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* arch/arm/include/asm/arch-txl/timing.h
* Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __AML_TIMING_H_
#define __AML_TIMING_H_
#include <asm/arch/ddr_define.h>
#include <asm/arch/types.h>
#include <asm/arch/mnPmuSramMsgBlock_ddr3.h>
#include <asm/arch/mnPmuSramMsgBlock_ddr4.h>
#include <asm/arch/mnPmuSramMsgBlock_ddr4_2d.h>
#include <asm/arch/mnPmuSramMsgBlock_lpddr3.h>
#include <asm/arch/mnPmuSramMsgBlock_lpddr4.h>
#include <asm/arch/mnPmuSramMsgBlock_lpddr4_2d.h>
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_0 0
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_1 1
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_2 2
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_3 3
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_4 4
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_5 5
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_6 6
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_7 7
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_8 8
#define BL2_INIT_STAGE_9 9
typedef struct bl2_reg {
unsigned int reg;
unsigned int value;
unsigned int mask;
unsigned short udelay;
unsigned char flag;
unsigned char rsv_0;
}__attribute__ ((packed)) bl2_reg_t;
typedef struct ddr_reg {
unsigned int reg;
unsigned int value;
unsigned int mask;
unsigned short udelay;
unsigned char flag;
unsigned char rsv_0;
}__attribute__ ((packed)) ddr_reg_t;
typedef struct ddr_set{
unsigned int magic;
unsigned int rsv_int0;
unsigned char board_id;
//board id reserve,,do not modify
unsigned char version;
// firmware reserve version,,do not modify
unsigned char DramType;
//support DramType should confirm with amlogic
//#define CONFIG_DDR_TYPE_DDR3 0
//#define CONFIG_DDR_TYPE_DDR4 1
unsigned char DisabledDbyte;
//use for dram bus 16bit or 32bit,if use 16bit mode ,should disable bit 2,3
//bit 0 ---use byte 0 ,1 disable byte 0,
//bit 1 ---use byte 1 ,1 disable byte 1,
//bit 2 ---use byte 2 ,1 disable byte 2,
//bit 3 ---use byte 3 ,1 disable byte 3,
unsigned char Is2Ttiming;
//ddr3/ddr3 use 2t timing,now only support 2t timming
unsigned char HdtCtrl;
//training information control,do not modify
unsigned char dram_rank_config;
//support Dram connection type should confirm with amlogic
//#define CONFIG_DDR0_16BIT_CH0 0x1 //dram total bus width 16bit only use cs0
//#define CONFIG_DDR0_16BIT_RANK01_CH0 0x4 //dram total bus width 16bit use cs0 cs1
//#define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_RANK0_CH0 0x2 //dram total bus width 32bit use cs0
//#define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_RANK01_CH01 0x3 //only for lpddr4,dram total bus width 32bit use chanel a cs0 cs1 chanel b cs0 cs1
//#define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_16BIT_RANK0_CH0 0x5 //dram total bus width 32bit only use cs0,but high address use 16bit mode
//#define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_16BIT_RANK01_CH0 0x6 //dram total bus width 32bit use cs0 cs1,but cs1 use 16bit mode ,current phy not support reserve
//#define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_RANK01_CH0 0x7 //dram total bus width 32bit use cs0 cs1
//#define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_RANK0_CH01 0x8 //only for lpddr4,dram total bus width 32bit use chanel a cs0 chanel b cs0
/* rsv_char0. update for diagnose type define */
unsigned char diagnose;
/* imem/dmem define */
unsigned int imem_load_addr;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned int dmem_load_addr;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned short imem_load_size;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned short dmem_load_size;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned int ddr_base_addr;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned int ddr_start_offset;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned short dram_cs0_size_MB;
//config cs0 dram size ,like 1G DRAM ,setting 1024
unsigned short dram_cs1_size_MB;
//config cs1 dram size,like 512M DRAM ,setting 512
/* align8 */
unsigned short training_SequenceCtrl[2];
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned char phy_odt_config_rank[4];
//training odt config ,only use for training
// [0]Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 0. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
// [1]Odt pattern for accesses targeting rank 1. [3:0] is used for write ODT [7:4] is used for read ODT
unsigned int dfi_odt_config;
//normal go status od config,use for normal status
//bit 12. rank1 ODT default. default vulue for ODT[1] pins if theres no read/write activity.
//bit 11. rank1 ODT write sel. enable ODT[1] if there's write occur in rank1.
//bit 10. rank1 ODT write nsel. enable ODT[1] if theres's write occur in rank0.
//bit 9. rank1 odt read sel. enable ODT[1] if there's read occur in rank1.
//bit 8. rank1 odt read nsel. enable ODT[1] if there's read occure in rank0.
//bit 4. rank0 ODT default. default vulue for ODT[0] pins if theres no read/write activity.
//bit 3. rank0 ODT write sel. enable ODT[0] if there's write occur in rank0.
//bit 2. rank0 ODT write nsel. enable ODT[0] if theres's write occur in rank1.
//bit 1. rank0 odt read sel. enable ODT[0] if there's read occur in rank0.
//bit 0. rank0 odt read nsel. enable ODT[0] if there's read occure in rank1.
unsigned short DRAMFreq[4];
//config dram frequency,use DRAMFreq[0],ohter reserve
unsigned char PllBypassEn;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned char ddr_rdbi_wr_enable;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned char ddr_rfc_type;
//config dram rfc type,according dram type,also can use same dram type max config
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx1 0
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx2 1
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx4 2
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx8 3
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx16 4
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR4_2Gbx1 5
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR4_2Gbx2 6
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR4_2Gbx4 7
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR4_2Gbx8 8
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_LPDDR4_2Gbx1 9
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_LPDDR4_3Gbx1 10
//#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_LPDDR4_4Gbx1 11
unsigned char enable_lpddr4x_mode;
//system reserve,do not modify
/* align8 */
unsigned int pll_ssc_mode;
/* pll ssc config:
* pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | ([strength] << 4) | [mode],
* ppm = strength * 500
* mode: 0=center, 1=up, 2=down
* eg:
* 1. config 1000ppm center ss. then mode=0, strength=2
* .pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | (2 << 4) | 0,
* 2. config 3000ppm down ss. then mode=2, strength=6
* .pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | (6 << 4) | 2,
unsigned short clk_drv_ohm;
//config soc clk pin signal driver stength ,select 20,30,40,60ohm
unsigned short cs_drv_ohm;
//config soc cs0 cs1 pin signal driver stength ,select 20,30,40,60ohm
unsigned short ac_drv_ohm;
//config soc normal address command pin driver stength ,select 20,30,40,60ohm
unsigned short soc_data_drv_ohm_p;
//config soc data pin pull up driver stength,select 0,28,30,32,34,37,40,43,48,53,60,68,80,96,120ohm
unsigned short soc_data_drv_ohm_n;
//config soc data pin pull down driver stength,select 0,28,30,32,34,37,40,43,48,53,60,68,80,96,120ohm
unsigned short soc_data_odt_ohm_p;
//config soc data pin odt pull up stength,select 0,28,30,32,34,37,40,43,48,53,60,68,80,96,120ohm
unsigned short soc_data_odt_ohm_n;
//config soc data pin odt pull down stength,select 0,28,30,32,34,37,40,43,48,53,60,68,80,96,120ohm
unsigned short dram_data_drv_ohm;
//config dram data pin pull up pull down driver stength,ddr3 select 34,40ohm,ddr4 select 34,48ohm,lpddr4 select 40,48,60,80,120,240ohm
unsigned short dram_data_odt_ohm;
//config dram data pin odt pull up down stength,ddr3 select 40,60,120ohm,ddr4 select 34,40,48,60,120,240ohm,lpddr4 select 40,48,60,80,120,240ohm
unsigned short dram_ac_odt_ohm;
//config dram ac pin odt pull up down stength,use for lpddr4, select 40,48,60,80,120,240ohm
unsigned short soc_clk_slew_rate;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned short soc_cs_slew_rate;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned short soc_ac_slew_rate;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned short soc_data_slew_rate;
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned short vref_output_permil; //phy
//setting same with vref_dram_permil
unsigned short vref_receiver_permil; //soc
//soc init SOC receiver vref ,config like 500 means 0.5VDDQ,take care ,please follow SI
unsigned short vref_dram_permil;
//soc init DRAM receiver vref ,config like 500 means 0.5VDDQ,take care ,please follow SI
unsigned short max_core_timmming_frequency;
//use for limited ddr speed core timmming parameter,for some old dram maybe have no over speed register
unsigned char ac_trace_delay[10];
unsigned char lpddr4_dram_vout_voltage_1_3_2_5_setting;
//use for lpddr4 read vout voltage setting 0 --->2/5VDDQ ,1--->1/3VDDQ
unsigned char lpddr4_x8_mode;
//system reserve,do not modify ,take care ,please follow SI
unsigned char ac_pinmux[DWC_AC_PINMUX_TOTAL];
//use for lpddr3 /lpddr4 ca pinmux remap
unsigned char dfi_pinmux[DWC_DFI_PINMUX_TOTAL];
unsigned char slt_test_function[2]; //[0] slt test function enable,bit 0 enable 4 frequency scan,bit 1 enable force delay line offset ,[1],slt test parameter ,use for force delay line offset
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned short dq_bdlr_org;
unsigned char dram_data_wr_odt_ohm;
unsigned char bitTimeControl_2d;
//system reserve,do not modify
/* align8 */
unsigned int ddr_dmc_remap[5];
//system reserve,do not modify
/* align8 */
unsigned char ddr_lpddr34_ca_remap[4];
////use for lpddr3 /lpddr4 ca training data byte lane remap
unsigned char ddr_lpddr34_dq_remap[32];
////use for lpddr3 /lpddr4 ca pinmux remap
unsigned int dram_rtt_nom_wr_park[2];
//system reserve,do not modify
unsigned int ddr_func;
//system reserve,do not modify
/* align8 */
unsigned long rsv_long0[2];
/* v1 end */
//unsigned char read_dqs_adjust[16]; //rank 0 --lane 0 1 2 3 rank 1--4 5 6 7 write //rank 0 --lane 0 1 2 3 rank 1--4 5 6 7 read
//unsigned char read_dq_bit_delay[72];
//unsigned char write_dq_bit_delay[72];
unsigned char read_dqs_delay[16];
unsigned char read_dq_bit_delay[72];
unsigned short write_dqs_delay[16];
unsigned short write_dq_bit_delay[72];
unsigned short read_dqs_gate_delay[16];
unsigned char dq_dqs_delay_flag; //read_dqs read_dq,write_dqs, write_dq
unsigned char dfi_mrl;
unsigned char dfi_hwtmrl;
unsigned char ARdPtrInitVal;
//override read bit delay
}__attribute__ ((packed)) ddr_set_t;
typedef struct ddr_timing{
unsigned char identifier;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_rtp;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_wtr;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_rp;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_rcd;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_ras;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_rrd;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_rc;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_mrd;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_mod;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_faw;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_wlmrd;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_wlo;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_xp;
unsigned short cfg_ddr_rfc;
unsigned short cfg_ddr_xs;
unsigned short cfg_ddr_dllk;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_cke;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_rtodt;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_rtw;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_refi;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_refi_mddr3;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_cl;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_wr;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_cwl;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_al;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_dqs;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_cksre;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_cksrx;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_zqcs;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_xpdll;
unsigned short cfg_ddr_exsr;
unsigned short cfg_ddr_zqcl;
unsigned short cfg_ddr_zqcsi;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_tccdl;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_tdqsck;
unsigned char cfg_ddr_tdqsckmax;
unsigned char rsv_char;
/* reserved */
unsigned int rsv_int;
}__attribute__ ((packed)) ddr_timing_t;
typedef struct pll_set{
unsigned short cpu_clk;
unsigned short pxp;
unsigned int spi_ctrl;
unsigned short vddee;
unsigned short vcck;
unsigned char szPad[4];
unsigned long lCustomerID;
unsigned short debug_mode;
unsigned short rsv1;
unsigned short rsv2;
unsigned short rsv3;
/* align 8Byte */
unsigned int sys_pll_cntl[8];
unsigned int ddr_pll_cntl[8];
unsigned int fix_pll_cntl[8];
}__attribute__ ((packed)) pll_set_t;
typedef struct dmem_cfg {
PMU_SMB_DDR3U_1D_t ddr3u;
PMU_SMB_DDR4U_1D_t ddr4u;
PMU_SMB_DDR4U_2D_t ddr4u_2d;
PMU_SMB_LPDDR3_1D_t lpddr3u;
PMU_SMB_LPDDR4_1D_t lpddr4u;
PMU_SMB_LPDDR4_2D_t lpddr4u_2d;
} dmem_cfg_t;
#endif //__AML_TIMING_H_