blob: 94fb270a448e04bd341a609120774388d471370d [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.checker.fenum.qual.SwingBoxOrientation;
import org.checkerframework.checker.fenum.qual.SwingCompassDirection;
import org.checkerframework.checker.fenum.qual.SwingHorizontalOrientation;
import org.checkerframework.checker.fenum.qual.SwingVerticalOrientation;
public class SwingTest {
static @SwingVerticalOrientation int BOTTOM;
static @SwingCompassDirection int NORTH;
static @SwingHorizontalOrientation int CENTER;
static @SwingHorizontalOrientation int LEFT;
static void m(@SwingVerticalOrientation int box) {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
// ok
// :: error: (argument)
// :: error: (argument)
static void ignoreAll() {
@SwingVerticalOrientation int b = 5;
static void ignoreOne() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@SwingVerticalOrientation int b = 5;
void testNull() {
// This enum should only be used on ints, but I wanted to
// test how an Object enum and null interact.
@SwingVerticalOrientation Object box = null;
@SwingVerticalOrientation Object testNullb() {
return null;
@SwingVerticalOrientation Object testNullc() {
Object o = null;
return o;
@SwingVerticalOrientation int testInference0() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@SwingVerticalOrientation int boxint = 5;
int box = boxint;
return box;
Object testInference1() {
Object o = new String();
return o;
@SwingVerticalOrientation int testInference2() {
int i = BOTTOM;
return i;
@SwingVerticalOrientation Object testInference3() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@SwingVerticalOrientation Object boxobj = new Object();
Object obox = boxobj;
return obox;
int testInference4() {
int aint = 5;
return aint;
Object testInference5() {
Object o = null;
if (5 == 4) {
o = new Object();
return o;
Object testInference5b() {
Object o = null;
if (5 == 4) {
o = new Object();
} else {
// the empty else branch actually covers a different code path!
return o;
@SwingHorizontalOrientation int testInference5c() {
int o;
if (5 == 4) {
} else {
o = LEFT;
return o;
int testInference6() {
int last = 0;
last += 1;
return last;
@SwingBoxOrientation Object testInference7() {
Object o = new @SwingVerticalOrientation Object();
if (5 == 4) {
o = new @SwingHorizontalOrientation Object();
} else {
// o = new @SwingVerticalOrientation Object();
return o;
@SwingBoxOrientation Object testInference7b() {
Object o;
if (5 == 4) {
o = new @SwingHorizontalOrientation Object();
} else {
o = new @SwingVerticalOrientation Object();
return o;
@SwingBoxOrientation Object testInference7c() {
Object o = null;
if (5 == 4) {
o = new @SwingHorizontalOrientation Object();
} else {
o = new @SwingVerticalOrientation Object();
return o;
int s1 = 0;
int c = 3;
void testInference8() {
int s2 = s1;
s1 = (s2 &= c);
void testInference8b() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@SwingHorizontalOrientation int s2 = 5;
// :: error: (compound.assignment)
s2 += 1;
// :: error: (assignment)
s1 = (s2 += s2);
// :: error: (assignment)
@SwingHorizontalOrientation String str = "abc";
// yes, somebody in the Swing API really wrote this.
str += null;
boolean flag;
Object testInference9() {
Object o = null;
while (flag) {
if (5 == 4) {
o = new @SwingHorizontalOrientation Object();
} else {
o = new @SwingVerticalOrientation Object();
// note that this break makes a difference!
// :: error: (return)
return o;
@SwingBoxOrientation Object testInference9b() {
Object o = null;
while (flag) {
if (5 == 4) {
o = new @SwingHorizontalOrientation Object();
} else {
o = new @SwingVerticalOrientation Object();
// note that this break makes a difference!
return o;
@SwingHorizontalOrientation Object testInference9c() {
Object o = null;
while (flag) {
if (5 == 4) {
o = new @SwingHorizontalOrientation Object();
} else {
o = new @SwingVerticalOrientation Object();
// note that this break makes a difference!
// :: error: (return)
return o;
@SwingVerticalOrientation Object testInference9d() {
Object o = null;
while (flag) {
if (5 == 4) {
o = new @SwingHorizontalOrientation Object();
} else {
o = new @SwingVerticalOrientation Object();
// note that this break makes a difference!
// :: error: (return)
return o;
@SwingBoxOrientation Object testInference9e() {
Object o = null;
while (flag) {
if (5 == 4) {
o = new @SwingHorizontalOrientation Object();
} else {
o = new @SwingVerticalOrientation Object();
return o;
/* TODO: Flow inference does not handle dead branches correctly.
* The return statement is only reachable with i being unqualified.
* However, the else-branch does not initialize the variable, leaving it
* at the @FenumTop initial value.
int testInferenceThrow() {
int i;
if ( 5==4 ) {
i = 5;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("bla");
return i;
@SwingVerticalOrientation Object testDefaulting0() {
// :: error: (assignment)
Object o = new String();
return o;