blob: 01c349bc3f06f0d0768d060beb74d8c3fbdab1f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.diagnostics;
using fuchsia.mem;
/// The size bound of 1024 is a reasonably low size restriction that meets most
/// canonical selectors we've ecountered.
const uint16 MAXIMUM_RAW_SELECTOR_LENGTH = 1024;
/// The size 64 was chosen because entries in batches are handles to
/// VMOs and there is a limit of 64 handles per fidl message.
const uint16 MAXIMUM_ENTRIES_PER_BATCH = 64;
/// Enum describing the potential failure states of the streaming protocol when serving results
/// to the client over the result iterator.
enum ReaderError {
// An IO error suggests that parsing of data hierarchy VMOs or writing of formatted data to
// sockets has failed.
IO = 1;
/// Argument used for Archive selectors, can be either the pre-parsed
/// fidl struct or string representation.
flexible union SelectorArgument {
/// A Selector defining a pattern-matcher which selects for components within a hierarchy
/// and properties in a data hierarchy namespaced by component.
1: Selector structured_selector;
/// A raw string representing a [fuchsia.diagnostics/Selector].
/// The Selector defines a pattern-matcher which selects for components within a hierarchy
/// and properties in a data hierarchy namespaced by component.
/// NOTE: All StringSelectors parsed from the raw_selector will be interperetted in
/// string_pattern mode, giving significance to special characters.
/// TODO(4601): Link to in-tree documentation for raw selector strings.
2: string:MAXIMUM_RAW_SELECTOR_LENGTH raw_selector;
/// A fidl union containing a complete hierarchy of structured diagnostics
/// data, such that the content can be parsed into a file by itself.
flexible union FormattedContent {
/// A diagnostics schema encoded as json.
/// The VMO will contain up to 1mb of diagnostics data.
1: fuchsia.mem.Buffer json;
/// A diagnostics schema encoded as text.
/// The VMO will contain up to 1mb of diagnostics data.
2: fuchsia.mem.Buffer text;
/// Enum specifying the modes by which a user can connect to and stream diagnostics metrics.
enum StreamMode : uint8 {
/// The stream will serve a snapshot of the diagnostics data at the time of
/// connection, then end.
/// The stream will serve a snapshot of the diagnostics data at the time of
/// connection, then subsequent calls to the stream will hang until
/// new diagnostics data is available.
/// Calls to the stream will hang until new diagnostics data is available. Between calls to
/// the stream, newly arrived data is buffered.
// Enum specifying the data types available through the diagnostics platform.
enum DataType : uint8 {
/// Complete inspect hierarchies on the system.
flexible union ClientSelectorConfiguration {
/// A vector of [fuchsia.diagnostics/SelectorArgument] which
/// provide additional filters to scope data streams with. An empty vector is considered
/// a misconfiguration and will result in an epitaph signaling incorrect parameters.
1: vector<SelectorArgument>:MAX selectors;
/// select_all must be true if set, and specifies that the client wants to retrieve
/// all data that their connection is able to expose.
2: bool select_all;
/// Parameters needed to configure a stream of diagnostics information.
table StreamParameters {
/// A [fuchsia.diagnostics/DataType] that specifies the diagnostics data type
/// to stream to the client.
1: DataType data_type;
/// A [fuchsia.diagnostics/StreamMode] that specifies how the
/// streaming server provides streamed results.
2: StreamMode stream_mode;
/// A [fuchsia.diagnostics/Format] that specifies how to format the returned
/// diagnostics data.
3: Format format;
/// Configuration specifying what results the client wants returned from their
/// connection. The client can request a specific subset of data using a vector
/// of provided selectors, or can specify that they want all available data.
4: ClientSelectorConfiguration client_selector_configuration;
/// Outer protocol for interacting with the different diagnostics data sources.
protocol ArchiveAccessor {
/// Creates an iterator over diagnostics data on the system.
/// * The iterator may be finite by streaming in SNAPSHOT mode, serving only the
/// current state of diagnostics data on the system.
/// * The iterator may be infinite by streaming in either SNAPSHOT_THEN_SUBSCRIBE
/// or SUBSCRIBE mode; the prior first provides iteration over the current state of
/// the sytem, and then both provide ongoing iteration over newly arriving diagnostics
/// data.
/// + request `result stream` a [fuchsia.diagnostics/BatchIterator] that diagnostic
/// records are exposed to the client over.
/// * epitaphs:
/// - INVALID_ARGS: A required argument in the StreamParameters struct was missing.
/// - WRONG_TYPE: A selector provided by the StreamParameters struct was incorrectly
/// formatted.
/// + request `stream_parameters` is a [fuchsia.diagnostics/StreamParameter] which
/// specifies how to configure the stream.
StreamDiagnostics(StreamParameters stream_parameters, request<BatchIterator> result_stream);
/// Conceptually, a directory iterator, where each element in the iterator is a single
/// complete file that can be concatenated with other results.
protocol BatchIterator {
/// Returns a vector of [fuchsia.diagnostics/FormattedContent] structs
/// with a format dictated by the format_settings argument provided to the Reader protocol
/// which spawned this BatchIterator.
/// An empty vector implies that the data hierarchy has been fully iterated, and subsequent
/// GetNext calls will always return the empty vector.
/// When the BatchIterator is serving results via subscription model, calls to GetNext will
/// hang until there is new data available, it will not return an empty vector.
/// - returns a vector of FormattedContent structs. Clients connected to a
/// Batch are expected to call GetNext() until an empty vector
/// is returned, denoting that the entire data hierarchy has been read.
/// * error a [fuchsia.diagnostics/ReaderError]
/// value indicating that there was an issue reading the underlying data hierarchies
/// or formatting those hierarchies to populate the `batch`. Note, these
/// issues do not include a single component's data hierarchy failing to be read.
/// The iterator is tolerant of individual component data sources failing to be read,
/// whether that failure is a timeout or a malformed binary file.
/// In the event that a GetNext call fails, that subset of the data hierarchy results is
/// dropped, but future calls to GetNext will provide new subsets of
/// FormattedDataHierarchies.
GetNext() -> (vector<FormattedContent>:MAXIMUM_ENTRIES_PER_BATCH batch) error ReaderError;