blob: 80f67f745e30c56f4b60851606a3406f536d6b9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/sys/service/cpp/service.h>
#include <lib/sys/service/cpp/service_handler.h>
#include <lib/vfs/cpp/pseudo_dir.h>
#include <lib/vfs/cpp/service.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
namespace sys {
// The directory provided by this component to the component manager.
// A component's outgoing directory contains services, data, and other objects
// that can be consumed by either the component manager itself or by other
// components in the system.
// The outgoing directory contains several subdirectories with well-known
// names:
// * svc. This directory contains the services offered by this component to
// other components.
// * debug. This directory contains arbitrary debugging output offered by this
// component.
// The outgoing directory may optionally contain other directories constructed
// using |GetOrCreateDirectory|. Common optional directories include:
// * objects. This directory contains Inspect API files and interfaces for use
// in component inspection.
// This class is thread-hostile.
// # Simple usage
// Instances of this class should be owned and managed on the same thread
// that services their connections.
// # Advanced usage
// You can use a background thread to service connections provided:
// async_dispatcher_t for the background thread is stopped or suspended
// prior to destroying the class object.
class OutgoingDirectory final {
// Outgoing objects cannot be copied.
OutgoingDirectory(const OutgoingDirectory&) = delete;
OutgoingDirectory& operator=(const OutgoingDirectory&) = delete;
// Starts serving the outgoing directory on the given channel.
// This object will implement the || interface using this
// channel.
// If |dispatcher| is NULL, this object will serve the outgoing directory
// using the |async_dispatcher_t| from |async_get_default_dispatcher()|.
// # Errors
// ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE: |directory_request| is not a valid handle.
// ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED: |directory_request| has insufficient rights.
// TODO: Document more errors.
zx_status_t Serve(zx::channel directory_request, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Starts serving the outgoing directory on the channel provided to this
// process at startup as |PA_DIRECTORY_REQUEST|.
// This object will implement the || interface using this
// channel.
// If |dispatcher| is NULL, this object will serve the outgoing directory
// using the |async_dispatcher_t| from |async_get_default_dispatcher()|.
// # Errors
// ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE: the process did not receive a |PA_DIRECTORY_REQUEST|
// startup handle or it was already taken.
// ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED: |directory_request| has insufficient rights.
// TODO: Document more errors.
zx_status_t ServeFromStartupInfo(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Adds the specified interface to the set of public interfaces.
// Adds a supported service with the given |service_name|, using the given
// |interface_request_handler|. |interface_request_handler| should
// remain valid for the lifetime of this object.
// # Errors
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS: The public directory already contains an entry for
// this service.
// # Example
// ```
// fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::foo::Controller> bindings;
// outgoing.AddPublicService(bindings.GetHandler(this));
// ```
template <typename Interface>
zx_status_t AddPublicService(fidl::InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface> handler,
std::string service_name = Interface::Name_) const {
return AddPublicService(std::make_unique<vfs::Service>(std::move(handler)),
// Adds the specified service to the set of public services.
// Adds a supported service with the given |service_name|, using the given
// |service|.
// # Errors
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS: The public directory already contains an entry for
// this service.
zx_status_t AddPublicService(std::unique_ptr<vfs::Service> service,
std::string service_name) const;
// Removes the specified interface from the set of public interfaces.
// # Errors
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND: The public directory does not contain an entry for this
// service.
// # Example
// ```
// outgoing.RemovePublicService<fuchsia::foo::Controller>();
// ```
template <typename Interface>
zx_status_t RemovePublicService(const std::string& name = Interface::Name_) const {
return svc_->RemoveEntry(name);
// Adds an instance of a service.
// A |handler| is added to provide an |instance| of a service.
// # Errors
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS: The instance already exists.
// # Example
// ```
// ServiceHandler handler;
// handler.AddMember("my-member", ...);
// outgoing.AddService<MyService>(std::move(handler), "my-instance");
// ```
template <typename Service>
zx_status_t AddService(ServiceHandler handler, std::string instance = kDefaultInstance) const {
return AddNamedService(std::move(handler), Service::Name, std::move(instance));
// Adds an instance of a service.
// A |handler| is added to provide an |instance| of a |service|.
// # Errors
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS: The instance already exists.
zx_status_t AddNamedService(ServiceHandler handler, std::string service,
std::string instance = kDefaultInstance) const;
// Removes an instance of a service.
// # Errors
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND: The instance was not found.
// # Example
// ```
// outgoing.RemoveService<MyService>("my-instance");
// ```
template <typename Service>
zx_status_t RemoveService(const std::string& instance) const {
return RemoveNamedService(Service::Name, instance);
// Removes an instance of a service.
// # Errors
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND: The instance was not found.
zx_status_t RemoveNamedService(const std::string& service, const std::string& instance) const;
// Gets the root directory.
// The returned directory is owned by this class.
vfs::PseudoDir* root_dir() const { return root_.get(); }
// Gets the directory to publish debug data.
// The returned directory is owned by this class.
vfs::PseudoDir* debug_dir() const { return debug_; }
// Gets a subdirectory with the given |name|, creates it if it does not
// already exist.
// The returned directory is owned by this class.
vfs::PseudoDir* GetOrCreateDirectory(const std::string& name);
// The root of the outgoing directory itself.
std::unique_ptr<vfs::PseudoDir> root_;
// The service subdirectory of the root directory.
// The underlying |vfs::PseudoDir| object is owned by |root_|.
vfs::PseudoDir* svc_;
// The debug subdirectory of the root directory.
// The underlying |vfs::PseudoDir| object is owned by |root_|.
vfs::PseudoDir* debug_;
} // namespace sys