blob: 851d9dce128569947da5922efea7d7ed32c4c14a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* drivers/display/lcd/aml_lcd_clk_config.h
* Copyright (C) 2015 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <amlogic/aml_lcd.h>
/* **********************************
* clk config
* ********************************** */
struct lcd_clk_config_s { /* unit: kHz */
/* IN-OUT parameters */
unsigned int fin;
unsigned int fout;
/* pll parameters */
unsigned int pll_mode; /* txl */
unsigned int od_fb;
unsigned int pll_m;
unsigned int pll_n;
unsigned int pll_fvco;
unsigned int pll_od1_sel;
unsigned int pll_od2_sel;
unsigned int pll_od3_sel;
unsigned int pll_pi_div_sel; /* txhd */
unsigned int pll_level;
unsigned int pll_frac;
unsigned int pll_fout;
unsigned int ss_level;
/*unsigned int edp_div0;*/
/*unsigned int edp_div1;*/
unsigned int div_sel;
unsigned int xd;
/* clk path node parameters */
unsigned int ss_level_max;
unsigned int pll_m_max;
unsigned int pll_m_min;
unsigned int pll_n_max;
unsigned int pll_n_min;
unsigned int pll_frac_range;
unsigned int pll_od_sel_max;
unsigned int div_sel_max;
unsigned int xd_max;
unsigned int pll_ref_fmax;
unsigned int pll_ref_fmin;
unsigned int pll_vco_fmax;
unsigned int pll_vco_fmin;
unsigned int pll_out_fmax;
unsigned int pll_out_fmin;
unsigned int div_in_fmax;
unsigned int div_out_fmax;
unsigned int xd_out_fmax;
unsigned int err_fmin;
#define LCD_SS_STEP_BASE 500 /* ppm */
/* **********************************
* pll & clk parameter
* ********************************** */
/* ******** clk calculation ******** */
#define PLL_WAIT_LOCK_CNT 200
/* frequency unit: kHz */
#define FIN_FREQ (24 * 1000)
/* clk max error */
#define MAX_ERROR (2 * 1000)
/* ******** register bit ******** */
/* divider */
#define CRT_VID_DIV_MAX 255
#define DIV_PRE_SEL_MAX 6
#define EDP_DIV0_SEL_MAX 15
#define EDP_DIV1_SEL_MAX 8
/* g9tv, g9bb, gxbb divider */
#define CLK_DIV_I2O 0
#define CLK_DIV_O2I 1
enum div_sel_e {
CLK_DIV_SEL_1 = 0,
CLK_DIV_SEL_2, /* 1 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_3, /* 2 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_3p5, /* 3 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_3p75, /* 4 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_4, /* 5 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_5, /* 6 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_6, /* 7 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_6p25, /* 8 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_7, /* 9 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_7p5, /* 10 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_12, /* 11 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_14, /* 12 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_15, /* 13 */
CLK_DIV_SEL_2p5, /* 14 */
/* **********************************
* ********************************** */
/* ******** register bit ******** */
/* PLL_CNTL 0x10c8 */
#define LCD_PLL_EN_GXTVBB 30
#define LCD_PLL_N_GXTVBB 9
#define LCD_PLL_M_GXTVBB 0
#define LCD_PLL_OD3_GXTVBB 18
#define LCD_PLL_OD2_GXTVBB 22
#define LCD_PLL_OD1_GXTVBB 16
/* ******** frequency limit (unit: kHz) ******** */
#define PLL_M_MIN_GXTVBB 2
#define PLL_M_MAX_GXTVBB 511
#define PLL_N_MIN_GXTVBB 1
#define PLL_N_MAX_GXTVBB 1
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE_GXTVBB (1 << 10)
#define PLL_FREF_MIN_GXTVBB (5 * 1000)
#define PLL_FREF_MAX_GXTVBB (25 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MIN_GXTVBB (3000 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MAX_GXTVBB (6000 * 1000)
/* video */
#define CLK_DIV_IN_MAX_GXTVBB (3100 * 1000)
#define CRT_VID_CLK_IN_MAX_GXTVBB (3100 * 1000)
#define ENCL_CLK_IN_MAX_GXTVBB (620 * 1000)
/************** GXL **************** */
/* ******** register bit ******** */
/* PLL_CNTL 0x10c8 */
#define LCD_PLL_LOCK_GXL 31
#define LCD_PLL_EN_GXL 30
#define LCD_PLL_RST_GXL 28
#define LCD_PLL_N_GXL 9
#define LCD_PLL_M_GXL 0
#define LCD_PLL_OD3_GXL 19
#define LCD_PLL_OD2_GXL 23
#define LCD_PLL_OD1_GXL 21
/* ******** frequency limit (unit: kHz) ******** */
#define PLL_FRAC_OD_FB_GXL 1
#define SS_LEVEL_MAX_GXL 5
#define PLL_M_MIN_GXL 2
#define PLL_M_MAX_GXL 511
#define PLL_N_MIN_GXL 1
#define PLL_N_MAX_GXL 1
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE_GXL (1 << 10)
#define PLL_OD_SEL_MAX_GXL 3
#define PLL_FREF_MIN_GXL (5 * 1000)
#define PLL_FREF_MAX_GXL (25 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MIN_GXL (3000 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MAX_GXL (6000 * 1000)
/* video */
#define CLK_DIV_IN_MAX_GXL (3100 * 1000)
#define CRT_VID_CLK_IN_MAX_GXL (3100 * 1000)
#define ENCL_CLK_IN_MAX_GXL (620 * 1000)
/* **********************************
* ********************************** */
/* ******** register bit ******** */
/* PLL_CNTL 0x10c8 */
#define LCD_PLL_LOCK_GXM 31
#define LCD_PLL_EN_GXM 30
#define LCD_PLL_RST_GXM 28
#define LCD_PLL_N_GXM 9
#define LCD_PLL_M_GXM 0
#define LCD_PLL_OD3_GXM 19
#define LCD_PLL_OD2_GXM 23
#define LCD_PLL_OD1_GXM 21
/* ******** frequency limit (unit: kHz) ******** */
#define PLL_FRAC_OD_FB_GXM 1
#define SS_LEVEL_MAX_GXM 5
#define PLL_M_MIN_GXM 2
#define PLL_M_MAX_GXM 511
#define PLL_N_MIN_GXM 1
#define PLL_N_MAX_GXM 1
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE_GXM (1 << 10)
#define PLL_OD_SEL_MAX_GXM 3
#define PLL_FREF_MIN_GXM (5 * 1000)
#define PLL_FREF_MAX_GXM (25 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MIN_GXM (3000 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MAX_GXM (6000 * 1000)
/* video */
#define CLK_DIV_IN_MAX_GXM (3100 * 1000)
#define CRT_VID_CLK_IN_MAX_GXM (3100 * 1000)
#define ENCL_CLK_IN_MAX_GXM (620 * 1000)
/******* TXL ********************* */
/* ******** register bit ******** */
/* PLL_CNTL 0x10c8 */
#define LCD_PLL_LOCK_TXL 31
#define LCD_PLL_EN_TXL 30
#define LCD_PLL_RST_TXL 28
#define LCD_PLL_N_TXL 9
#define LCD_PLL_M_TXL 0
#define LCD_PLL_OD3_TXL 19
#define LCD_PLL_OD2_TXL 23
#define LCD_PLL_OD1_TXL 21
/* ******** frequency limit (unit: kHz) ******** */
#define PLL_FRAC_OD_FB_TXL 1
#define SS_LEVEL_MAX_TXL 5
#define PLL_M_MIN_TXL 2
#define PLL_M_MAX_TXL 511
#define PLL_N_MIN_TXL 1
#define PLL_N_MAX_TXL 1
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE_TXL (1 << 10)
#define PLL_OD_SEL_MAX_TXL 3
#define PLL_FREF_MIN_TXL (5 * 1000)
#define PLL_FREF_MAX_TXL (25 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MIN_TXL (3000 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MAX_TXL (6000 * 1000)
/* video */
#define CLK_DIV_IN_MAX_TXL (3100 * 1000)
#define CRT_VID_CLK_IN_MAX_TXL (3100 * 1000)
#define ENCL_CLK_IN_MAX_TXL (620 * 1000)
/* **********************************
* ********************************** */
/* ******** register bit ******** */
/* PLL_CNTL 0x10c8 */
#define LCD_PLL_LOCK_TXLX 31
#define LCD_PLL_EN_TXLX 30
#define LCD_PLL_RST_TXLX 28
#define LCD_PLL_N_TXLX 9
#define LCD_PLL_M_TXLX 0
#define LCD_PLL_OD3_TXLX 19
#define LCD_PLL_OD2_TXLX 23
#define LCD_PLL_OD1_TXLX 21
/* ******** frequency limit (unit: kHz) ******** */
#define PLL_M_MIN_TXLX 2
#define PLL_M_MAX_TXLX 511
#define PLL_N_MIN_TXLX 1
#define PLL_N_MAX_TXLX 1
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE_TXLX (1 << 10)
#define PLL_FREF_MIN_TXLX (5 * 1000)
#define PLL_FREF_MAX_TXLX (25 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MIN_TXLX (3000 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MAX_TXLX (6000 * 1000)
/* video */
#define CLK_DIV_IN_MAX_TXLX (3100 * 1000)
#define CRT_VID_CLK_IN_MAX_TXLX (3100 * 1000)
#define ENCL_CLK_IN_MAX_TXLX (620 * 1000)
/* AXG */
/* ******** register bit ******** */
/* PLL_CNTL */
#define LCD_PLL_LOCK_AXG 31
#define LCD_PLL_EN_AXG 30
#define LCD_PLL_RST_AXG 29
#define LCD_PLL_OD_AXG 16
#define LCD_PLL_N_AXG 9
#define LCD_PLL_M_AXG 0
/* ******** frequency limit (unit: kHz) ******** */
#define PLL_FRAC_OD_FB_AXG 0
#define SS_LEVEL_MAX_AXG 5
#define PLL_M_MIN_AXG 2
#define PLL_M_MAX_AXG 511
#define PLL_N_MIN_AXG 1
#define PLL_N_MAX_AXG 1
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE_AXG (1 << 10)
#define PLL_OD_SEL_MAX_AXG 3
#define PLL_FREF_MIN_AXG (5 * 1000)
#define PLL_FREF_MAX_AXG (25 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MIN_AXG (960 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MAX_AXG (1632 * 1000)
/* video */
#define CRT_VID_CLK_IN_MAX_AXG (1632 * 1000)
#define ENCL_CLK_IN_MAX_AXG (200 * 1000)
/* **********************************
* ********************************** */
/* ******** register bit ******** */
/* PLL_CNTL 0x10c8 */
#define LCD_PLL_LOCK_TXHD 31
#define LCD_PLL_EN_TXHD 30
#define LCD_PLL_RST_TXHD 28
#define LCD_PLL_N_TXHD 9
#define LCD_PLL_M_TXHD 0
#define LCD_PLL_OD3_TXHD 19
#define LCD_PLL_OD2_TXHD 23
#define LCD_PLL_OD1_TXHD 21
/* ******** frequency limit (unit: kHz) ******** */
#define PLL_M_MIN_TXHD 2
#define PLL_M_MAX_TXHD 511
#define PLL_N_MIN_TXHD 1
#define PLL_N_MAX_TXHD 1
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE_TXHD (1 << 10)
#define PLL_FREF_MIN_TXHD (5 * 1000)
#define PLL_FREF_MAX_TXHD (25 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MIN_TXHD (3000 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MAX_TXHD (6000 * 1000)
/* video */
#define CLK_DIV_IN_MAX_TXHD (3100 * 1000)
#define CRT_VID_CLK_IN_MAX_TXHD (3100 * 1000)
#define ENCL_CLK_IN_MAX_TXHD (400 * 1000)
/* G12A */
/* ******** register bit ******** */
/* PLL_CNTL bit: GP0 */
#define LCD_PLL_LOCK_GP0_G12A 31
#define LCD_PLL_EN_GP0_G12A 28
#define LCD_PLL_RST_GP0_G12A 29
#define LCD_PLL_OD_GP0_G12A 16
#define LCD_PLL_N_GP0_G12A 10
#define LCD_PLL_M_GP0_G12A 0
/* ******** frequency limit (unit: kHz) ******** */
#define PLL_FRAC_OD_FB_GP0_G12A 0
#define SS_LEVEL_MAX_GP0_G12A 5
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE_GP0_G12A (1 << 17)
#define PLL_OD_SEL_MAX_GP0_G12A 5
#define PLL_VCO_MIN_GP0_G12A (3000 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MAX_GP0_G12A (6000 * 1000)
/* PLL_CNTL bit: hpll */
#define LCD_PLL_LOCK_HPLL_G12A 31
#define LCD_PLL_EN_HPLL_G12A 28
#define LCD_PLL_RST_HPLL_G12A 29
#define LCD_PLL_N_HPLL_G12A 10
#define LCD_PLL_M_HPLL_G12A 0
#define LCD_PLL_OD3_HPLL_G12A 20
#define LCD_PLL_OD2_HPLL_G12A 18
#define LCD_PLL_OD1_HPLL_G12A 16
/* ******** frequency limit (unit: kHz) ******** */
#define PLL_FRAC_OD_FB_HPLL_G12A 0
#define SS_LEVEL_MAX_HPLL_G12A 1
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE_HPLL_G12A (1 << 17)
#define PLL_OD_SEL_MAX_HPLL_G12A 3
#define PLL_VCO_MIN_HPLL_G12A (3000 * 1000)
#define PLL_VCO_MAX_HPLL_G12A (6000 * 1000)
/* video */
#define PLL_M_MIN_G12A 2
#define PLL_M_MAX_G12A 511
#define PLL_N_MIN_G12A 1
#define PLL_N_MAX_G12A 1
#define PLL_FREF_MIN_G12A (5 * 1000)
#define PLL_FREF_MAX_G12A (25 * 1000)
#define CRT_VID_CLK_IN_MAX_G12A (6000 * 1000)
#define ENCL_CLK_IN_MAX_G12A (200 * 1000)
/* ******** api ******** */
extern int meson_clk_measure(unsigned int clk_mux);
extern struct lcd_clk_config_s *get_lcd_clk_config(void);
extern void lcd_clk_config_print(void);
extern char *lcd_get_spread_spectrum(void);
extern void lcd_set_spread_spectrum(void);
extern void lcd_clk_update(struct lcd_config_s *pconf);
extern void lcd_clk_set(struct lcd_config_s *pconf);
extern void lcd_clk_disable(void);
extern void lcd_clk_generate_parameter(struct lcd_config_s *pconf);
extern void lcd_clk_config_probe(void);