blob: 0185567ba8d522251bf9f39e0da19c7afe1fc66c [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.checker.guieffect.qual.UIEffect;
public class TransitiveInheritance {
public static class TopLevel {
// Implicitly safe
public void foo() {}
public static interface ITop {
public void bar();
public static interface IIndirect {
public void baz();
// Mid-level class and interface that do not redeclare or override the default safe methods
public abstract static class MidLevel extends TopLevel implements IIndirect {}
public static interface IMid extends ITop {}
// Issue #3287 is that if foo or bar is overridden with a @UIEffect implementation here, the
// "skip" in declarations causes the override error to not be issued
// We check both classes and interfaces; the reported issue is related only to methods whose
// nearest explicit definition lives in an interface
public static class Base extends MidLevel implements IMid {
// Should catch when the override is for a method originating in a class two levels up (here
// TopLevel)
// :: error: (override.effect)
public void foo() {}
// Should catch when the override is for a method originating in an interface two levels up
// (here ITop)
// :: error: (override.effect)
public void bar() {}
// Should catch when the override is for a method originating in an interface two levels up, but
// which is implemented via class inheritance (here IIndirect, which is implemented by
// MidLevel).
// :: error: (override.effect)
public void baz() {}
public static interface IBase extends IMid {
// :: error: (override.effect)
public void bar();