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* arch/arm/include/asm/arch-txl/ddr.h
* Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <config.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <asm/arch/ddr_define.h>
/* io defines */
//#define wr_reg(addr, data) (*((volatile uint32_t *)addr))=(uint32_t)(uint64_t)(data)
//#define rd_reg(addr) (*((volatile uint32_t *)(addr)))
#define wr_reg(addr, data) writel(data, addr)
#define rd_reg(addr) readl(addr)
/*clear [mask] 0 bits in [addr], set these 0 bits with [value] corresponding bits*/
#define modify_reg(addr, value, mask) wr_reg(addr, ((rd_reg(addr) & (mask)) | (value)))
#define wait_set(addr, loc) do{}while(0 == (rd_reg(addr) & (1<<loc)));
#define wait_clr(addr, loc) do{}while(1 == (rd_reg(addr) & (1<<loc)));
#define wait_equal(addr, data) do{}while(data != (rd_reg(addr)));
/* function defines */
unsigned int ddr_init(void);
unsigned int ddr_init_pll(void);
unsigned int ddr_init_dmc(void);
unsigned int ddr_init_pctl(void);
unsigned int hot_boot(void);
void ddr_print_info(void);
void ddr_test(void);
void ddr_pre_init(void);
void ddr_debug(void);
/* pctl status */
#define UPCTL_STAT_MASK (7)
#define UPCTL_STAT_INIT (0)
/* pctl cmds */
#define UPCTL_CMD_INIT (0)
#define UPCTL_CMD_CONFIG (1)
#define UPCTL_CMD_GO (2)
#define UPCTL_CMD_SLEEP (3)
#define UPCTL_CMD_WAKEUP (4)
/* PUB PIR setting */
#define PUB_PIR_INIT (1<<0)
#define PUB_PIR_ZCAL (1<<1)
#define PUB_PIR_CA (1<<2)
#define PUB_PIR_PLLINIT (1<<4)
#define PUB_PIR_DCAL (1<<5)
#define PUB_PIR_PHYRST (1<<6)
#define PUB_PIR_DRAMRST (1<<7)
#define PUB_PIR_DRAMINIT (1<<8)
#define PUB_PIR_WL (1<<9)
#define PUB_PIR_QSGATE (1<<10)
#define PUB_PIR_WLADJ (1<<11)
#define PUB_PIR_RDDSKW (1<<12)
#define PUB_PIR_WRDSKW (1<<13)
#define PUB_PIR_RDEYE (1<<14)
#define PUB_PIR_WREYE (1<<15)
#define PUB_PIR_ICPC (1<<16)
#define PUB_PIR_PLLBYP (1<<17)
#define PUB_PIR_CTLDINIT (1<<18)
#define PUB_PIR_RDIMMINIT (1<<19)
#define PUB_PIR_CLRSR (1<<27)
#define PUB_PIR_LOCKBYP (1<<28)
#define PUB_PIR_DCALBYP (1<<29)
#define PUB_PIR_ZCALBYP (1<<30)
#define PUB_PIR_INITBYP (1<<31)
/* PHY initialize register (PIR) */
#define DDR_PIR ((PUB_PIR_ZCAL) |\
/* PHY general status register (PGSR0) */
#define DDR_PGSR0_CHECK() ((rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_PGSR0) != 0xC0000fff) && \
(rd_reg(DDR0_PUB_PGSR0) != 0x80000fff))
#define DDR_PGSR0_CHECK()
#define DDR_PGSR0_CHECK()
/* other regs */
#define SCRATCH0 0xC1107D3C