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* Copyright (c) 2018 The Fuchsia Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef _ZIRCON_IMAGE_H_
#define _ZIRCON_IMAGE_H_
// Zircon Boot Image format (ZBI).
// A Zircon Boot Image consists of a container header followed by boot
// items. Each boot item has a header (zbi_header_t) and then a payload of
// zbi_header_t.length bytes, which can be any size. The zbi_header_t.type
// field indicates how to interpret the payload. Many types specify an
// additional type-specific header that begins a variable-sized payload.
// zbi_header_t.length does not include the zbi_header_t itself, but does
// include any type-specific headers as part of the payload. All fields in
// all header formats are little-endian.
// Padding bytes appear after each item as needed to align the payload size
// up to a ZBI_ALIGNMENT (8-byte) boundary. This padding is not reflected
// in the zbi_header_t.length value.
// A "complete" ZBI can be booted by a Zircon-compatible boot loader.
// It contains one ZBI_TYPE_KERNEL_{ARCH} boot item that must come first,
// followed by any number of additional boot items, which must include
// exactly one ZBI_TYPE_STORAGE_BOOTFS item.
// A partial ZBI cannot be booted, and is only used during the build process.
// It contains one or more boot items and can be combined with other ZBIs to
// make a complete ZBI.
// All items begin at an 8-byte aligned offset into the image.
#define ZBI_ALIGNMENT (8)
// Round n up to the next 8 byte boundary
#define ZBI_ALIGN(n) (((n) + ZBI_ALIGNMENT - 1) & -ZBI_ALIGNMENT)
// LSW of sha256("bootdata")
#define ZBI_CONTAINER_MAGIC (0x868cf7e6)
// LSW of sha256("bootitem")
#define ZBI_ITEM_MAGIC (0xb5781729)
// This flag is always required.
#define ZBI_FLAG_VERSION (0x00010000)
// ZBI items with the CRC32 flag must have a valid crc32.
// Otherwise their crc32 field must contain ZBI_ITEM_NO_CRC32
#define ZBI_FLAG_CRC32 (0x00020000)
// Value for zbi_header_t.crc32 when ZBI_FLAG_CRC32 is not set.
#define ZBI_ITEM_NO_CRC32 (0x4a87e8d6)
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
// Each header must be 8-byte aligned. The length field specifies the
// actual payload length and does not include the size of padding.
typedef struct {
// ZBI_TYPE_* constant, see below.
uint32_t type;
// Size of the payload immediately following this header. This
// does not include the header itself nor any alignment padding
// after the payload.
uint32_t length;
// Type-specific extra data. Each type specifies the use of this
// field; see below. When not explicitly specified, it should be zero.
uint32_t extra;
// Flags for this item. This must always include ZBI_FLAG_VERSION.
// It should contain ZBI_FLAG_CRC32 for any item where it's feasible
// to compute the CRC32 at build time. Other flags are specific to
// each type; see below.
uint32_t flags;
// For future expansion. Set to 0.
uint32_t reserved0;
uint32_t reserved1;
// Must be ZBI_ITEM_MAGIC.
uint32_t magic;
// Must be the CRC32 of payload if ZBI_FLAG_CRC32 is set,
// otherwise must be ZBI_ITEM_NO_CRC32.
uint32_t crc32;
} zbi_header_t;
// Each ZBI starts with a container header.
// length: Total size of the image after this header.
// This includes all item headers, payloads, and padding.
// It does not include the container header itself.
// Must be a multiple of ZBI_ALIGNMENT.
// extra: Must be ZBI_CONTAINER_MAGIC.
// flags: Must be ZBI_FLAG_VERSION and no other flags.
#define ZBI_TYPE_CONTAINER (0x544f4f42) // BOOT
// Define a container header in assembly code. The symbol name is defined
// as a local label; use .global symbol to make it global. The length
// argument can use assembly label arithmetic like any immediate operand.
#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
#define ZBI_CONTAINER_HEADER(symbol, length) \
.balign ZBI_ALIGNMENT; \
symbol: \
.int (length); \
.int 0; \
.int 0; \
.int ZBI_ITEM_NO_CRC32; \
.size symbol, . - symbol; \
.type symbol, %object
// The kernel image. In a complete ZBI this item must always be first,
// immediately after the ZBI_TYPE_CONTAINER header. The contiguous memory
// image of the kernel is formed from the ZBI_TYPE_CONTAINER header, the
// ZBI_TYPE_KERNEL_{ARCH} header, and the payload.
// The boot loader loads the whole image starting with the container header
// through to the end of the kernel item's payload into contiguous physical
// memory. It then constructs a partial ZBI elsewhere in memory, which has
// a ZBI_TYPE_CONTAINER header of its own followed by all the other items
// that were in the booted ZBI plus other items synthesized by the boot
// loader to describe the machine. The precise protocol for transferring
// control to the kernel's entry point varies by machine.
// TODO(mcgrathr): On all machines, the kernel requires some amount of
// scratch memory to be available immediately after the kernel image at
// boot. It needs this space for early setup work before it has a chance
// to read any memory-map information from the boot loader. Currently, the
// kernel simply assumes that enough space is available and clobbers some
// memory after its load image. (In zircon-image.elf, the IMAGE_RESERVE_END
// symbol indicates the end of the address range that will be clobbered.)
// If the boot loader happened to place its constructed ZBI or other reserved
// areas immediately after the kernel image, things would go badly.
// We should amend the protocol with the boot loader so that it knows how
// much space to reserve after the kernel image. Either zbi_header_t.extra
// or zbi_kernel_t.reserved could be repurposed for this.
// x86-64
// The kernel assumes it was loaded at a fixed physical address of
// 0x100000 (1MB). zbi_kernel_t.entry is the absolute physical address
// of the PC location where the kernel will start.
// TODO(SEC-31): Perhaps this will change??
// The processor is in 64-bit mode with direct virtual to physical
// mapping covering the physical memory where the kernel and
// bootloader-constructed ZBI were loaded, which must be below 4GB.
// The %rbx register (or %ebx, since the high 32 bits must be zero)
// holds the physical address of the bootloader-constructed ZBI.
// All other registers are unspecified.
// ARM64
// zbi_kernel_t.entry is an offset from the beginning of the image
// (i.e., the ZBI_TYPE_CONTAINER header before the ZBI_TYPE_KERNEL_ARM64
// header) to the PC location in the image where the kernel will
// start. The processor is in physical address mode at EL1 or
// above. The kernel image and the bootloader-constructed ZBI each
// can be loaded anywhere in physical memory. The x0 register
// holds the physical address of the bootloader-constructed ZBI.
// All other registers are unspecified.
#define ZBI_TYPE_KERNEL_PREFIX (0x004e524b) // KRN\0
#define ZBI_TYPE_KERNEL_X64 (0x4c4e524b) // KRNL
#define ZBI_TYPE_KERNEL_ARM64 (0x384e524b) // KRN8
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
// Entry-point address. The interpretation of this differs by machine.
uint64_t entry;
// Reserved for future use.
uint64_t reserved;
} zbi_kernel_t;
// The whole contiguous image loaded into memory by the boot loader.
typedef struct {
zbi_header_t hdr_file;
zbi_header_t hdr_kernel;
zbi_kernel_t data_kernel;
// Some unspecified amount of available memory follows.
// TODO(mcgrathr): Make it hdr_kernel.extra bytes?
uint8_t reserved[];
} zircon_kernel_t;
// A discarded item that should just be ignored. This is used for an
// item that was already processed and should be ignored by whatever
// stage is now looking at the ZBI. An earlier stage already "consumed"
// this information, but avoided copying data around to remove it from
// the ZBI item stream.
#define ZBI_TYPE_DISCARD (0x50494b53) // SKIP
// ZBI_TYPE_STORAGE_* types represent an image that might otherwise
// appear on some block storage device, i.e. a RAM disk of some sort.
// All zbi_header_t fields have the same meanings for all these types.
// The interpretation of the payload (after possible decompression) is
// indicated by the specific zbi_header_t.type value.
// If ZBI_FLAG_STORAGE_COMPRESSED is set in zbi_header_t.flags, then the
// payload is compressed with LZ4 and zbi_header_t.extra gives the exact
// size of the decompressed payload. If ZBI_FLAG_STORAGE_COMPRESSED is
// not set, then zbi_header_t.extra matches zbi_header_t.length.
// TODO(mcgrathr): Document or point to the details of the LZ4 header format.
#define ZBI_FLAG_STORAGE_COMPRESSED (0x00000001)
// A virtual disk image. This is meant to be treated as if it were a
// storage device. The payload (after decompression) is the contents of
// the storage device, in whatever format that might be.
#define ZBI_TYPE_STORAGE_RAMDISK (0x4b534452) // RDSK
// The /boot filesystem in BOOTFS format, specified below.
// A complete ZBI must have exactly one ZBI_TYPE_STORAGE_BOOTFS item.
// Zircon [userboot](../../../../docs/ handles the contents
// of this filesystem.
#define ZBI_TYPE_STORAGE_BOOTFS (0x42534642) // BFSB
// The payload (after decompression) of an item in BOOTFS format consists
// of separate "file" images that are each aligned to ZBI_BOOTFS_PAGE_SIZE
// bytes from the beginning of the item payload. The first "file" consists
// of a zbi_bootfs_header_t followed by directory entries.
#define ZBI_BOOTFS_PAGE_SIZE (4096u)
#define ZBI_BOOTFS_PAGE_ALIGN(size) \
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
uint32_t magic;
// Size in bytes of all the directory entries.
// Does not include the size of the zbi_bootfs_header_t.
uint32_t dirsize;
// Reserved for future use. Set to 0.
uint32_t reserved0;
uint32_t reserved1;
} zbi_bootfs_header_t;
// LSW of sha256("bootfs")
#define ZBI_BOOTFS_MAGIC (0xa56d3ff9)
// Each directory entry holds a pathname and gives the offset and size
// of the contents of the file by that name.
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
// Length of the name[] field at the end. This length includes the
// NUL terminator, which must be present, but does not include any
// alignment padding required before the next directory entry.
uint32_t name_len;
// Length of the file in bytes. This is an exact size that is not
// rounded, though the file is always padded with zeros up to a
// multiple of ZBI_BOOTFS_PAGE_SIZE.
uint32_t data_len;
// Offset from the beginning of the payload (zbi_bootfs_header_t) to
// the file's data. This must be a multiple of ZBI_BOOTFS_PAGE_SIZE.
uint32_t data_off;
// Pathname of the file, a UTF-8 string. This must include a NUL
// terminator at the end. It must not begin with a '/', but it may
// contain '/' separators for subdirectories.
char name[];
} zbi_bootfs_dirent_t;
// Each directory entry has a variable size of [16,268] bytes that
// must be a multiple of 4 bytes.
#define ZBI_BOOTFS_DIRENT_SIZE(name_len) \
((sizeof(zbi_bootfs_dirent_t) + (name_len) + 3) & -(size_t)4)
// zbi_bootfs_dirent_t.name_len must be > 1 and <= ZBI_BOOTFS_MAX_NAME_LEN.
// The remaining types are used to communicate information from the boot
// loader to the kernel. Usually these are synthesized in memory by the
// boot loader, but they can also be included in a ZBI along with the
// kernel and BOOTFS. Some boot loaders may set the zbi_header_t flags
// and crc32 fields to zero, though setting them to ZBI_FLAG_VERSION and
// ZBI_ITEM_NO_CRC32 is specified. The kernel doesn't check.
// A kernel command line fragment, a NUL-terminated UTF-8 string.
// Multiple ZBI_TYPE_CMDLINE items can appear. They are treated as if
// concatented with ' ' between each item, in the order they appear:
// first items in the complete ZBI containing the kernel; then items in
// the ZBI synthesized by the boot loader. The kernel interprets the
// [whole command line](../../../../docs/
#define ZBI_TYPE_CMDLINE (0x4c444d43) // CMDL
// The crash log from the previous boot, a UTF-8 string.
#define ZBI_TYPE_CRASHLOG (0x4d4f4f42) // BOOM
// Physical memory region that will persist across warm boots.
// zbi_nvram_t gives the physical base address and length in bytes.
#define ZBI_TYPE_NVRAM (0x4c4c564e) // NVLL
// This reflects a typo we need to support for a while.
#define ZBI_TYPE_NVRAM_DEPRECATED (0x4c4c5643) // CVLL
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
uint64_t base;
uint64_t length;
} zbi_nvram_t;
// Platform ID Information.
#define ZBI_TYPE_PLATFORM_ID (0x44494C50) // PLID
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
uint32_t vid;
uint32_t pid;
char board_name[32];
} zbi_platform_id_t;
// CPU configuration, a zbi_cpu_config_t header followed by one or more
// zbi_cpu_cluster_t entries. zbi_header_t.length must equal
// zbi_cpu_config_t.cluster_count * sizeof(zbi_cpu_cluster_t).
#define ZBI_TYPE_CPU_CONFIG (0x43555043) // CPUC
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
// Number of CPU cores in the cluster.
uint32_t cpu_count;
// Reserved for future use. Set to 0.
uint32_t type;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t reserved;
} zbi_cpu_cluster_t;
typedef struct {
// Number of zbi_cpu_cluster_t entries following this header.
uint32_t cluster_count;
// Reserved for future use. Set to 0.
uint32_t reserved[3];
// cluster_count entries follow.
zbi_cpu_cluster_t clusters[];
} zbi_cpu_config_t;
// Memory configuration, one or more zbi_mem_range_t entries.
// zbi_header_t.length is sizeof(zbi_mem_range_t) times the number of entries.
#define ZBI_TYPE_MEM_CONFIG (0x434D454D) // MEMC
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
uint64_t paddr;
uint64_t length;
uint32_t type;
uint32_t reserved;
} zbi_mem_range_t;
#define ZBI_MEM_RANGE_RAM (1)
// Kernel driver configuration. The zbi_header_t.extra field gives a
// KDRV_* type that determines the payload format.
// See [driver-config.h](<zircon/boot/driver-config.h>) for details.
#define ZBI_TYPE_KERNEL_DRIVER (0x5652444B) // KDRV
// ACPI Root Table Pointer, a uint64_t physical address.
#define ZBI_TYPE_ACPI_RSDP (0x50445352) // RSDP
// SMBIOS entry point, a uint64_t physical address.
#define ZBI_TYPE_SMBIOS (0x49424d53) // SMBI
// EFI memory map, a uint64_t entry size followed by a sequence of
// EFI memory descriptors aligned on that entry size.
#define ZBI_TYPE_EFI_MEMORY_MAP (0x4d494645) // EFIM
// EFI system table, a uint64_t physical address.
#define ZBI_TYPE_EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE (0x53494645) // EFIS
// E820 memory table, an array of e820entry_t.
#define ZBI_TYPE_E820_TABLE (0x30323845) // E820
// Debug serial port, a zbi_uart_t entry.
#define ZBI_TYPE_DEBUG_UART (0x54524155) // UART
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
uint64_t base;
uint32_t type;
uint32_t irq;
} zbi_uart_t;
#define ZBI_UART_NONE (0)
#define ZBI_UART_PC_PORT (1)
#define ZBI_UART_PC_MMIO (2)
// Framebuffer parameters, a zbi_swfb_t entry.
#define ZBI_TYPE_FRAMEBUFFER (0x42465753) // SWFB
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
// Physical memory address.
uint64_t base;
// Pixel layout and format.
// See [../pixelformat.h](<zircon/pixelformat.h>).
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t stride;
uint32_t format;
} zbi_swfb_t;
// ZBI_TYPE_DRV_* types (LSB is 'm') contain driver metadata.
#define ZBI_TYPE_DRV_METADATA(type) (((type) & 0xFF) == 0x6D) // 'm'
// MAC address for Ethernet, Wifi, Bluetooth, etc. zbi_header_t.extra
// is a board-specific index to specify which device the MAC address
// applies to. zbi_header_t.length gives the size in bytes, which
// varies depending on the type of address appropriate for the device.
#define ZBI_TYPE_DRV_MAC_ADDRESS (0x43414D6D) // mMAC
// A partition map for a storage device, a zbi_partition_map_t header
// followed by one or more zbi_partition_t entries. zbi_header_t.extra
// is a board-specific index to specify which device this applies to.
#define ZBI_TYPE_DRV_PARTITION_MAP (0x5452506D) // mPRT
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef struct {
// GUID specifying the format and use of data stored in the partition.
uint8_t type_guid[ZBI_PARTITION_GUID_LEN];
// GUID unique to this partition.
uint8_t uniq_guid[ZBI_PARTITION_GUID_LEN];
// First and last block occupied by this partition.
uint64_t first_block;
uint64_t last_block;
// Reserved for future use. Set to 0.
uint64_t flags;
} zbi_partition_t;
typedef struct {
// Total blocks used on the device.
uint64_t block_count;
// Size of each block in bytes.
uint64_t block_size;
// Number of partitions in the map.
uint32_t partition_count;
// Reserved for future use.
uint32_t reserved;
// Device GUID.
// parition_count partition entries follow.
zbi_partition_t partitions[];
} zbi_partition_map_t;
#endif // _ZIRCON_IMAGE_H_