blob: c20e4aa908f628e84f3381da7147e096eef1657a [file] [log] [blame]
// Test case for Issue 306:
// @skip-test until the issue is fixed
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
public class Issue306 {
@MonotonicNonNull Object x;
static <T> T check(T var) {
return var;
void fakeMethod() {
// @MonotonicNonNull is not reflexive.
// However, it is the most specific type argument inferred for check. Therefore, an error is
// raised.
// We need a mechanism to not consider a qualifier in type inference.
// Ugly way around the problem:
Issue306.<@Nullable Object>check(x);
// The following error has to be raised: from the signature it is not guaranteed that the
// parameter is returned.
// :: error: (monotonic)
x = check(x);
@MonotonicNonNull Object y;
void realError(@MonotonicNonNull Object p) {
// :: error: (monotonic)
x = y;
// :: error: (monotonic)
x = p;
// It would be nice not to raise the following error.
// :: error: (monotonic)
x = x;