34d, CSR Addr 0x541a6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved34E; // Byte offset 0x34e, CSR Addr 0x541a7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved34F; // Byte offset 0x34f, CSR Addr 0x541a7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved350; // Byte offset 0x350, CSR Addr 0x541a8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved351; // Byte offset 0x351, CSR Addr 0x541a8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved352; // Byte offset 0x352, CSR Addr 0x541a9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved353; // Byte offset 0x353, CSR Addr 0x541a9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved354; // Byte offset 0x354, CSR Addr 0x541aa, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved355; // Byte offset 0x355, CSR Addr 0x541aa, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved356; // Byte offset 0x356, CSR Addr 0x541ab, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved357; // Byte offset 0x357, CSR Addr 0x541ab, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved358; // Byte offset 0x358, CSR Addr 0x541ac, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved359; // Byte offset 0x359, CSR Addr 0x541ac, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved35A; // Byte offset 0x35a, CSR Addr 0x541ad, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved35B; // Byte offset 0x35b, CSR Addr 0x541ad, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved35C; // Byte offset 0x35c, CSR Addr 0x541ae, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved35D; // Byte offset 0x35d, CSR Addr 0x541ae, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved35E; // Byte offset 0x35e, CSR Addr 0x541af, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved35F; // Byte offset 0x35f, CSR Addr 0x541af, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved360; // Byte offset 0x360, CSR Addr 0x541b0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved361; // Byte offset 0x361, CSR Addr 0x541b0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved362; // Byte offset 0x362, CSR Addr 0x541b1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved363; // Byte offset 0x363, CSR Addr 0x541b1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved364; // Byte offset 0x364, CSR Addr 0x541b2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved365; // Byte offset 0x365, CSR Addr 0x541b2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved366; // Byte offset 0x366, CSR Addr 0x541b3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved367; // Byte offset 0x367, CSR Addr 0x541b3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved368; // Byte offset 0x368, CSR Addr 0x541b4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved369; // Byte offset 0x369, CSR Addr 0x541b4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved36A; // Byte offset 0x36a, CSR Addr 0x541b5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved36B; // Byte offset 0x36b, CSR Addr 0x541b5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved36C; // Byte offset 0x36c, CSR Addr 0x541b6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved36D; // Byte offset 0x36d, CSR Addr 0x541b6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved36E; // Byte offset 0x36e, CSR Addr 0x541b7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved36F; // Byte offset 0x36f, CSR Addr 0x541b7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved370; // Byte offset 0x370, CSR Addr 0x541b8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved371; // Byte offset 0x371, CSR Addr 0x541b8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved372; // Byte offset 0x372, CSR Addr 0x541b9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved373; // Byte offset 0x373, CSR Addr 0x541b9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved374; // Byte offset 0x374, CSR Addr 0x541ba, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved375; // Byte offset 0x375, CSR Addr 0x541ba, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved376; // Byte offset 0x376, CSR Addr 0x541bb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved377; // Byte offset 0x377, CSR Addr 0x541bb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved378; // Byte offset 0x378, CSR Addr 0x541bc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved379; // Byte offset 0x379, CSR Addr 0x541bc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved37A; // Byte offset 0x37a, CSR Addr 0x541bd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved37B; // Byte offset 0x37b, CSR Addr 0x541bd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved37C; // Byte offset 0x37c, CSR Addr 0x541be, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved37D; // Byte offset 0x37d, CSR Addr 0x541be, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved37E; // Byte offset 0x37e, CSR Addr 0x541bf, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved37F; // Byte offset 0x37f, CSR Addr 0x541bf, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved380; // Byte offset 0x380, CSR Addr 0x541c0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved381; // Byte offset 0x381, CSR Addr 0x541c0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved382; // Byte offset 0x382, CSR Addr 0x541c1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved383; // Byte offset 0x383, CSR Addr 0x541c1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved384; // Byte offset 0x384, CSR Addr 0x541c2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved385; // Byte offset 0x385, CSR Addr 0x541c2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved386; // Byte offset 0x386, CSR Addr 0x541c3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved387; // Byte offset 0x387, CSR Addr 0x541c3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved388; // Byte offset 0x388, CSR Addr 0x541c4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved389; // Byte offset 0x389, CSR Addr 0x541c4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved38A; // Byte offset 0x38a, CSR Addr 0x541c5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved38B; // Byte offset 0x38b, CSR Addr 0x541c5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved38C; // Byte offset 0x38c, CSR Addr 0x541c6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved38D; // Byte offset 0x38d, CSR Addr 0x541c6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved38E; // Byte offset 0x38e, CSR Addr 0x541c7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved38F; // Byte offset 0x38f, CSR Addr 0x541c7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved390; // Byte offset 0x390, CSR Addr 0x541c8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved391; // Byte offset 0x391, CSR Addr 0x541c8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved392; // Byte offset 0x392, CSR Addr 0x541c9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved393; // Byte offset 0x393, CSR Addr 0x541c9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved394; // Byte offset 0x394, CSR Addr 0x541ca, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved395; // Byte offset 0x395, CSR Addr 0x541ca, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved396; // Byte offset 0x396, CSR Addr 0x541cb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved397; // Byte offset 0x397, CSR Addr 0x541cb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved398; // Byte offset 0x398, CSR Addr 0x541cc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved399; // Byte offset 0x399, CSR Addr 0x541cc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved39A; // Byte offset 0x39a, CSR Addr 0x541cd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved39B; // Byte offset 0x39b, CSR Addr 0x541cd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved39C; // Byte offset 0x39c, CSR Addr 0x541ce, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved39D; // Byte offset 0x39d, CSR Addr 0x541ce, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved39E; // Byte offset 0x39e, CSR Addr 0x541cf, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved39F; // Byte offset 0x39f, CSR Addr 0x541cf, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A0; // Byte offset 0x3a0, CSR Addr 0x541d0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A1; // Byte offset 0x3a1, CSR Addr 0x541d0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A2; // Byte offset 0x3a2, CSR Addr 0x541d1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A3; // Byte offset 0x3a3, CSR Addr 0x541d1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A4; // Byte offset 0x3a4, CSR Addr 0x541d2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A5; // Byte offset 0x3a5, CSR Addr 0x541d2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A6; // Byte offset 0x3a6, CSR Addr 0x541d3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A7; // Byte offset 0x3a7, CSR Addr 0x541d3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A8; // Byte offset 0x3a8, CSR Addr 0x541d4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3A9; // Byte offset 0x3a9, CSR Addr 0x541d4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3AA; // Byte offset 0x3aa, CSR Addr 0x541d5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3AB; // Byte offset 0x3ab, CSR Addr 0x541d5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3AC; // Byte offset 0x3ac, CSR Addr 0x541d6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3AD; // Byte offset 0x3ad, CSR Addr 0x541d6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3AE; // Byte offset 0x3ae, CSR Addr 0x541d7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3AF; // Byte offset 0x3af, CSR Addr 0x541d7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B0; // Byte offset 0x3b0, CSR Addr 0x541d8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B1; // Byte offset 0x3b1, CSR Addr 0x541d8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B2; // Byte offset 0x3b2, CSR Addr 0x541d9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B3; // Byte offset 0x3b3, CSR Addr 0x541d9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B4; // Byte offset 0x3b4, CSR Addr 0x541da, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B5; // Byte offset 0x3b5, CSR Addr 0x541da, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B6; // Byte offset 0x3b6, CSR Addr 0x541db, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B7; // Byte offset 0x3b7, CSR Addr 0x541db, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B8; // Byte offset 0x3b8, CSR Addr 0x541dc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3B9; // Byte offset 0x3b9, CSR Addr 0x541dc, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3BA; // Byte offset 0x3ba, CSR Addr 0x541dd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3BB; // Byte offset 0x3bb, CSR Addr 0x541dd, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3BC; // Byte offset 0x3bc, CSR Addr 0x541de, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3BD; // Byte offset 0x3bd, CSR Addr 0x541de, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3BE; // Byte offset 0x3be, CSR Addr 0x541df, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3BF; // Byte offset 0x3bf, CSR Addr 0x541df, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C0; // Byte offset 0x3c0, CSR Addr 0x541e0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C1; // Byte offset 0x3c1, CSR Addr 0x541e0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C2; // Byte offset 0x3c2, CSR Addr 0x541e1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C3; // Byte offset 0x3c3, CSR Addr 0x541e1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C4; // Byte offset 0x3c4, CSR Addr 0x541e2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C5; // Byte offset 0x3c5, CSR Addr 0x541e2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C6; // Byte offset 0x3c6, CSR Addr 0x541e3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C7; // Byte offset 0x3c7, CSR Addr 0x541e3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C8; // Byte offset 0x3c8, CSR Addr 0x541e4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3C9; // Byte offset 0x3c9, CSR Addr 0x541e4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3CA; // Byte offset 0x3ca, CSR Addr 0x541e5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3CB; // Byte offset 0x3cb, CSR Addr 0x541e5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3CC; // Byte offset 0x3cc, CSR Addr 0x541e6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3CD; // Byte offset 0x3cd, CSR Addr 0x541e6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3CE; // Byte offset 0x3ce, CSR Addr 0x541e7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3CF; // Byte offset 0x3cf, CSR Addr 0x541e7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D0; // Byte offset 0x3d0, CSR Addr 0x541e8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D1; // Byte offset 0x3d1, CSR Addr 0x541e8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D2; // Byte offset 0x3d2, CSR Addr 0x541e9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D3; // Byte offset 0x3d3, CSR Addr 0x541e9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D4; // Byte offset 0x3d4, CSR Addr 0x541ea, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D5; // Byte offset 0x3d5, CSR Addr 0x541ea, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D6; // Byte offset 0x3d6, CSR Addr 0x541eb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D7; // Byte offset 0x3d7, CSR Addr 0x541eb, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D8; // Byte offset 0x3d8, CSR Addr 0x541ec, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3D9; // Byte offset 0x3d9, CSR Addr 0x541ec, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3DA; // Byte offset 0x3da, CSR Addr 0x541ed, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3DB; // Byte offset 0x3db, CSR Addr 0x541ed, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3DC; // Byte offset 0x3dc, CSR Addr 0x541ee, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3DD; // Byte offset 0x3dd, CSR Addr 0x541ee, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3DE; // Byte offset 0x3de, CSR Addr 0x541ef, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3DF; // Byte offset 0x3df, CSR Addr 0x541ef, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E0; // Byte offset 0x3e0, CSR Addr 0x541f0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E1; // Byte offset 0x3e1, CSR Addr 0x541f0, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E2; // Byte offset 0x3e2, CSR Addr 0x541f1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E3; // Byte offset 0x3e3, CSR Addr 0x541f1, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E4; // Byte offset 0x3e4, CSR Addr 0x541f2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E5; // Byte offset 0x3e5, CSR Addr 0x541f2, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E6; // Byte offset 0x3e6, CSR Addr 0x541f3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E7; // Byte offset 0x3e7, CSR Addr 0x541f3, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E8; // Byte offset 0x3e8, CSR Addr 0x541f4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3E9; // Byte offset 0x3e9, CSR Addr 0x541f4, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3EA; // Byte offset 0x3ea, CSR Addr 0x541f5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3EB; // Byte offset 0x3eb, CSR Addr 0x541f5, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3EC; // Byte offset 0x3ec, CSR Addr 0x541f6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3ED; // Byte offset 0x3ed, CSR Addr 0x541f6, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3EE; // Byte offset 0x3ee, CSR Addr 0x541f7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3EF; // Byte offset 0x3ef, CSR Addr 0x541f7, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3F0; // Byte offset 0x3f0, CSR Addr 0x541f8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3F1; // Byte offset 0x3f1, CSR Addr 0x541f8, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3F2; // Byte offset 0x3f2, CSR Addr 0x541f9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3F3; // Byte offset 0x3f3, CSR Addr 0x541f9, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3F4; // Byte offset 0x3f4, CSR Addr 0x541fa, Direction=N/A
uint8_t Reserved3F5; // Byte offset 0x3f5, CSR Addr 0x541fa, Direction=N/A
uint16_t ALT_CAS_L; // Byte offset 0x3f6, CSR Addr 0x541fb, Direction=in
// This field must be populated if RdDBI is enabled (applicable when MR5[A12] == 1).
// RdDBI is dynamically disabled in certain training steps,
// and so the [RdDBI disabled] CAS Latency must be provided in this field.
// The required encoding is as follows:
// ALT_CAS_L[0] == 0: use value in MR0
// ALT_CAS_L[0] == 1: use value in ALT_CAS_L, i.e., MR0{A[12],A[6],A[5],A[4],A[2]} = ALT_CAS_L[12,6,5,4,2]
// Other bits are ignored
uint8_t ALT_WCAS_L; // Byte offset 0x3f8, CSR Addr 0x541fc, Direction=In
// This field must be populated if 2tCK write preambles are enabled (applicable when MR4[A12] == 1).
// 2tCK write prambles are dynamically disabled in certain training steps,
// and so the [1tCK write preamble] WCAS Latency must be provided in this field.
// The required encoding is as follows:
// ALT_WCAS_L[0] == 0: use value in MR2
// ALT_WCAS_L[0] == 1: use value in ALT_WCAS_L, i.e., MR2{A[5],A[4],A[3]} = ALT_WCAS_L[5,4,3]
// Other bits are ignored
uint8_t D4Misc; // Byte offset 0x3f9, CSR Addr 0x541fc, Direction=In
// Contains various options for training DDR4 Devices.
// Bit fields:
// D4Misc[7:1] RFU, must be zero
// D4Misc[0] = protect memory reset
// 0x1 = dfi_reset_n cannot control BP_MEMRESERT_L to devices after training.
// 0x0 = dfi_resert_n can control BP_MEMRESERT_L to devices after training
} __attribute__ ((packed)) PMU_SMB_DDR4U_2D_t;