blob: 9b3d6c6ab7f3adec5dce95d12c8bb9cf0f64b27e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/internal/weak_stub_controller.h"
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
WeakStubController::WeakStubController(StubController* controller)
: ref_count_(1u),
// convince the compiler that thread_ is "used" in release
WeakStubController::~WeakStubController() = default;
void WeakStubController::AddRef() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ref_count_ != 0);
void WeakStubController::Release() {
// We have to allow !controller_ here, due to async::Loop::Shutdown() calling Invalidate(),
// Release() from a thread other than async::Loop::StartThread(), after the
// async::Loop::StartThread() thread has been joined.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_COND(IsCurrentThreadOk() || !controller_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ref_count_ > 0);
if (--ref_count_ == 0)
delete this;
void WeakStubController::Invalidate() {
// This call can occur during async::Loop::Shutdown(), from a thread other than the thread created
// by async::Loop::StartThread(). In that usage path, it's typically ok, and in this method we
// don't attempt to detect cases that are not ok. In correct usage, the
// async::Loop::StartThread() thread has been joined, so that thread can't be touching
// WeakStubController.
controller_ = nullptr;
StubController* WeakStubController::controller() const {
return controller_;
bool WeakStubController::IsCurrentThreadOk() const {
// The check for thrd_t{} will always be false, unless the release build constructor ran somehow
// despite the present method being debug-only. The extra check is to avoid asserting if the
// release constructor was used followed by debug methods. That's not expected to be common, but
// avoid asserting in mixed debug/release builds like that, just in case.
return (thrd_current() == thread_) || (thread_ == thrd_t{});
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl