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* \file amlkey_if.h
* \brief APIs of secure key for users
* \version 1.0.0
* \date 15/07/10
* \author Sam.Wu <>
* Copyright (c) 2015 Amlogic. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __AMLKEY_IF_H__
#define __AMLKEY_IF_H__
#define AMLKEY_NAME_LEN_MAX (80)
int32_t amlkey_init(uint8_t *seed, uint32_t len, int encrypt_type);
//2. query if the key already programmed, exsit 1, non 0
int32_t amlkey_isexsit(const uint8_t * name);
//3. query attr, key must exsit before those functions were called.
//3.1 whether the prgrammed key is secure, secure 1, non 0
int32_t amlkey_issecure(const uint8_t * name);
//3.2 whether the prgrammed key is encrypt, encrypt 1, non 0
int32_t amlkey_isencrypt(const uint8_t * name);
//4. actual bytes of key value
ssize_t amlkey_size(const uint8_t *name);
//5. read non-secure key in bytes, return byets readback actully.
ssize_t amlkey_read(const uint8_t *name, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len) ;
//6.write key with attribute in bytes , return byets readback actully
//attr: bit0: secure/non-secure;
// bit8: encrypt/non-encrypt
ssize_t amlkey_write(const uint8_t *name, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len, uint32_t attr);
//7. get the hash value of programmed secure key | 32bytes length, sha256
int32_t amlkey_hash_4_secure(const uint8_t * name, uint8_t * hash);
#endif// #ifndef __AMLKEY_IF_H__