blob: 98a0aa6b54c6a37f0ff674da9a39d4d77ae787ea [file] [log] [blame]
// File is automatically generated; do not modify.
// See tools/fidl/measure-tape/
#include <fuchsia/ui/scenic/cpp/fidl.h>
namespace measure_tape {
namespace fuchsia {
namespace ui {
namespace scenic {
struct Size {
explicit Size(int64_t num_bytes, int64_t num_handles)
: num_bytes(num_bytes), num_handles(num_handles) {}
const int64_t num_bytes;
const int64_t num_handles;
// Helper function to measure ::fuchsia::ui::scenic::Command.
// In most cases, the size returned is a precise size. Otherwise, the size
// returned is a safe upper-bound.
Size Measure(const ::fuchsia::ui::scenic::Command& value);
} // scenic
} // ui
} // fuchsia
} // measure_tape