blob: 5b894b83f91e924d596b19a96948770f7bb49510 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Definition of `struct stat' used in the kernel */
struct kernel_stat
unsigned short int st_dev;
unsigned long int st_ino;
unsigned short int st_mode;
short int st_nlink;
unsigned short int st_uid;
unsigned short int st_gid;
unsigned short int st_rdev;
long int st_size;
struct timespec st_atim;
struct timespec st_mtim;
struct timespec st_ctim;
long int st_blksize;
long int st_blocks;
unsigned long int __glibc_reserved4;
unsigned long int __glibc_reserved5;
#define _HAVE___UNUSED4
#define _HAVE___UNUSED5
#define _HAVE_STAT___UNUSED4
#define _HAVE_STAT___UNUSED5
#define _HAVE_STAT___PAD1
#define _HAVE_STAT___PAD2
#define _HAVE_STAT64___UNUSED4
#define _HAVE_STAT64___UNUSED5
#define _HAVE_STAT64___PAD2
#define _HAVE_STAT64_NSEC