blob: 373381f714bdb0f72235563554487d59e376a470 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#if defined(__x86_64__)
// Value for ZX_THREAD_STATE_GENERAL_REGS on x86-64 platforms.
typedef struct zx_thread_state_general_regs {
uint64_t rax;
uint64_t rbx;
uint64_t rcx;
uint64_t rdx;
uint64_t rsi;
uint64_t rdi;
uint64_t rbp;
uint64_t rsp;
uint64_t r8;
uint64_t r9;
uint64_t r10;
uint64_t r11;
uint64_t r12;
uint64_t r13;
uint64_t r14;
uint64_t r15;
uint64_t rip;
uint64_t rflags;
uint64_t fs_base;
uint64_t gs_base;
} zx_thread_state_general_regs_t;
// Value for ZX_THREAD_STATE_FP_REGS on x64. Holds x87 and MMX state.
typedef struct zx_thread_state_fp_regs {
uint16_t fcw; // Control word.
uint16_t fsw; // Status word.
uint8_t ftw; // Tag word.
uint8_t reserved;
uint16_t fop; // Opcode.
uint64_t fip; // Instruction pointer.
uint64_t fdp; // Data pointer.
uint8_t padding1[8];
// The x87/MMX state. For x87 the each "st" entry has the low 80 bits used for the register
// contents. For MMX, the low 64 bits are used. The higher bits are unused.
struct {
uint64_t low;
uint64_t high;
} st[8];
} zx_thread_state_fp_regs_t;
// Value for ZX_THREAD_STATE_VECTOR_REGS on x64. Holds SSE and AVX registers.
// Setting vector registers will only work for threads that have previously executed an
// instruction using the corresponding register class.
typedef struct zx_thread_state_vector_regs {
// When only 16 registers are supported (pre-AVX-512), zmm[16-31] will be 0.
// YMM registers (256 bits) are v[0-4], XMM registers (128 bits) are v[0-2].
struct {
uint64_t v[8];
} zmm[32];
// AVX-512 opmask registers. Will be 0 unless AVX-512 is supported.
uint64_t opmask[8];
// SIMD control and status register.
uint32_t mxcsr;
uint8_t padding1[4];
} zx_thread_state_vector_regs_t;
// Value for ZX_THREAD_STATE_DEBUG_REGS on x64 platforms.
typedef struct zx_thread_state_debug_regs {
uint64_t dr[4];
// DR4 and D5 are not used.
uint64_t dr6; // Status register.
uint64_t dr7; // Control register.
} zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t;
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
// Value for ZX_THREAD_STATE_GENERAL_REGS on ARM64 platforms.
typedef struct zx_thread_state_general_regs {
uint64_t r[30];
uint64_t lr;
uint64_t sp;
uint64_t pc;
uint64_t cpsr;
uint64_t tpidr;
} zx_thread_state_general_regs_t;
// Value for ZX_THREAD_STATE_FP_REGS on ARM64 platforms.
// This is unused because vector state is used for all floating point on ARM64.
typedef struct zx_thread_state_fp_regs {
// Avoids sizing differences for empty structs between C and C++.
uint32_t unused;
} zx_thread_state_fp_regs_t;
// Value for ZX_THREAD_STATE_VECTOR_REGS on ARM64 platforms.
typedef struct zx_thread_state_vector_regs {
uint32_t fpcr;
uint32_t fpsr;
struct {
uint64_t low;
uint64_t high;
} v[32];
} zx_thread_state_vector_regs_t;
// ARMv8-A provides 2 to 16 hardware breakpoint registers.
// The number is obtained by the BRPs field in the EDDFR register.
// ARMv8-A provides 2 to 16 watchpoint breakpoint registers.
// The number is obtained by the WRPs field in the EDDFR register.
// Value for XZ_THREAD_STATE_DEBUG_REGS for ARM64 platforms.
typedef struct zx_thread_state_debug_regs {
struct {
uint32_t dbgbcr; // HW Breakpoint Control register.
uint8_t padding1[4];
uint64_t dbgbvr; // HW Breakpoint Value register.
// Number of HW Breakpoints in the platform.
// Will be set on read and ignored on write.
struct {
uint32_t dbgwcr; // HW Watchpoint Control register.
uint8_t padding1[4];
uint64_t dbgwvr; // HW Watchpoint Value register.
// Faulting Virtual Address for watchpoint exceptions.
// Read-only, values are ignored on write.
uint64_t far;
// The esr value since the last exception.
// Read-only, values are ignored on write.
uint32_t esr;
// Number of HW Breakpoints/Watchpoints in the platform.
// Will be set on read and ignored on write.
uint8_t hw_bps_count;
uint8_t hw_wps_count;
uint8_t padding1[2];
} zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t;
// Value for ZX_THREAD_STATE_SINGLE_STEP. The value can be 0 (not single-stepping), or 1
// (single-stepping). Other values will give ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS.
typedef uint32_t zx_thread_state_single_step_t;
typedef uint64_t zx_thread_x86_register_fs_t;
typedef uint64_t zx_thread_x86_register_gs_t;
// Possible values for "kind" in zx_thread_read_state and zx_thread_write_state.
typedef uint32_t zx_thread_state_topic_t;
#define ZX_THREAD_STATE_GENERAL_REGS ((uint32_t)0) // zx_thread_state_general_regs_t value.
#define ZX_THREAD_STATE_FP_REGS ((uint32_t)1) // zx_thread_state_fp_regs_t value.
#define ZX_THREAD_STATE_VECTOR_REGS ((uint32_t)2) // zx_thread_state_vector_regs_t value.
#define ZX_THREAD_STATE_DEBUG_REGS ((uint32_t)4) // zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t value.
#define ZX_THREAD_STATE_SINGLE_STEP ((uint32_t)5) // zx_thread_state_single_step_t value.
#define ZX_THREAD_X86_REGISTER_FS ((uint32_t)6) // zx_thread_x86_register_fs_t value.
#define ZX_THREAD_X86_REGISTER_GS ((uint32_t)7) // zx_thread_x86_register_gs_t value.