blob: d6e8595a06b74f25e668b5b1ce9534532b6bf22b [file] [log] [blame]
Cloudtide nodes
This directory contains overlays (as directories or jars) that
are applied to all instances for a given node.
An overlay is structed as a WAR, but also may contain:
* WEB-INF/lib-overlay directory, which can contain jar files made available to
the overlay.xml configuration (unlike any overlayed WEB-INF/lib jars).
* A WEB-INF/overlay.xml file, which is an XmlConfiguration format file used to
inject the ContextHandler instance.
* A WEB-INF/web-overlay.xml fragment that is applied as an override descriptor
* Static content that overlays the static content of the webapp, node and template.
* WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib that overlays the code of the webapp, node and template.