blob: 30bdd089dd88880bd3fede0a9a719071d8d6bf08 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* \file optimus_img_decoder.c
* \brief
* \version 1.0.0
* \date 2013-7-8
* \author Sam.Wu <>
* Copyright (c) 2013 Amlogic. All Rights Reserved.
#include "../v2_sdc_burn/optimus_sdc_burn_i.h"
COMPILE_TYPE_CHK(128 == sizeof(ItemInfo_V1), _op_a);
COMPILE_TYPE_CHK(576 == sizeof(ItemInfo_V2), __op_a2);
COMPILE_TYPE_CHK(64 == sizeof(AmlFirmwareImg_t), __op_b);
typedef struct _ImgSrcIf{
unsigned devIf; //mmc/usb/store
unsigned devNo; //0/1/2
unsigned devAlignSz; //64K for store
unsigned reserv2Align64;
uint64_t itemCurSeekOffsetInImg;//fread will auto seek the @readSz, but for STORE we must do it
char partName[28]; //partIndex <= 28 (+4 if partIndex not used)
unsigned partIndex; //partIndex and part
unsigned char resrv[512 - 32 - 24];
COMPILE_TYPE_CHK(512 == sizeof(ImgSrcIf_t), bb);
#define MAX_ITEM_NUM 48
typedef struct _ImgInfo_s
ImgSrcIf_t imgSrcIf;
AmlFirmwareImg_t imgHead;//Must begin align 512, or store read wiill exception
union ItemInfo_u{
ItemInfo_V1 v1[MAX_ITEM_NUM];
ItemInfo_V2 v2[MAX_ITEM_NUM];
typedef struct _AmlFirmwareItem0_s
__u32 itemId;
__u32 fileType; //image file type, sparse and normal
__u64 curoffsetInItem; //current offset in the item
__u64 offsetInImage; //item offset in the image
__u64 itemSz; //item size in the image
const char* itemMainType;
const char* itemSubType;
static int _hFile = -1;
//open a Amlogic firmware image
//return value is a handle
HIMAGE image_open(const char* interface, const char* device, const char* part, const char* imgPath)
const int HeadSz = sizeof(ImgInfo_t) - sizeof(ImgSrcIf_t);
ImgInfo_t* hImg = (ImgInfo_t*)OPTIMUS_BURN_PKG_HEAD_BUF_ADDR;
int ret = 0;
ImgSrcIf_t* pImgSrcIf = NULL;
unsigned imgVer = 0;
pImgSrcIf = &hImg->imgSrcIf;
memset(pImgSrcIf, 0, sizeof(ImgSrcIf_t));
if (!strcmp("store", interface))
DWN_DBG("imgHead=0x%p, hImg=%p\n", &hImg->imgHead, hImg);
ret = store_read_ops((u8*)part, (u8*)&hImg->imgHead, IMG_OFFSET_IN_PART, HeadSz);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to read image header.\n");
ret = __LINE__; goto _err;
pImgSrcIf->devAlignSz = 4*1024;//512;//OPTIMUS_DOWNLOAD_SLOT_SZ;
strcpy(pImgSrcIf->partName, part);
int pFile = do_fat_fopen(imgPath);
if (pFile < 0) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to open file %s\n", imgPath);
goto _err;
_hFile = pFile;
ret = do_fat_fread(pFile, (u8*)&hImg->imgHead, HeadSz);
if (ret != HeadSz) {
DWN_ERR("want to read %d, but %d\n", HeadSz, ret);
goto _err;
pImgSrcIf->devAlignSz = do_fat_get_bytesperclust(pFile);
if (IMAGE_MAGIC != hImg->imgHead.magic) {
DWN_ERR("error magic 0x%x\n", hImg->imgHead.magic);
goto _err;
imgVer = hImg->imgHead.version;
if (AML_FRMWRM_VER_V1 != imgVer && AML_FRMWRM_VER_V2 != imgVer) {
DWN_ERR("error verison 0x%x\n", hImg->imgHead.version);
goto _err;
DWN_MSG("image version [0x%08x]\n", imgVer);
if (MAX_ITEM_NUM < hImg->imgHead.itemNum) {
DWN_ERR("max itemNum(%d)<actual itemNum (%d)\n", MAX_ITEM_NUM, hImg->imgHead.itemNum);
goto _err;
return hImg;
return NULL;
//close a Amlogic firmware image
int image_close(HIMAGE hImg)
DWN_MSG("to close image\n");
if (_hFile >= 0)do_fat_fclose(_hFile) , _hFile = -1;
if (hImg) {
hImg = NULL;
return 0;
static const ItemInfo* image_item_get_item_info_byid(HIMAGE hImg, const int itemIndex)
ImgInfo_t* imgInfo = (ImgInfo_t*)hImg;
const unsigned imgVer = imgInfo->imgHead.version;
static ItemInfo theItem;
switch (imgVer)
ItemInfo_V2* pItem = &imgInfo->itemInfo.v2[itemIndex];
theItem.itemMainType = pItem->itemMainType;
theItem.itemSubType = pItem->itemSubType;
theItem.itemSz = pItem->itemSz;
theItem.offsetInImage = pItem->offsetInImage;
theItem.curoffsetInItem = pItem->curoffsetInItem;
theItem.fileType = pItem->fileType;
theItem.itemId = pItem->itemId;
ItemInfo_V1* pItem = &imgInfo->itemInfo.v1[itemIndex];
theItem.itemMainType = pItem->itemMainType;
theItem.itemSubType = pItem->itemSubType;
theItem.itemSz = pItem->itemSz;
theItem.offsetInImage = pItem->offsetInImage;
theItem.curoffsetInItem = pItem->curoffsetInItem;
theItem.fileType = pItem->fileType;
theItem.itemId = pItem->itemId;
DWN_ERR("Exception, imgVer=0x%x\n", imgVer);
return NULL;
return &theItem;
//open a item in the image
//@hImage: image handle;
//@mainType, @subType: main type and subtype to index the item, such as ["IMAGE", "SYSTEM"]
HIMAGEITEM image_item_open(HIMAGE hImg, const char* mainType, const char* subType)
ImgInfo_t* imgInfo = (ImgInfo_t*)hImg;
const int itemNr = imgInfo->imgHead.itemNum;
const ItemInfo* pItem = NULL;
int i = 0;
for (; i < itemNr ;i++)
pItem = image_item_get_item_info_byid(hImg, i);
if (!pItem) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to get item at index %d\n", i);
return NULL;
if (!strcmp(mainType, pItem->itemMainType) && !strcmp(subType, pItem->itemSubType))
if (i >= itemNr) {
DWN_WRN("Can't find item [%s, %s]\n", mainType, subType);
return NULL;
if (i != pItem->itemId) {
DWN_ERR("itemid %d err, should %d\n", pItem->itemId, i);
return NULL;
if (IMAGE_IF_TYPE_STORE != imgInfo->imgSrcIf.devIf)
DWN_DBG("Item offset 0x%llx\n", pItem->offsetInImage);
i = do_fat_fseek(_hFile, pItem->offsetInImage, 0);
if (i) {
DWN_ERR("fail to seek, offset is 0x%x\n", (u32)pItem->offsetInImage);
return NULL;
imgInfo->imgSrcIf.itemCurSeekOffsetInImg = pItem->offsetInImage;
return (HIMAGEITEM)pItem;
//Need this if item offset in the image file is not aligned to bytesPerCluster of FAT
unsigned image_item_get_first_cluster_size(HIMAGE hImg, HIMAGEITEM hItem)
const ImgInfo_t* imgInfo = (ImgInfo_t*)hImg;
ItemInfo* pItem = (ItemInfo*)hItem;
unsigned itemSizeNotAligned = 0;
const unsigned fat_bytesPerCluste = imgInfo->imgSrcIf.devAlignSz;
itemSizeNotAligned = pItem->offsetInImage & (fat_bytesPerCluste - 1);
itemSizeNotAligned = fat_bytesPerCluste - itemSizeNotAligned;
DWN_MSG("itemSizeNotAligned 0x%x\n", itemSizeNotAligned);
return itemSizeNotAligned;
unsigned image_get_cluster_size(HIMAGEITEM hImg)
const ImgInfo_t* imgInfo = (ImgInfo_t*)hImg;
const unsigned fat_bytesPerCluste = imgInfo->imgSrcIf.devAlignSz;
return fat_bytesPerCluste;
//close a item
int image_item_close(HIMAGEITEM hItem)
return 0;
__u64 image_item_get_size(HIMAGEITEM hItem)
ItemInfo* pItem = (ItemInfo*)hItem;
return pItem->itemSz;
//get image item type, current used type is normal or sparse
int image_item_get_type(HIMAGEITEM hItem)
ItemInfo* pItem = (ItemInfo*)hItem;
return pItem->fileType;
//read item data, like standard fread
int image_item_read(HIMAGE hImg, HIMAGEITEM hItem, void* pBuf, const __u32 wantSz)
ImgInfo_t* imgInfo = (ImgInfo_t*)hImg;
unsigned readSz = 0;
if (IMAGE_IF_TYPE_STORE == imgInfo->imgSrcIf.devIf)
unsigned char* part = (unsigned char*)imgInfo->imgSrcIf.partName;
const uint64_t offsetInPart = imgInfo->imgSrcIf.itemCurSeekOffsetInImg + IMG_OFFSET_IN_PART;
int rc = 0;
const unsigned storeBlkSz = imgInfo->imgSrcIf.devAlignSz;
const unsigned offsetNotAlign = offsetInPart & (storeBlkSz - 1);
const unsigned sizeNotAlignInFirstBlk = storeBlkSz - offsetNotAlign;//in the the first block and its offset not aligned
//Attention: deal with the align issue in "optimus_burn_one_partition", then not need to modify "do_fat_fread"
if (offsetNotAlign)
unsigned char* bufInABlk = NULL;
const uint64_t readOffset = offsetInPart - offsetNotAlign;
const unsigned bufLen = sizeNotAlignInFirstBlk < wantSz ? sizeNotAlignInFirstBlk : (wantSz);
unsigned thisTotalReadSz = wantSz;
DWN_MSG("offsetInPart %llx, wantSz=%x\n", offsetInPart, wantSz);
bufInABlk = (u8*)malloc(storeBlkSz);
rc = store_read_ops(part, bufInABlk, readOffset, storeBlkSz);
if (rc) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to read: readOffset=%llx, storeBlkSz=%x\n", readOffset, storeBlkSz);
return __LINE__;
memcpy(pBuf, bufInABlk + offsetNotAlign, bufLen);
thisTotalReadSz -= bufLen;
pBuf += bufLen/sizeof(void);
if (sizeNotAlignInFirstBlk < wantSz && offsetNotAlign)
rc = store_read_ops(part, (u8*)pBuf, (offsetInPart + sizeNotAlignInFirstBlk), thisTotalReadSz);
if (rc) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in store_read_ops to read %u at offset %llx.\n", wantSz,
offsetInPart + sizeNotAlignInFirstBlk);
return __LINE__;
rc = store_read_ops(part, (u8*)pBuf, offsetInPart, wantSz);
if (rc) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in store_read_ops to read %u at offset %llx.\n", wantSz, offsetInPart);
return __LINE__;
imgInfo->imgSrcIf.itemCurSeekOffsetInImg += wantSz;
readSz = do_fat_fread(_hFile, pBuf, wantSz);
if (readSz != wantSz) {
DWN_ERR("want to read 0x%x, but 0x%x\n", wantSz, readSz);
return __LINE__;
return 0;
int get_total_itemnr(HIMAGE hImg)
ImgInfo_t* imgInfo = (ImgInfo_t*)hImg;
return imgInfo->imgHead.itemNum;
HIMAGEITEM get_item(HIMAGE hImg, int itemId)
int ret = 0;
ImgInfo_t* imgInfo = (ImgInfo_t*)hImg;
const ItemInfo* pItem = NULL;
pItem = image_item_get_item_info_byid(hImg, itemId);
if (!pItem) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to get item at index %d\n", itemId);
return NULL;
if (itemId != pItem->itemId) {
DWN_ERR("itemid %d err, should %d\n", pItem->itemId, itemId);
return NULL;
DWN_MSG("get item [%s, %s] at %d\n", pItem->itemMainType, pItem->itemSubType, itemId);
if (IMAGE_IF_TYPE_STORE != imgInfo->imgSrcIf.devIf)
ret = do_fat_fseek(_hFile, pItem->offsetInImage, 0);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("fail to seek, offset is 0x%x, ret=%d\n", (u32)pItem->offsetInImage, ret);
return NULL;
imgInfo->imgSrcIf.itemCurSeekOffsetInImg = pItem->offsetInImage;
return (HIMAGEITEM)pItem;
int get_item_name(HIMAGE hImg, int itemId, const char** main_type, const char** sub_type)
const ItemInfo* pItem = NULL;
pItem = image_item_get_item_info_byid(hImg, itemId);
if (!pItem) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to get item at index %d\n", itemId);
return __LINE__;
if (itemId != pItem->itemId) {
DWN_ERR("itemid %d err, should %d\n", pItem->itemId, itemId);
return __LINE__;
DWN_DBG("get item [%s, %s] at %d\n", pItem->itemMainType, pItem->itemSubType, itemId);
*main_type = pItem->itemMainType;
*sub_type = pItem->itemSubType;
return OPT_DOWN_OK;
__u64 image_get_item_size_by_index(HIMAGE hImg, const int itemId)
const ItemInfo* pItem = NULL;
pItem = image_item_get_item_info_byid(hImg, itemId);
if (!pItem) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to get item at index %d\n", itemId);
return 0;
if (itemId != pItem->itemId) {
DWN_ERR("itemid %d err, should %d\n", pItem->itemId, itemId);
return __LINE__;
DWN_DBG("get item [%s, %s] at %d\n", pItem->itemMainType, pItem->itemSubType, itemId);
return pItem->itemSz;
u64 optimus_img_decoder_get_data_parts_size(HIMAGE hImg, int* hasBootloader)
int i = 0;
int ret = 0;
u64 dataPartsSz = 0;
const int totalItemNum = get_total_itemnr(hImg);
*hasBootloader = 0;
for (i = 0; i < totalItemNum; i++)
const char* main_type = NULL;
const char* sub_type = NULL;
ret = get_item_name(hImg, i, &main_type, &sub_type);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Exception:fail to get item name!\n");
return __LINE__;
if (strcmp("PARTITION", main_type)) { continue; }
if (!strcmp("bootloader", sub_type)) {
*hasBootloader = 1;
if (!strcmp(AML_SYS_RECOVERY_PART, sub_type))
if (OPTIMUS_WORK_MODE_SYS_RECOVERY == optimus_work_mode_get()) continue;
dataPartsSz += image_get_item_size_by_index(hImg, i);
return dataPartsSz;
#define MYDBG 0
static int test_item(HIMAGE hImg, const char* main_type, const char* sub_type, char* pBuf, const int sz)
int ret = 0;
hItem = image_item_open(hImg, main_type, sub_type);
if (!hItem) {
DWN_ERR("fail to open %s, %s\n", main_type, sub_type);
return __LINE__;
ret = image_item_read(hImg, hItem, pBuf, sz);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("fail to read\n");
goto _err;
if (64 >= sz)DWN_MSG("%s\n", pBuf) ;
return ret;
static int test_pack(const char* interface, const char* device, const char* part, const char* imgPath)
const int ImagBufLen = OPTIMUS_DOWNLOAD_SLOT_SZ;
char* pBuf = (char*)OPTIMUS_DOWNLOAD_TRANSFER_BUF_ADDR + ImagBufLen;
int ret = 0;
int i = 0;
if (!strcmp("store", interface))
ret = run_command("store init 1", 0);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in init mmc, Does sdcard not plugged in?\n");
return __LINE__;
s64 fileSz = 0;
ret = run_command("mmcinfo", 0);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in init mmc, Does sdcard not plugged in?\n");
return __LINE__;
fileSz = do_fat_get_fileSz(imgPath);
if (!fileSz) {
DWN_ERR("file %s not exist\n", imgPath);
return __LINE__;
HIMAGE hImg = image_open(interface, device, part, imgPath);
if (!hImg) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to open image\n");
return __LINE__;
const int itemNr = get_total_itemnr(hImg);
for (i = 0; i < itemNr ; i++)
__u64 itemSz = 0;
int fileType = 0;
hItem = get_item(hImg, i);
if (!hItem) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to open item at id %d\n", i);
itemSz = image_item_get_size(hItem);
DWN_MSG("Item Sz is 0x%llx\n", itemSz);
unsigned wantSz = ImagBufLen > itemSz ? (unsigned)itemSz : ImagBufLen;
unsigned itemSizeNotAligned = 0;
char* readBuf = pBuf;
unsigned readSz = wantSz;
itemSizeNotAligned = image_item_get_first_cluster_size(hImg, hItem);
if (itemSizeNotAligned)
ret = image_item_read(hImg, hItem, readBuf, itemSizeNotAligned);
readSz = (wantSz > itemSizeNotAligned) ? (wantSz - itemSizeNotAligned) : 0;
if (readSz)
ret = image_item_read(hImg, hItem, readBuf + itemSizeNotAligned, readSz);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("fail to read item data\n");
fileType = image_item_get_type(hItem);
DWN_MSG("sparse packet\n");
ret = optimus_simg_probe((const u8*)pBuf, wantSz);
if (!ret) {
DWN_ERR("item data error, should sparse, but no\n");
#if 1
test_item(hImg, "PARTITION", "logo", pBuf, ImagBufLen);
test_item(hImg, "VERIFY", "logo", pBuf, 50);
return 0;
static int do_unpack(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
int rcode = 0;
const char* imgPath = "a";
#if 1
if (2 > argc) imgPath = "dt.img";
if (2 > argc) {
return -1;
#endif//#if MYDBG
DWN_MSG("argc %d, %s, %s\n", argc, argv[0], argv[1]);
rcode = test_pack("mmc", "0", "aml_sysrecovery", imgPath);
DWN_MSG("rcode %d\n", rcode);
return rcode;
unpack, //command name
5, //maxargs
1, //repeatable
do_unpack, //command function
"unpack the image in sdmmc ", //description
"Usage: unpack imagPath\n" //usage
#endif//#if MYDBG