blob: a95788a7ae4924347e05aa2125a791981da54afb [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*;
interface GBList<E extends @Nullable Object> {
void add(E p);
* Illustrate a problem with annotations on type variables.
* The annotation on the upper bound of a type variable is confused with an
* annotation on the type variable itself.
public class GenericsBounds1<X extends @Nullable Object> {
void m1(@NonNull GBList<X> g1, @NonNull GBList<@Nullable X> g2) {
// :: error: (assignment)
g1 = null;
// :: error: (argument)
// :: error: (assignment)
g2 = null;
// :: error: (assignment)
g2 = g1;