blob: 99da011d63fe8d6637e607ef49eea0f8c3453571 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/images/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/gfx/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/views/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/ui/scenic/cpp/session.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <array>
namespace scenic {
// Represents a resource in a session with a dynamically allocated id.
// The resource is released from the session when this object is destroyed
// but it may still be in use within the session if other resources reference
// it.
// This type cannot be instantiated, please see subclasses.
class Resource {
// Gets the session which owns this resource.
Session* session() const {
return session_;
// Gets the resource's id.
uint32_t id() const { return id_; }
// Exports the resource and associates it with |export_token|.
void Export(zx::eventpair export_token);
// Exports the resource and returns an import token in |out_import_token|
// which allows it to be imported into other sessions.
void ExportAsRequest(zx::eventpair* out_import_token);
// Sets which events a resource should deliver to the session listener.
void SetEventMask(uint32_t event_mask);
// Sets a label to help developers identify the purpose of the resource
// when using diagnostic tools.
void SetLabel(const std::string& label);
explicit Resource(Session* session);
Resource(Resource&& moved) noexcept;
Resource(const Resource&) = delete;
Resource& operator=(const Resource&) = delete;
virtual ~Resource();
Session* const session_;
uint32_t const id_;
// Represents a memory resource in a session.
// TODO(SCN-268): Make this class final, and add public move constructor.
class Memory : public Resource {
Memory(Session* session, zx::vmo vmo, uint64_t allocation_size,
fuchsia::images::MemoryType memory_type);
// Gets the underlying VMO's memory type, indicating whether it represents
// host or GPU memory.
fuchsia::images::MemoryType memory_type() const { return memory_type_; }
Memory(Memory&& moved) noexcept;
fuchsia::images::MemoryType const memory_type_;
// Represents an abstract shape resource in a session.
// This type cannot be instantiated, please see subclasses.
class Shape : public Resource {
explicit Shape(Session* session);
Shape(Shape&& moved) noexcept;
// Represents a circle shape resource in a session.
class Circle final : public Shape {
Circle(Session* session, float radius);
Circle(Circle&& moved) noexcept;
// Represents a rectangle shape resource in a session.
class Rectangle final : public Shape {
Rectangle(Session* session, float width, float height);
Rectangle(Rectangle&& moved) noexcept;
// Represents a rounded rectangle shape resource in a session.
class RoundedRectangle final : public Shape {
RoundedRectangle(Session* session, float width, float height, float top_left_radius,
float top_right_radius, float bottom_right_radius, float bottom_left_radius);
RoundedRectangle(RoundedRectangle&& moved) noexcept;
// Represents an image resource in a session.
// TODO(SCN-268): Make this class final, and add public move constructor.
class Image : public Resource {
// Creates an image resource bound to a session.
Image(const Memory& memory, off_t memory_offset, fuchsia::images::ImageInfo info);
Image(Session* session, uint32_t memory_id, off_t memory_offset, fuchsia::images::ImageInfo info);
// Returns the number of bytes needed to represent an image.
static size_t ComputeSize(const fuchsia::images::ImageInfo& image_info);
// Gets the byte offset of the image within its memory resource.
off_t memory_offset() const { return memory_offset_; }
// Gets information about the image's layout.
const fuchsia::images::ImageInfo& info() const { return info_; }
Image(Image&& moved) noexcept;
off_t const memory_offset_;
fuchsia::images::ImageInfo const info_;
// Represents a buffer that is immutably bound to a range of a memory resource.
class Buffer final : public Resource {
Buffer(const Memory& memory, off_t memory_offset, size_t num_bytes);
Buffer(Session* session, uint32_t memory_id, off_t memory_offset, size_t num_bytes);
Buffer(Buffer&& moved) noexcept;
// Represents a mesh resource in a session. Before it can be rendered, it
// must be bound to index and vertex arrays by calling the BindBuffers() method.
class Mesh final : public Shape {
Mesh(Session* session);
Mesh(Mesh&& moved) noexcept;
// These arguments are documented in commands.fidl; see
// BindMeshBuffersCmd.
void BindBuffers(const Buffer& index_buffer, fuchsia::ui::gfx::MeshIndexFormat index_format,
uint64_t index_offset, uint32_t index_count, const Buffer& vertex_buffer,
fuchsia::ui::gfx::MeshVertexFormat vertex_format, uint64_t vertex_offset,
uint32_t vertex_count, const std::array<float, 3>& bounding_box_min,
const std::array<float, 3>& bounding_box_max);
// Represents a material resource in a session.
class Material final : public Resource {
explicit Material(Session* session);
Material(Material&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the material's texture.
void SetTexture(const Image& image) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == image.session());
void SetTexture(uint32_t image_id);
// Sets the material's color.
void SetColor(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t alpha);
// Represents an abstract node resource in a session.
// This type cannot be instantiated, please see subclasses.
class Node : public Resource {
// Sets the node's transform properties.
void SetTranslation(float tx, float ty, float tz) { SetTranslation({tx, ty, tz}); }
void SetTranslation(const std::array<float, 3>& translation);
void SetTranslation(uint32_t variable_id);
void SetScale(float sx, float sy, float sz) { SetScale({sx, sy, sz}); }
void SetScale(const std::array<float, 3>& scale);
void SetScale(uint32_t variable_id);
void SetRotation(float qi, float qj, float qk, float qw) { SetRotation({qi, qj, qk, qw}); }
void SetRotation(const std::array<float, 4>& quaternion);
void SetRotation(uint32_t variable_id);
void SetAnchor(float ax, float ay, float az) { SetAnchor({ax, ay, az}); }
void SetAnchor(const std::array<float, 3>& anchor);
void SetAnchor(uint32_t variable_id);
void SendSizeChangeHint(float width_change_factor, float height_change_factor);
// Sets the node's tag value.
void SetTag(uint32_t tag_value);
// Sets the node's hit test behavior.
void SetHitTestBehavior(fuchsia::ui::gfx::HitTestBehavior hit_test_behavior);
// Detaches the node from its parent.
void Detach();
explicit Node(Session* session);
Node(Node&& moved) noexcept;
// Represents an shape node resource in a session.
class ShapeNode final : public Node {
explicit ShapeNode(Session* session);
ShapeNode(ShapeNode&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the shape that the shape node should draw.
void SetShape(const Shape& shape) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == shape.session());
void SetShape(uint32_t shape_id);
// Sets the material with which to draw the shape.
void SetMaterial(const Material& material) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == material.session());
void SetMaterial(uint32_t material_id);
// Abstract base class for nodes which can have child nodes.
// This type cannot be instantiated, please see subclasses.
class ContainerNode : public Node {
// Adds a child to the node.
void AddChild(const Node& child) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == child.session());
void AddChild(uint32_t child_node_id);
// Detaches all children from the node.
void DetachChildren();
explicit ContainerNode(Session* session);
ContainerNode(ContainerNode&& moved) noexcept;
// Required by EntityNode::Attach().
class ViewHolder;
// Represents an entity node resource in a session.
// TODO(SCN-268): Make this class final, and add public move constructor.
class EntityNode : public ContainerNode {
explicit EntityNode(Session* session);
EntityNode(EntityNode&& moved) noexcept;
void SetClip(uint32_t clip_id, bool clip_to_self);
void SetClipPlanes(std::vector<fuchsia::ui::gfx::Plane3> planes);
// Deprecated(38480): use |AddChild| instead.
void Attach(const ViewHolder& view_holder);
// Represents an imported node resource in a session.
// The imported node is initially created in an unbound state and must
// be bound immediately after creation, prior to use.
// Deprecated(38480): use EntityNode instead or consider omitting.
class ImportNode final : public ContainerNode {
explicit ImportNode(Session* session);
ImportNode(ImportNode&& moved) noexcept;
// Imports the node associated with |import_token|.
void Bind(zx::eventpair import_token);
// Imports the node and returns an export token in |out_export_token|
// by which another session can export a node to associate with this import.
void BindAsRequest(zx::eventpair* out_export_token);
// Returns true if the import has been bound.
bool is_bound() const { return is_bound_; }
void Attach(const ViewHolder& view_holder);
bool is_bound_ = false;
/// Represents an attachment point for a subgraph within a larger scene graph.
/// The |ViewHolder| can be attached to a Node as a child, and the contents of
/// the linked |View| will become a child of the Node as well.
/// Each |ViewHolder| is linked to a paired |View| via a shared token pair.
class ViewHolder final : public Node {
ViewHolder(Session* session, zx::eventpair token, const std::string& debug_name);
ViewHolder(Session* session, fuchsia::ui::views::ViewHolderToken token,
const std::string& debug_name);
ViewHolder(ViewHolder&& moved) noexcept;
// Set properties of the attached view.
void SetViewProperties(float min_x, float min_y, float min_z, float max_x, float max_y,
float max_z, float in_min_x, float in_min_y, float in_min_z,
float in_max_x, float in_max_y, float in_max_z) {
SetViewProperties({min_x, min_y, min_z}, {max_x, max_y, max_z}, {in_min_x, in_min_y, in_min_z},
{in_max_x, in_max_y, in_max_z});
void SetViewProperties(const std::array<float, 3>& bounding_box_min,
const std::array<float, 3>& bounding_box_max,
const std::array<float, 3>& inset_from_min,
const std::array<float, 3>& inset_from_max);
void SetViewProperties(const fuchsia::ui::gfx::ViewProperties& props);
void SetDebugBoundsColor(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
// Represents the root of a subgraph within a larger scene graph. |Node|s can
// be attached to the |View| as children, and these |Node|s will have the
// |View|s' coordinate transform applied to their own, in addition to being
// clipped to the |View|s' bounding box.
// Each |View| is linked to an associated |ViewHolder| via a shared token pair.
class View final : public Resource {
View(Session* session, zx::eventpair token, const std::string& debug_name);
View(Session* session, fuchsia::ui::views::ViewToken token, const std::string& debug_name);
View(Session* session, fuchsia::ui::views::ViewToken token,
fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRefControl control_ref, fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef view_ref,
const std::string& debug_name);
View(View&& moved) noexcept;
void AddChild(const Node& child) const;
void DetachChild(const Node& child) const;
void enableDebugBounds(bool enable);
// Creates a node that clips the contents of its hierarchy to the specified clip
// shape.
class ClipNode final : public ContainerNode {
explicit ClipNode(Session* session);
ClipNode(ClipNode&& moved) noexcept;
// Creates a node that renders its hierarchy with the specified opacity.
class OpacityNodeHACK final : public ContainerNode {
explicit OpacityNodeHACK(Session* session);
OpacityNodeHACK(OpacityNodeHACK&& moved) noexcept;
// The opacity with which to render the contents of the hierarchy rooted at
// this node. The opacity values are clamped 0.0 to 1.0.
void SetOpacity(float opacity);
// A value that can be used in place of a constant value.
class Variable final : public Resource {
explicit Variable(Session* session, fuchsia::ui::gfx::Value initial_value);
Variable(Variable&& moved) noexcept;
// Represents an abstract light resource in a session.
// This type cannot be instantiated, please see subclasses.
class Light : public Resource {
// Sets the light's color.
void SetColor(float red, float green, float blue) { SetColor({red, green, blue}); }
void SetColor(const std::array<float, 3>& rgb);
void SetColor(uint32_t variable_id);
// Detach light from the scene it is attached to, if any.
void Detach();
explicit Light(Session* session);
Light(Light&& moved) noexcept;
// Represents a directional light resource in a session.
class AmbientLight final : public Light {
explicit AmbientLight(Session* session);
AmbientLight(AmbientLight&& moved) noexcept;
// Represents a directional light resource in a session.
class DirectionalLight final : public Light {
explicit DirectionalLight(Session* session);
DirectionalLight(DirectionalLight&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the light's direction.
void SetDirection(float dx, float dy, float dz) { SetDirection({dx, dy, dz}); }
void SetDirection(const std::array<float, 3>& direction);
void SetDirection(uint32_t variable_id);
// Represents a point light resource in a session.
class PointLight final : public Light {
explicit PointLight(Session* session);
PointLight(PointLight&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the light's direction.
void SetPosition(float dx, float dy, float dz) { SetPosition({dx, dy, dz}); }
void SetPosition(const std::array<float, 3>& position);
void SetPosition(uint32_t variable_id);
// Set the light's falloff.
void SetFalloff(float falloff);
// Represents a scene resource in a session.
class Scene final : public ContainerNode {
explicit Scene(Session* session);
Scene(Scene&& moved) noexcept;
void AddLight(const Light& light) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == light.session());
void AddLight(uint32_t light_id);
void AddAmbientLight(const AmbientLight& light) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == light.session());
void AddAmbientLight(uint32_t light_id);
void AddDirectionalLight(const DirectionalLight& light) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == light.session());
void AddDirectionalLight(uint32_t light_id);
void AddPointLight(const PointLight& light) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == light.session());
void AddPointLight(uint32_t light_id);
void DetachLights();
void Detach() = delete;
class CameraBase : public Resource {
CameraBase(Session* session) : Resource(session) {}
CameraBase(CameraBase&& moved) noexcept : Resource(std::move(moved)) {}
~CameraBase() {}
// Sets the camera's view parameters.
void SetTransform(const std::array<float, 3>& eye_position,
const std::array<float, 3>& eye_look_at, const std::array<float, 3>& eye_up);
// Sets the camera's 2-D clip-space transform. Translation is in Vulkan NDC ([-1, 1]^2), after
// scaling, so for example, under a scale of 3, (-3, -3) would translate to center the lower right
// corner, whereas (-2, -2) would align the lower right corner with that of the clipping volume.
// Scaling occurs on the x/y plane. z is unaffected.
void SetClipSpaceTransform(float x, float y, float scale);
// Sets the camera pose buffer
void SetPoseBuffer(const Buffer& buffer, uint32_t num_entries, int64_t base_time,
uint64_t time_interval);
// Overloaded version of |SetPoseBuffer()| using `zx::time` and `zx::duration`.
void SetPoseBuffer(const Buffer& buffer, uint32_t num_entries, zx::time base_time,
zx::duration time_interval);
// Represents a camera resource in a session.
class Camera : public CameraBase {
explicit Camera(const Scene& scene);
Camera(Session* session, uint32_t scene_id);
Camera(Camera&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the camera's projection parameters.
void SetProjection(const float fovy);
// Represents a StereoCamera resource in a session.
class StereoCamera final : public CameraBase {
explicit StereoCamera(const Scene& scene);
StereoCamera(Session* session, uint32_t scene_id);
StereoCamera(StereoCamera&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the camera's projection parameters.
void SetStereoProjection(const std::array<float, 4 * 4>& left_projection,
const std::array<float, 4 * 4>& right_projection);
// Represents a renderer resource in a session.
class Renderer final : public Resource {
explicit Renderer(Session* session);
Renderer(Renderer&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the camera whose view will be rendered.
void SetCamera(const Camera& camera) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == camera.session());
void SetCamera(uint32_t camera_id);
void SetParam(fuchsia::ui::gfx::RendererParam param);
// Convenient wrapper for SetParam().
void SetShadowTechnique(fuchsia::ui::gfx::ShadowTechnique technique);
// Set whether clipping is disabled for this renderer.
// NOTE: disabling clipping only has a visual effect; hit-testing is not
// affected.
void SetDisableClipping(bool disable_clipping);
// Set whether debug visualization is enabled for this renderer.
void SetEnableDebugging(bool enable_debugging);
// Represents a layer resource in a session.
class Layer final : public Resource {
explicit Layer(Session* session);
Layer(Layer&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the layer's XY translation and Z-order.
void SetTranslation(float tx, float ty, float tz) { SetTranslation({tx, ty, tz}); }
void SetTranslation(const std::array<float, 3>& translation);
void SetSize(float width, float height) { SetSize({width, height}); }
void SetSize(const std::array<float, 2>& size);
void SetRenderer(const Renderer& renderer) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == renderer.session());
void SetRenderer(uint32_t renderer_id);
// Represents a layer-stack resource in a session.
class LayerStack final : public Resource {
explicit LayerStack(Session* session);
LayerStack(LayerStack&& moved) noexcept;
void AddLayer(const Layer& layer) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == layer.session());
void AddLayer(uint32_t layer_id);
void RemoveLayer(const Layer& layer) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == layer.session());
void RemoveLayer(uint32_t layer_id);
void RemoveAllLayers();
// Represents a display-compositor resource in a session.
class DisplayCompositor final : public Resource {
explicit DisplayCompositor(Session* session);
DisplayCompositor(DisplayCompositor&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the layer-stack that is to be composited.
void SetLayerStack(const LayerStack& layer_stack) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == layer_stack.session());
void SetLayerStack(uint32_t layer_stack_id);
void SetColorConversion(const std::array<float, 3>& preoffsets,
const std::array<float, 3 * 3>& matrix,
const std::array<float, 3>& postoffsets);
void SetLayoutRotation(uint32_t rotation_degrees);
// Represents a display-less compositor resource in a session.
class Compositor final : public Resource {
explicit Compositor(Session* session);
Compositor(Compositor&& moved) noexcept;
// Sets the layer-stack that is to be composited.
void SetLayerStack(const LayerStack& layer_stack) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(session() == layer_stack.session());
void SetLayerStack(uint32_t layer_stack_id);
void SetLayoutRotation(uint32_t rotation_degrees);
} // namespace scenic