blob: 7b0ce61c09891d0af7b3a1b4b5ee038226102dd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.settings;
using fuchsia.ui.types;
/// Settings related to display.
/// Supported SettingsEpitaph enums:
protocol Display {
/// DEPRECATED: new watches should use Watch2.
[Transitional = "Deprecated in favor of Watch2"]
Watch() -> (DisplaySettings settings) error Error;
/// Gets the current [DisplaySettings]. Returns immediately on first call;
/// subsequent calls return when the value changes.
/// If this call fails, it is considered a fatal error and the channel
/// will be closed.
[Transitional = "Replacement for Watch"]
Watch2() -> (DisplaySettings settings);
/// DEPRECATED: new watches should use WatchLightSensor2.
[Transitional = "Deprecated in favor of WatchLightSensor2"]
WatchLightSensor(float32 delta) -> (LightSensorData light_sensor_data) error Error;
/// Obtains the current data from the light sensor. Returns immediately on
/// first call; subsequent calls return when the light sensor value changes
/// by a certain amount measured in lux.
/// If this call fails, it is considered a fatal error and the channel
/// will be closed.
[Transitional = "Replacement for WatchLightSensor"]
WatchLightSensor2(float32 delta) -> (LightSensorData light_sensor_data);
/// Sets display settings. Any field not explicitly set in the table performs a
/// no-op, and will not make any changes.
Set(DisplaySettings settings) -> () error Error;
/// DisplaySettings are used to determine the output state of the display.
/// The display can be toggled between two modes, auto-brightness on and
/// auto-brightness off. When auto-brightness is on a manual offset to the
/// total output brightness can be applied by setting `user_brightness_offset`.
/// When auto-brightness is off the display brightness is set manually by
/// setting brightness_value. All values can be set at any time to persist
/// settings for either mode.
table DisplaySettings {
/// Auto brightness enabled
1: bool auto_brightness;
/// Manually set brightness value [0.0 - 1.0]
2: float32 brightness_value;
/// User defined offset to the total auto brightness output [-1.0 - 1.0]
3: float32 user_brightness_offset;
table LightSensorData {
/// Brightness from the light sensor measured in lux.
1: float32 illuminance_lux;
/// Color measured by light sensor in rgb.
2: fuchsia.ui.types.ColorRgb color;