blob: badad49028b85105d9d7fa307d69ed6386b02311 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
// |callable_traits| captures elements of interest from function-like types (functions, function
// pointers, and functors, including lambdas). Due to common usage patterns, const and non-const
// functors are treated identically.
// Member types:
// |args| - a |std::tuple| that captures the parameter types of the function.
// |return_type| - the return type of the function.
// |type| - the underlying functor or function pointer type. This member is absent if
// |callable_traits| are requested for a raw function signature (as opposed to a
// function pointer or functor; e.g. |callable_traits<void()>|).
// |signature| - the type of the equivalent function.
template <typename T>
struct callable_traits : public callable_traits<decltype(&T::operator())> {};
// Treat mutable call operators the same as const call operators.
// It would be equivalent to erase the const instead, but the common case is lambdas, which are
// const, so prefer to nest less deeply for the common const case.
template <typename FunctorType, typename ReturnType, typename... ArgTypes>
struct callable_traits<ReturnType (FunctorType::*)(ArgTypes...)>
: public callable_traits<ReturnType (FunctorType::*)(ArgTypes...) const> {};
// Common functor specialization.
template <typename FunctorType, typename ReturnType, typename... ArgTypes>
struct callable_traits<ReturnType (FunctorType::*)(ArgTypes...) const>
: public callable_traits<ReturnType (*)(ArgTypes...)> {
using type = FunctorType;
// Function pointer specialization.
template <typename ReturnType, typename... ArgTypes>
struct callable_traits<ReturnType (*)(ArgTypes...)>
: public callable_traits<ReturnType(ArgTypes...)> {
using type = ReturnType (*)(ArgTypes...);
// Base specialization.
template <typename ReturnType, typename... ArgTypes>
struct callable_traits<ReturnType(ArgTypes...)> {
using signature = ReturnType(ArgTypes...);
using return_type = ReturnType;
using args = std::tuple<ArgTypes...>;
callable_traits() = delete;
template <typename FuncA, typename FuncB>
struct SameInterfaceImpl {
static constexpr bool args_equal = std::is_same<typename callable_traits<FuncA>::args,
typename callable_traits<FuncB>::args>::value;
static constexpr bool return_equal =
std::is_same<typename callable_traits<FuncA>::return_type,
typename callable_traits<FuncB>::return_type>::value;
static constexpr bool value = args_equal && return_equal;
template <typename FuncA, typename FuncB>
constexpr bool SameInterface = SameInterfaceImpl<FuncA, FuncB>::value;
template <typename FuncA, typename FuncB>
constexpr bool SameArguments = SameInterfaceImpl<FuncA, FuncB>::args_equal;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl