blob: 3afeb1870a6d87f932fb50de580b5d3111d78e73 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import org.checkerframework.checker.testchecker.wholeprograminference.qual.Parent;
import org.checkerframework.checker.testchecker.wholeprograminference.qual.Sibling1;
import org.checkerframework.checker.testchecker.wholeprograminference.qual.Sibling2;
import org.checkerframework.checker.testchecker.wholeprograminference.qual.ToIgnore;
import org.checkerframework.checker.testchecker.wholeprograminference.qual.Top;
import org.checkerframework.checker.testchecker.wholeprograminference.qual.WholeProgramInferenceBottom;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.IgnoreInWholeProgramInference;
* This file contains expected errors that should exist even after the jaif type inference occurs.
public class ExpectedErrors {
// Case where the declared type is a supertype of the refined type.
private @Top int privateDeclaredField;
public @Top int publicDeclaredField;
// The type of both privateDeclaredField and publicDeclaredField are
// not refined to @WholeProgramInferenceBottom.
void assignFieldsToSibling1() {
privateDeclaredField = getSibling1();
publicDeclaredField = getSibling1();
void testFields() {
// :: warning: (argument)
// :: warning: (argument)
// Case where the declared type is a subtype of the refined type.
private @WholeProgramInferenceBottom int privateDeclaredField2;
public @WholeProgramInferenceBottom int publicDeclaredField2;
// The refinement cannot happen and an assignemnt type incompatible error occurs.
void assignFieldsToTop() {
// :: warning: (assignment)
privateDeclaredField2 = getTop();
// :: warning: (assignment)
publicDeclaredField2 = getTop();
// No errors should be issued below:
void assignFieldsToBot() {
privateDeclaredField2 = getBottom();
publicDeclaredField2 = getBottom();
// Testing that the types above were not widened.
void testFields2() {
// The default type for fields is @Top.
private static int lubPrivateField;
public static int lubPublicField;
void assignLubFieldsToSibling1() {
lubPrivateField = getSibling1();
lubPublicField = getSibling1();
static {
lubPrivateField = getSibling2();
lubPublicField = getSibling2();
void testLUBFields1() {
// :: warning: (argument)
// :: warning: (argument)
void testLUBFields2() {
// :: warning: (argument)
// :: warning: (argument)
private static boolean bool = false;
public static int lubTest() {
if (bool) {
return (@Sibling1 int) 0;
} else {
return (@Sibling2 int) 0;
public @Sibling1 int getSibling1Wrong() {
int x = lubTest();
// :: warning: (return)
return x;
public @Sibling2 int getSibling2Wrong() {
int x = lubTest();
// :: warning: (return)
return x;
void expectsSibling1(@Sibling1 int t) {}
void expectsSibling2(@Sibling2 int t) {}
void expectsBottom(@WholeProgramInferenceBottom int t) {}
void expectsBottom(@WholeProgramInferenceBottom String t) {}
void expectsTop(@Top int t) {}
void expectsParent(@Parent int t) {}
static @Sibling1 int getSibling1() {
return 0;
static @Sibling2 int getSibling2() {
return 0;
@WholeProgramInferenceBottom int getBottom() {
return 0;
@Top int getTop() {
return 0;
// Method Field.setBoolean != ExpectedErrors.setBoolean.
// No refinement should happen.
void test(Field f) throws Exception {
f.setBoolean(null, false);
void setBoolean(Object o, boolean b) {
// :: warning: (assignment)
@WholeProgramInferenceBottom Object bot = o;
public class SuppressWarningsTest {
// Tests that whole-program inference in a @SuppressWarnings block is ignored.
private int i;
private int i2;
public void suppressWarningsTest() {
i = (@Sibling1 int) 0;
i2 = getSibling1();
public void suppressWarningsTest2() {
SuppressWarningsInner.i = (@Sibling1 int) 0;
SuppressWarningsInner.i2 = getSibling1();
public void suppressWarningsValidation() {
// :: warning: (argument)
// :: warning: (argument)
// :: warning: (argument)
// :: warning: (argument)
// :: warning: (argument)
public int suppressWarningsMethodReturn() {
return getSibling1();
// It is problematic to automatically test whole-program inference for method params when
// suppressing warnings.
// Since we must use @SuppressWarnings() for the method, we won't be able to catch any error
// inside the method body. Verified manually that in the "annotated" folder param's type wasn't
// updated.
public void suppressWarningsMethodParams(int param) {}
static class SuppressWarningsInner {
public static int i;
public static int i2;
class NullTest {
// The default type for fields is @DefaultType.
private String privateField;
public String publicField;
// The types of both fields are not refined to @WholeProgramInferenceBottom, as whole-program
// inference never performs refinement in the presence of the null literal.
void assignFieldsToBottom() {
privateField = null;
publicField = null;
// Testing the refinement above.
void testFields() {
// :: warning: (argument)
// :: warning: (argument)
class IgnoreMetaAnnotationTest2 {
@ToIgnore int field;
@IgnoreInWholeProgramInference int field2;
void foo() {
field = getSibling1();
field2 = getSibling1();
void test() {
// :: warning: (argument)
// :: warning: (argument)
class AssignParam {
public void f(@WholeProgramInferenceBottom Object param) {
// :: warning: assignment
param = ((@Top Object) null);