blob: b4996a63f5fe839510a80bbd667ac9893241c164 [file] [log] [blame]
// Version of framework/tests/all-systems/ with expected Nullness Checker warnings
public class InferNullType {
<T extends Object> T toInfer(T input) {
return input;
<T> T toInfer2(T input) {
return input;
<T, S extends T> T toInfer3(T input, S p2) {
return input;
<T extends Number, S extends T> T toInfer4(T input, S p2) {
return input;
void x() {
// :: error: (type.argument)
Object m = toInfer(null);
Object m2 = toInfer2(null);
Object m3 = toInfer3(null, null);
Object m4 = toInfer3(1, null);
Object m5 = toInfer3(null, 1);
// :: error: (type.argument)
Object m6 = toInfer4(null, null);
// :: error: (type.argument)
Object m7 = toInfer4(1, null);
// :: error: (type.argument)
Object m8 = toInfer4(null, 1);