blob: ed479fb5cf9dff97dee45fd35fbba4db6dd5d357 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* \file optimus_progress_ui.c
* \brief Show progress info to UI
* \version 1.0.0
* \date 2013/10/13
* \author Sam.Wu <>
* Copyright (c) 2013 Amlogic Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
#include "../v2_burning_i.h"
#include <bmp_layout.h>
#include <lcd.h>
#include <video_font.h>
extern int lcd_drawchars (ushort x, ushort y, uchar *str, int count);
#define lcd_drawchars(x, y, str, count)
#define lcd_printf(fmt...)
#endif// #ifdef CONFIG_VIDEO_AMLLCD
#define _VIDEO_DEV_OPEN "hdmitx hpd;osd open;osd clear;vout output ${outputmode};bmp scale;"
#define _VIDEO_DEV_OPEN "video dev bl_on;"
const char* const UpgradeLogoAddr = (const char*)(OPTIMUS_DOWNLOAD_DISPLAY_BUF + OPTIMUS_DOWNLOAD_SLOT_SZ);
static int optimus_prepare_upgrading_bmps(HIMAGE hImg)
char env_buf[96];
static const char* bmpsLoadAddr = (const char*)UpgradeLogoAddr;
int ret = 0;
sprintf(env_buf, "unpackimg 0x%p", bmpsLoadAddr);
ret = run_command(env_buf, 0);
if (!ret) return 0;
bmpsLoadAddr = UpgradeLogoAddr;//Reset to default if unapckimg directly failed
//imgread res logo ${loadaddr_misc};
sprintf(env_buf, "imgread res logo 0x%p", bmpsLoadAddr);
ret = run_command(env_buf, 0);
if (!ret) {
sprintf(env_buf, "unpackimg 0x%p", bmpsLoadAddr);
ret = run_command(env_buf, 0);
if (ret && hImg)
{//Failed to load logo resources from memory, then Load it from package
unsigned imgItemSz = 0;
DWN_MSG("Use upgrade res in pkg\n");
hItem = image_item_open(hImg, "logo", "aml_sdc_burn");
DWN_MSG("logo for sdc UPGRADE[%s]\n", hItem ? "aml_sdc_burn" : "PARTITION");
if (!hItem) {
hItem = image_item_open(hImg, "PARTITION", "logo");
if (!hItem) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to get logo.PARTITION for display logo\n");
return __LINE__;
imgItemSz = (unsigned)image_item_get_size(hItem);
const unsigned itemSzNotAligned = image_item_get_first_cluster_size(hImg, hItem);
if (itemSzNotAligned /*& 0x7*/) {//Not Aligned 8bytes/64bits, mmc dma read will failed
DWN_MSG("align 4 mmc read...\t");//Assert Make 'DDR' buffer addr align 8
bmpsLoadAddr += image_get_cluster_size(hImg);
bmpsLoadAddr -= itemSzNotAligned;
sprintf(env_buf, "unpackimg 0x%p", bmpsLoadAddr);
ret = image_item_read(hImg, hItem, (char*)bmpsLoadAddr, imgItemSz);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to read item logo\n");
image_item_close(hItem); return __LINE__;
ret = run_command(env_buf, 0);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Exception: Fail to unpack image in the package.\n");
return __LINE__;
return ret;
//if env upgrade_logo_offset exist, use bmp resources existed in memory
int video_res_prepare_for_upgrade(HIMAGE hImg)
const char* env_name = NULL;
int ret = 0;
ret = optimus_prepare_upgrading_bmps(hImg);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in loading bmps for upgradig\n");
return __LINE__;
//video prepare to show upgrade bmp
if (OPTIMUS_WORK_MODE_SDC_PRODUCE == optimus_work_mode_get())
DWN_MSG("LCD Initialize for upgrade:\n");
#endif// #ifdef CONFIG_VIDEO_AMLLCD
DWN_MSG("echo video prepare for upgrade\n");
env_name = _VIDEO_DEV_OPEN;
ret = run_command(env_name, 0);
/*if (ret) goto _fail;*/
return 0;
DWN_ERR("Fail in run_command[%s]\n", env_name);
return ret;
static int _show_burn_logo(const char* bmpOffsetName) //Display logo to report burning result is failed
int ret = 0;
char bmpCmd[64] = "bmp display %s";
char* bmpAddrEnv = getenv((char*)bmpOffsetName);
if (!bmpAddrEnv) {
DWN_MSG("Reload bmps env.\n");
ret = optimus_prepare_upgrading_bmps(NULL);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in re-unpack res img\n");
return __LINE__;
bmpAddrEnv = getenv((char*)bmpOffsetName);
sprintf(bmpCmd, "bmp display %s ", bmpAddrEnv);
ret = run_command(bmpCmd, 0);
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in run[%s], bmpOffsetName=%s\n", bmpCmd, bmpOffsetName);
return __LINE__;
/*run_command("bmp scale", 0);*/
return 0;
//Display logo to report platform is in burning state
int show_logo_to_report_burning(void)
return _show_burn_logo("upgrade_upgrading_offset");
int show_logo_to_report_burn_success(void)
int ret = 0;
ret = _show_burn_logo("upgrade_success_offset");
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in display logo upgrade_success_offset\n");
return __LINE__;
lcd_printf("PLS short-press the power key to shut down\n");
return 0;
static int show_logo_report_burn_ui_error(void)
int ret = 0;
ret = _show_burn_logo("upgrade_error_offset");
if (ret) {
DWN_ERR("Fail in display logo upgrade_error\n");
return __LINE__;
return 0;
//Horizontal progress bar
//_f means not changed after initialized
typedef struct _uiProgress{
//For smart mode
u64 smartModeTotalBytes_f;//fixed
u64 smartModeLeftBytes;
unsigned nDownBytesOnePercent_f;//update 1% if .nDownBytesOnePercent, (==.totalDownloadBytes/totalPercents)
//For total
int totalPercents_f; //Total width for display the progress bar, should < 'display_width'
int curPercent;//curent percent of the progress
int endPercent_f;//.endPercent + 1 - .startPerCent = .totalPercents, this field is fixed
int progressBarWidth_f;//pixel width of the progress bar bmp
int progressBarHeight_f;//pixel height of the progress bar bmp
unsigned totalProgressBarWidth_f;//total pixel width of the progress bar, use 'display_width'/100*100 ?
unsigned nProgressBarOnePercent_f;//times to display bar.if .totalProgressBarWidth=2000, .progressBarWidth=2, .totalPercents=100, then .nProgressBarOnePercent=10
int nextProgressBarX;
int progressBarY_f;//As this is a horizon progress bar, y coordinate is fixed.
int upgradeStepX_f;
int upgradeStepY_f;
unsigned bmpAddr_f;
unsigned reservToAlign64;
__hdle optimus_progress_ui_request(int totalPercents_f, int startPercent, unsigned long bmpBarAddr,
int display_width, int progressBarY_f )
UiProgress_t* pUiProgress = NULL;
bmp_header_t* bmpHeadInfo = (bmp_header_t*)bmpBarAddr;
const unsigned commonMultiple = totalPercents_f * bmpHeadInfo->width;
if (display_width < commonMultiple) {
DWN_ERR("pic width too large!! width(%d) * totalPercents_f(%d) >= display_width(%d)\n",
bmpHeadInfo->width, totalPercents_f, display_width);
show_logo_report_burn_ui_error(); return NULL;
pUiProgress = (UiProgress_t*)malloc(sizeof(UiProgress_t));
if (!pUiProgress) {
DWN_ERR("Fail when malloc for UiProgress_t\n");
show_logo_report_burn_ui_error(); return NULL;
pUiProgress->totalPercents_f = totalPercents_f;
pUiProgress->curPercent = startPercent;
pUiProgress->endPercent_f = startPercent + totalPercents_f;
pUiProgress->bmpAddr_f = bmpBarAddr;
pUiProgress->progressBarWidth_f = bmpHeadInfo->width;
pUiProgress->progressBarHeight_f = bmpHeadInfo->height;
DWN_MSG("w,h[%u,%u]\n", pUiProgress->progressBarWidth_f, pUiProgress->progressBarHeight_f);
pUiProgress->totalProgressBarWidth_f = /* common multiple of totalPercents_f and progress bar width */
(display_width / commonMultiple) * commonMultiple;
pUiProgress->nProgressBarOnePercent_f = pUiProgress->totalProgressBarWidth_f / totalPercents_f;
pUiProgress->nextProgressBarX = display_width - pUiProgress->totalProgressBarWidth_f;
pUiProgress->nextProgressBarX /= 2;
pUiProgress->progressBarY_f = progressBarY_f;
DWN_DBG("barYCor %d\n", progressBarY_f);
pUiProgress->upgradeStepX_f = pUiProgress->nextProgressBarX;
pUiProgress->upgradeStepY_f = progressBarY_f - VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT;
DWN_DBG("upgradeStepX_f %d, upgradeStepY_f %d\n", pUiProgress->upgradeStepX_f, pUiProgress->upgradeStepY_f);
DWN_DBG("totalProgressBarWidth_f %d, nProgressBarOnePercent_f %d, nextProgressBarX %d\n",
pUiProgress->totalProgressBarWidth_f, pUiProgress->nProgressBarOnePercent_f, pUiProgress->nextProgressBarX);
return (__hdle)pUiProgress;
int optimus_progress_ui_set_smart_mode(__hdle hUiProgress, const u64 smartModeTotalBytes_f, const unsigned smartModePercents)
UiProgress_t* pUiProgress = (UiProgress_t*)hUiProgress;
if (!smartModeTotalBytes_f || !smartModePercents) {
DWN_ERR("arg error!, smartModeTotalBytes_f %lld, smartModePercents %u\n", smartModeTotalBytes_f, smartModePercents);
return __LINE__;
pUiProgress->smartModeTotalBytes_f = smartModeTotalBytes_f;
pUiProgress->nDownBytesOnePercent_f = smartModeTotalBytes_f/smartModePercents;
DWN_DBG("nDownBytesOnePercent_f %d\n", pUiProgress->nDownBytesOnePercent_f);
pUiProgress->smartModeLeftBytes = 0;
return 0;
int optimus_progress_ui_set_unfocus_bkg(__hdle hUiProgress, unsigned long unfocusBmpAddr)
UiProgress_t* pUiProgress = (UiProgress_t*)hUiProgress;
bmp_header_t* bkgBmpHead = (bmp_header_t*)unfocusBmpAddr;
const unsigned barHeight = pUiProgress->progressBarHeight_f;
const unsigned bkgHeight = bkgBmpHead->height;
const unsigned bkgWidth = bkgBmpHead->width;
const int nProgressBar = pUiProgress->totalPercents_f
* pUiProgress->nProgressBarOnePercent_f / bkgWidth;
int progressBarX = pUiProgress->nextProgressBarX;
const int progressBarY = pUiProgress->progressBarY_f;
int i = 0;
//allow width not equal, but height must equal!
if (barHeight != bkgHeight) {
DWN_ERR("barHeight %d != bkgHeight %d\n", barHeight, bkgHeight);
return __LINE__;
//show the progress bar to update progress to video device
for (i=0; i < nProgressBar; ++i)
char cmd[64];
sprintf(cmd, "bmp display 0x%lx %d %d", unfocusBmpAddr, progressBarX, progressBarY);
if (run_command(cmd, 0)) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to in cmd[%s]\n", cmd);
return __LINE__;
progressBarX += bkgWidth;
//run_command("bmp scale", 0);
return 0;
static int optimus_progress_ui_set_steps(__hdle hUiProgress, int steps)
UiProgress_t* pUiProgress = (UiProgress_t*)hUiProgress;
const int curPercent = pUiProgress->curPercent;
char strStep[16];
sprintf(strStep, "%d%%", steps);
lcd_drawchars((ushort)pUiProgress->upgradeStepX_f, (ushort)pUiProgress->upgradeStepY_f, (uchar*)strStep, strlen(strStep));
lcd_printf("[OK]Open image\n");
lcd_printf("[OK]Disk initial\n");
lcd_printf("[OK]Burn Data Partitons\n");
lcd_printf("[OK]Burn bootloader\n");
return 0;
int optimus_progress_ui_direct_update_progress(__hdle hUiProgress, const int percents)
UiProgress_t* pUiProgress = (UiProgress_t*)hUiProgress;
const int nPercents = percents - pUiProgress->curPercent;
const int nProgressBar= nPercents * pUiProgress->nProgressBarOnePercent_f / pUiProgress->progressBarWidth_f;
int i = 0;
//if already up to this user percents, not need to update yet!
if (percents > pUiProgress->endPercent_f) {
DWN_ERR("user percents(%d) beyond max (%d)\n", percents, pUiProgress->endPercent_f);
return __LINE__;
if (nPercents <= 0) {
DWN_MSG("curPercent(%d) >= percents(%d)\n", pUiProgress->curPercent, percents);
return 0;
DWN_DBG("curPercent %d, percents %d, nPercents %d\n", pUiProgress->curPercent, percents, nPercents);
DWN_DBG("nProgressBar %d, %d\n", nProgressBar, pUiProgress->progressBarWidth_f);
//show the progress bar to update progress to video device
for (i=0; i < nProgressBar; ++i)
const int progressBarX = pUiProgress->nextProgressBarX;
const int progressBarY = pUiProgress->progressBarY_f;
const unsigned bmpAddr = pUiProgress->bmpAddr_f;
char cmd[64];
sprintf(cmd, "bmp display %x %d %d ", bmpAddr, progressBarX, progressBarY);
if (run_command(cmd, 0)) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to in cmd[%s]\n", cmd);
return __LINE__;
pUiProgress->nextProgressBarX += pUiProgress->progressBarWidth_f;
//run_command("bmp scale", 0);
pUiProgress->curPercent = percents;
optimus_progress_ui_set_steps(hUiProgress, percents);
return 0;
//intelligent mode, update progress by download bytes
int optimus_progress_ui_update_by_bytes(__hdle hUiPrgress, const unsigned nBytes)
UiProgress_t* pUiProgress = (UiProgress_t*)hUiPrgress;
const unsigned nDownBytesOnePercent_f = pUiProgress->nDownBytesOnePercent_f;
const unsigned bytesNotReport = nBytes + pUiProgress->smartModeLeftBytes;
int percentsIncreased = 0;
unsigned leftBytes = 0;
int ret = 0;
int percentsToReport = 0;
//bytes not enghout to update one percent
if (bytesNotReport < nDownBytesOnePercent_f)
pUiProgress->smartModeLeftBytes = bytesNotReport;
return 0;
percentsIncreased = bytesNotReport / nDownBytesOnePercent_f;
leftBytes = bytesNotReport - percentsIncreased * nDownBytesOnePercent_f;
percentsToReport = percentsIncreased + pUiProgress->curPercent;
DWN_DBG("update ui to [%d%%]\n", percentsToReport);
ret = optimus_progress_ui_direct_update_progress(hUiPrgress, percentsToReport);
pUiProgress->smartModeLeftBytes = leftBytes;
return ret;
int optimus_progress_ui_release(__hdle hUiPrgress)
UiProgress_t* pUiProgress = (UiProgress_t*)hUiPrgress;
DWN_MSG("Release prgress bar res\n");
if (pUiProgress)
free(pUiProgress), pUiProgress = NULL;
return 0;
__hdle optimus_progress_ui_request_for_sdc_burn(void)
__hdle hUiProgress = NULL;
unsigned barAddr = simple_strtoul(getenv("upgrade_bar_offset"), NULL, 0);
unsigned display_width = simple_strtoul(getenv("fb_width"), NULL, 0);
unsigned display_height = simple_strtoul(getenv("fb_height"), NULL, 0);
bmp_header_t* upgrading = (bmp_header_t*)simple_strtoul(getenv("upgrade_upgrading_offset"), NULL, 0);
const unsigned loadingHeight = upgrading->height;
const unsigned barYCor =
(3* display_height + loadingHeight)/4;//display_height - (display_height/2 - loadingHeight/2)/2;
unsigned unfocusBmpAddr = simple_strtoul(getenv("upgrade_unfocus_offset"), NULL, 0);
if (!barAddr) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"upgrade_bar_offset", getenv("upgrade_bar_offset"));
return NULL;
if (!display_width) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"fb_width", getenv("fb_width"));
show_logo_report_burn_ui_error(); return NULL;
if (!display_height) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"fb_height", getenv("fb_height")); return NULL;
if (!upgrading) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"upgrade_upgrading_offset", getenv("upgrade_upgrading_offset"));
show_logo_report_burn_ui_error(); return NULL;
if (!unfocusBmpAddr) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"upgrade_unfocus_offset", getenv("upgrade_unfocus_offset"));
show_logo_report_burn_ui_error(); return NULL;
DWN_DBG("upgrade_unfocus_offset=%s\n", getenv("upgrade_unfocus_offset"));
DWN_MSG("dw,dh[%u, %u]\n", display_width, display_height);
hUiProgress = optimus_progress_ui_request(100, 0,barAddr, display_width, barYCor);
if (!hUiProgress) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to request progress bar\n");
return NULL;
if (optimus_progress_ui_set_unfocus_bkg(hUiProgress, unfocusBmpAddr)) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to set bkg\n");
return NULL;;
return hUiProgress;
int optimus_progress_ui_report_upgrade_stat(__hdle hUiProgress, const int isSuccess)
UiProgress_t* pUiProgress = (UiProgress_t*)hUiProgress;
const int curPercent = pUiProgress->curPercent;
if (isSuccess)
optimus_progress_ui_direct_update_progress(hUiProgress, 100);
lcd_printf("Burning Success^^\nPLS SHORT-PRESS the power key to shut down\n");
return 0;
lcd_printf("[Failed] at ");
//Followings failure
lcd_printf("Disk initial!!\n");
lcd_printf("Burning Data Partitons[%d%%]\n", curPercent);
lcd_printf("Burning bootloader\n");
lcd_printf("Burn complete\n");
lcd_printf("PLS LONG-PRESS the power key to shut down\n");
return 0;
int optimus_progress_ui_printf(const char* fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
return 0;
static int do_progress_bar_test(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
//bmp display $upgrade_bar_offset x,y,width
static __hdle hProgressBar = NULL;
int percents = 0;
if (argc < 2) {
return __LINE__;
if (!strcmp("rel", argv[1])) {
hProgressBar = NULL;
return 0;
run_command("imgread res logo $loadaddr; unpackimg $loadaddr", 0);
run_command("setenv outputmode 1080p60hz;", 0);
if (!hProgressBar)
unsigned barAddr = simple_strtoul(getenv("upgrade_bar_offset"), NULL, 0);
unsigned display_width = simple_strtoul(getenv("fb_width"), NULL, 0);
unsigned display_height = simple_strtoul(getenv("fb_height"), NULL, 0);
bmp_header_t* upgrading = (bmp_header_t*)simple_strtoul(getenv("upgrade_upgrading_offset"), NULL, 0);
const unsigned loadingHeight = upgrading->height;
const unsigned barYCor =
(3* display_height + loadingHeight)/4;//display_height - (display_height/2 - loadingHeight/2)/2;
unsigned unfocusBmpAddr = simple_strtoul(getenv("upgrade_unfocus_offset"), NULL, 0);
if (!barAddr) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"upgrade_bar_offset", getenv("upgrade_bar_offset")); return __LINE__;
if (!display_width) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"fb_width", getenv("fb_width")); return __LINE__;
if (!display_height) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"fb_height", getenv("fb_height")); return __LINE__;
if (!upgrading) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"upgrade_upgrading_offset", getenv("upgrade_upgrading_offset")); return __LINE__;
if (!unfocusBmpAddr) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to getenv[%s=%s]\n",
"upgrade_unfocus_offset", getenv("upgrade_unfocus_offset")); return __LINE__;
hProgressBar = optimus_progress_ui_request(100, 0, barAddr, display_width, barYCor);
if (!hProgressBar) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to request progress bar\n");
return __LINE__;
if (optimus_progress_ui_set_unfocus_bkg(hProgressBar, unfocusBmpAddr)) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to set bkg\n");
return __LINE__;
//dir: directly show percents
if (!strcmp("dir", argv[1]))
percents = simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
optimus_progress_ui_direct_update_progress(hProgressBar, percents);
else if(!strcmp("nb", argv[1]))//smart mode, display in bytes
static u64 dataBytes = 0;
unsigned nBytes = simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
if (!dataBytes) {
dataBytes = 2u*1024*1024*1024;
if (optimus_progress_ui_set_smart_mode(hProgressBar, dataBytes, 90)) {
DWN_ERR("Fail to set smart mode\n");
return __LINE__;
optimus_progress_ui_update_by_bytes(hProgressBar, nBytes);
return 0;
bar, //command name
5, //maxargs
0, //repeatable
do_progress_bar_test, //command function
"Test dynamic upgrade progress bar", //description
"argv: dir [percents]: show percents directlry\n"//usage
"argv: nb [bytes]: smart mode, show percents with bytes\n"//usage