blob: e337cccca719b2316a1857c35df84c6530fd75bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/paged_vmo.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/pager.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
namespace async {
// Holds content for a paged vmo packet receiver and its handler.
// After successfully binding the port, the client is responsible for
// retaining the structure in memory (and unmodified) until all packets have
// been received by the handler or the dispatcher shuts down.
// Concrete implementations: |async::PagedVmo|, |async::PagedVmoMethod|.
// Please do not create subclasses of PagedVmoBase outside of this library.
class PagedVmoBase {
explicit PagedVmoBase(async_paged_vmo_handler_t* handler);
PagedVmoBase(const PagedVmoBase&) = delete;
PagedVmoBase(PagedVmoBase&&) = delete;
PagedVmoBase& operator=(const PagedVmoBase&) = delete;
PagedVmoBase& operator=(PagedVmoBase&&) = delete;
template <typename T>
static T* Dispatch(async_paged_vmo_t* paged_vmo, zx_status_t status) {
static_assert(offsetof(PagedVmoBase, paged_vmo_) == 0, "Non-castable offset");
auto self = reinterpret_cast<PagedVmoBase*>(paged_vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
self->dispatcher_ = nullptr;
return static_cast<T*>(self);
// Return true if this object is bound to a VMO.
bool is_bound() const { return dispatcher_ != nullptr; }
// Creates a paged VMO registered with |pager|, which will receive notifications on the
// receiver provided in the constructor of |PagedVmoBase|.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS| if this object is already associated with a VMO.
// May return any error from |async_create_paged_vmo()|.
zx_status_t CreateVmo(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, zx::unowned_pager pager, uint32_t options,
uint64_t vmo_size, zx::vmo* vmo_out);
// Detach the paged VMO from the underlying port.
// Returns |ZX_OK| if the VMO is successfully detached.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND| if this object is not bound.
// May return any error from |async_detach_paged_vmo()|.
zx_status_t Detach();
async_paged_vmo_t paged_vmo_ = {};
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_ = nullptr;
// A receiver whose handler is bound to a |async::PagedVmo::Handler| function.
// Prefer using |async::PagedVmoMethod| instead for binding to a fixed class member
// function since it is more efficient to dispatch.
class PagedVmo final : public PagedVmoBase {
// Handles receipt of packets containing page requests.
// The |status| is |ZX_OK| if the packet was successfully delivered and |page_request|
// contains the information from the packet, otherwise |page_request| is null.
using Handler =
fit::function<void(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::PagedVmo* paged_vmo,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_page_request_t* page_request)>;
explicit PagedVmo(Handler handler = nullptr);
void set_handler(Handler handler) { handler_ = std::move(handler); }
bool has_handler() const { return !!handler_; }
static void CallHandler(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async_paged_vmo_t* paged_vmo,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_page_request_t* page_request);
Handler handler_;
// A receiver whose handler is bound to a fixed class member function.
// Usage:
// class Foo {
// void Handle(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
// async::PagedVmoBase* paged_vmo,
// zx_status_t status,
// const zx_packet_page_request_t* page_request) {
// ...
// }
// async::PagedVmoMethod<Foo, &Foo::Handle> paged_vmo_{this};
// };
template <class Class,
void (Class::*method)(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::PagedVmoBase* receiver,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_page_request_t* page_request)>
class PagedVmoMethod final : public PagedVmoBase {
explicit PagedVmoMethod(Class* instance)
: PagedVmoBase(&PagedVmoMethod::CallHandler), instance_(instance) {}
static void CallHandler(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async_paged_vmo_t* paged_vmo,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_page_request_t* page_request) {
auto self = Dispatch<PagedVmoMethod>(paged_vmo, status);
(self->instance_->*method)(dispatcher, self, status, page_request);
Class* const instance_;
} // namespace async