blob: 88cc05c39e895266a6f143873891b590815471c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async-testing/test_subloop.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace async {
// A minimal, abstract async dispatcher-based message loop interface.
class LoopInterface {
virtual ~LoopInterface() = default;
virtual async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher() = 0;
// A registration token for a subloop of the test loop.
class SubloopToken {
virtual ~SubloopToken() = default;
// A message loop with a fake clock, to be controlled within a test setting.
class TestLoop final {
// Constructs a TestLoop with a seed from the environment, or a random
// seed if absent.
// If state is nonzero, constructs a TestLoop with the given seed.
// Otherwise, uses a seed from the environment or a random seed.
explicit TestLoop(uint32_t state);
TestLoop(const TestLoop&) = delete;
TestLoop& operator=(const TestLoop&) = delete;
TestLoop(TestLoop&&) = delete;
TestLoop& operator=(TestLoop&&) = delete;
// Returns the test loop's asynchronous dispatcher.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher();
// Returns a loop interface simulating the starting up of a new message
// loop. Each successive call to this method corresponds to a new
// subloop. The subloop is unregistered and destructed when the returned
// interface is destructed. The returned interface must not outlive the test
// loop.
std::unique_ptr<LoopInterface> StartNewLoop();
// Registers a new loop. The test loop takes ownership of the subloop. The
// subloop is unregistered and finalized when the returned registration
// token is destructed. The token must not outlive the test loop.
std::unique_ptr<SubloopToken> RegisterLoop(async_test_subloop_t* loop);
// Returns the current fake clock time.
zx::time Now() const;
// Quits the message loop. If called while running, it will immediately
// exit and dispatch no further tasks or waits; if called before running,
// then next call to run will immediately exit. Further calls to run will
// dispatch as usual.
void Quit();
// This method must be called while running. It will block the current subloop
// until |condition| is realized. Other subloops will continue to run. Returns
// |true| when |condition| is realized, and |false| if |condition| is not
// realized and no further progress is possible.
bool BlockCurrentSubLoopAndRunOthersUntil(fit::function<bool()> condition);
// Advances the fake clock time by the smallest possible amount.
// This doesn't run the loop.
void AdvanceTimeByEpsilon();
// Dispatches all waits and all tasks with deadlines up until |deadline|,
// progressively advancing the fake clock.
// Returns true iff any tasks or waits were invoked during the run.
bool RunUntil(zx::time deadline);
// Dispatches all waits and all tasks with deadlines up until |duration|
// from the the current time, progressively advancing the fake clock.
// Returns true iff any tasks or waits were invoked during the run.
bool RunFor(zx::duration duration);
// Dispatches all waits and all tasks with deadlines up until the current
// time, progressively advancing the fake clock.
// Returns true iff any tasks or waits were invoked during the run.
bool RunUntilIdle();
// The initial value of the state of the TestLoop.
uint32_t initial_state() { return initial_state_; }
// An implementation of LoopInterface.
class TestLoopInterface;
// An implementation of LoopToken.
class TestSubloopToken;
// Wraps a subloop in a friendly interface.
class TestSubloop;
// Whether there are any due tasks or waits across |dispatchers_|.
bool HasPendingWork();
// Returns the next due task time across |dispatchers_|.
zx::time GetNextTaskDueTime();
// Advances the time to |time| and notifies the subloops.
void AdvanceTimeTo(zx::time time);
// Returns whether the given subloop is locked.
bool IsLockedSubLoop(TestSubloop* subloop);
// Runs the loop until either:
// - The loop quit method is called.
// - No unlocked subloop has any available task.
// - An event on the current loop must be run when the current loop is locked.
// This method returns |true| if an event has been dispatched while running,
// or some event could be run but the method returned due to trying
// dispatching an event on the current locked loop.
// |current_subloop_| is guaranteed to be unchanged when this method returns.
bool Run();
// The current time. Invariant: all subloops have been notified of the
// current time.
zx::time current_time_;
// The interface to the loop associated with the default async dispatcher.
std::unique_ptr<LoopInterface> default_loop_;
// The default async dispatcher.
async_dispatcher_t* default_dispatcher_;
// The dispatchers running in this test loop.
std::vector<TestSubloop> subloops_;
// The subloop dispatching the currently run event.
TestSubloop* current_subloop_ = nullptr;
// The set of subloop currently blocked on |BlockCurrentSubLoopAndRunOthersUntil|.
std::vector<TestSubloop*> locked_subloops_;
// The seed of a pseudo-random number used to determinisitically determine the
// dispatching order across |dispatchers_|.
uint32_t initial_state_;
// The current state of the pseudo-random generator.
uint32_t state_;
// The deadline of the current run of the loop.
zx::time deadline_;
// Quit state of the loop.
bool has_quit_ = false;
// Whether the loop is currently running.
bool is_running_ = false;
} // namespace async